Mindful Moments: Perfecting The Pause - Final Chapter (for Beta-Readers)

in #life4 years ago (edited)

For those of you who weren’t aware, I made this announcement over a month ago about my new book.

In That Original Post I Explained...

Over the next few months, I’ll be rereading all of the post comments, enhancing the posts, and crafting them into the final chapters. When these chapters are complete I’ll have an open call for beta-readers on Hive to read the manuscript and offer feedback.

What Is A Beta-Reader? (from Wikipedia)

Beta Reader: a test reader of an unreleased work of literature or other writing (similar to beta testing in software), who gives feedback from the point of view of an average reader to the author. A beta reader is not a professional and can therefore provide advice and comments in the opinions of an average reader. This feedback is used by the writer to fix remaining issues with plot, pacing, and consistency. The beta reader also serves as a sounding board to see if the book has had the intended emotional impact.

The Process Of Writing Mindful Moments

This book project has been like no other one I’ve ever worked on. First, it’s taken way longer to write than a book written in the traditional way. Secondly, it’s been so much more enjoyable to let the ideas for the chapters naturally bubble up into my imagination.

I thank you in advance for your notes and feedback in the comments below. It’s been very valuable to me so far and will help to create a book which, hopefully, helps lots of people improve their lives for many years to come.

Final Thoughts

I really appreciate all of you who've followed these posts over the last month! We wrapped up right on schedule. It's been an interesting experiment and I've received some useful feedback. I'd offer a special thanks to @preparedwombat for his editing suggestions and @bozz for the subtitle idea. Each of you will be getting an autographed copy for your efforts.

Today, I chose the paper and ink type (Black ink and 55# '90 GSM' white paper). This week I'll be making final corrections to the manuscript, receiving the illustrations from Ophelia, and then the book will be off to the designer!

Mindful Moments will have one additional chapter that I didn't publish here and some additional bonus material. The meditation sections at the end of each chapter will also be revised a bit to make them all a little more unique.

It's been three years since I've launched a book so I'm very excited for this fall! Thanks again and I'll be posting regular updates in my Saturday Musings posts about the progress of this project! I can't wait for you all to see the final product.

Chapter Ten – Negativity, A Roadmap To Self-Improvement

We live in tumultuous times and there’s plenty to be angry about in the world today. All we have to do is tune into mainstream media or scroll through our social media feeds to see a flurry of hate, envy, anger, disgust, and outrage. Negativity is as large of an epidemic as the current pandemic we’re all struggling through and in some ways is even more contagious. People have become addicted to negativity and are drawn to it again and again, like a drug.

Unless you’re willing to completely retreat from society and become a hermit there’s no way to fully shield yourself from negativity. Some feelings of negativity are warranted and even valuable because they can provide a catalyst for change. These uncomfortable feelings can even provide a roadmap to us for our own self-improvement. We must learn to not only manage these feelings but also learn to listen to what these feelings of negativity are trying to tell us about ourselves. It’s imperative to our own well-being that we figure this out.

Science is beginning to prove that negative emotions, if left unchecked and unprocessed, are like poison to both the mental and physical health of the person who holds onto them. Holding onto negativity for any length of time can lead to a multitude of mental and medical problems like depression, anxiety, high blood pressure, coronary artery disease, and even cancer. We must learn to master these negative emotions and release them or they will master us by stealing away our personal power, life balance, and destroying our inner peace.

How can we successfully manage our negative feelings?

  1. We can take the reactive approach and attempt to quell anger that already exists inside of us through regular meditation; or
  2. We can take it a step further and try to get to the root of why certain behaviors and situations trigger our negative emotions to begin with.

I recommend a combination of both #1 and #2.

“Everything that irritates us about others can lead us to an understanding about ourselves.” - Carl Jung

[add illustration here]

Thought Exercise

Take a few moments to think of a person in recent days that has annoyed you in some way, even the example seems vague or insignificant. What exact traits and behaviors in that person angered or annoyed you? Now think about whether or not you yourself exhibit the same behavior that you’re despising in the other person. Is there a time when you did the same thing yourself?

Although it’s often unconscious, we recognize our own flaws and deficiencies and this makes it easier to recognize these traits in others and we often hate them for it. When we experience hate or anger the source or trigger of these negative emotions often represent everything we wish we weren’t. Also, when we feel envy or jealousy the trigger of these emotions represent things that we wish we were or things we wish we had. Pause a moment to let that sink in and in time you’ll realize how much truth there is in it.

“...negative emotions often represent everything we wish we weren’t.”

[add illustration here]

Ego, Friend or Foe?

At first your ego will try to create a smokescreen by manifesting excuses and denial. Your ego is a great deceiver and probably the largest roadblock to your own self-improvement. However, if you sift through the excuses the truth will become more clear. With patience and courage to face the truth, we can begin to work on improving these negative aspects of ourselves.

Again, when you experience anger/hate the steps are:

  1. Focus on the negative emotion. Pinpoint the exact behavior in others that triggers feelings of anger/hate;
  2. Identify that behavior in yourself. In what ways do you exhibit the same behavior? Think of a precise example; and
  3. Work on self-improvement. Make it a mission to try to fix these aspects of yourself. By doing so you’ll kill the anger/hate at its very roots.

Now repeat this process with every negative emotion you feel. Of course, this won’t eliminate all instances of negative emotion, sometimes people are just difficult, but it will get rid of a lot of them and will give you a much greater understanding of yourself in the process.


If you discover the feelings of negativity aren't rooted in yourself the following meditation/affirmation is a great way to eliminate the poison of negativity and prevent damage to your mental and physical health.

Find a quiet place that will be free from distractions. Sit upright in a comfortable chair with your eyes closed and concentrate on your breath for a count of thirty...to breathe properly for meditation just remember,

  • INHALE through your nose for a count of 5 (sniff the flower), as you breathe in imagine positive energy and bright white light filling up your body;
  • HOLD the breath for a count of 5 (pause), feel the positive energy coursing through your being;
  • EXHALE from your mouth for a count of 7 (blow out the candle), as you breathe out feel the negativity escaping through your breath.


Repeat the following lines:

Whisper words of sadness, release them from your soul.
Watch each sorrow take its flight, feel what it is to be whole.
Embrace the calm, revel in peace, absence of pain, all worries cease.
You deserve every happiness, you deserve to be free.
Whisper these words in perfect peace and you will forever after be.

After you recite the lines of this poem, linger in the feelings of serenity for a few minutes. Focus entirely on the peace you feel and ways in which you can improve your own behavior and become a better version of yourself.

[Insert 6 blank “Notes” pages]

In Gratitude,

~ Eric Vance Walton ~

I am an American novelist, poet, traveler, and crypto-enthusiast. If you’ve enjoyed my work please sign up for my author newsletter at my website. Newsletter subscribers will receive exclusive updates and special offers and your information will never be sold or shared.

Alarm Clock Dawn, one of the first full length novels published on the blockchain, and the book that started it all for me can be found HERE. Or Click Here to read it for free on the blockchain

My meditation book, The Perfect Pause, is priced at $12.99 (paperback) and $4.99 (eBook). Buy the paperback and receive the eBook for free!

Let’s Keep In Touch



You've written so beautiful about negative emotions and how to cope with them and also understand them. Thank you!

Thank you for reading @creativemary!

My pleasure!

hello dear friend @ericvancewalton
How happy to know that everything is up and running, even that you have already chosen the paper and ink that you will use in your book
Undoubtedly, negativity is an evil that can hurt us a lot if we do not do something to control it or turn it into something good that encourages us to improve.
I really appreciate the tips you provide on how to control negativity.
Thank you very much for giving us this preview of your book.
have a wonderful afternoon

Good morning! Yes, things are moving along! I hope to share a few book cover options soon. Have a great day my friend!

We definitely have to control negative emotions because they are the ones that can hurt us the most. In these moments when uncertainty and fear are hovering around us, it is best to keep them at a distance so that they do not interfere with our peace, which is what we must cultivate and protect. Very good the meditation that you propose, friend. I always try to say: I'm fine, I believe it, nothing can disturb me, I'm strong and I keep in peace in spite of the difficulties. Thank you for your advice and guidance, this book is a great help in the times we live in. Greetings, a hug, @ericvancewalton

Thank you @aurodivys! Those affirmations you use are perfect. Simple words are best for affirmations, something we can easily remember and recite when we need them most. I'm so excited to share the final book with you all. I'll be posting different book cover designs within the next few weeks to get feedback on. Take care and have a wonderful week!

A lovely end to this chapter. Negative emotions will always be around us but how we take them in and handle them is what matters. Honestly i feel like all i seem to have is ngative thoughts. I gope to implement some of the things i have learnt Thank you for sharing this. It was worth while.

Thanks! I'm glad you found it helpful! These are challenging times and I think all of us are struggling with more negative thoughts. If you can do just one simple meditation every day it will help. Even if it's just conscious breathing.

Another informative post is here. You describe well the things related to our mind. Today i first heard about beta reader. This is good idea before publish.

I don't know if you know directly or if you practice yoga, but this is also a good de-stressing and de-toxing technique, it has even helped me personally with my posture and back pain.

But wait, oh no! Final chapter???? Ok now I see I arrived so late, so sad. Well, I still enjoyed it very much, I like your way of thinking and I everything you mentioned was very accurate! Good luck with your publication! Hope to see your book soon.

I was left with the desire to continue reading.

I do practice yoga, both hatha and kriya. I had a weight lifting accident when I was 19 and hurt my back. I was led to yoga to relieve that pain. The child's pose always helps my lower back pain.

I'm glad you enjoyed it. For finding the book late you were one of the people who offered some of the best feedback. I appreciate the time you spent. I'll have many more updates on this project soon. Enjoy the week!

OMG, i´m so glad to hear that!! I believe 100% that your book can help many people! Good luck with it!! And i will totally recommend it.

Now i see that you gave me 25 hive dolars😱 and so much love in my blog!!! I think i´m going to cry!! Thank you so much! Hope to see more of your content soon.

You're welcome! Thank you for the thorough comments and suggestions!

Very nice! I actually had to block someone pretty close to me on Facebook this weekend. Okay, not block, but I unfollowed them. It was really hard going through my feed every day and just reading all of this stuff that would break my heart and turn my stomach. I know that isn't what the person is like deep down, but the stuff they are sharing and reposting is just horrible. I finally realized I can still be friends and not have to look at that stuff all day. I know I won't change their mind, but I hope one day they see the light.

Thank you! It's great that you can make the distinction between who they are and their online behavior. Many people can't do that in today's world. Some would say a person's online behavior is who they really are but don't have the courage to show in real, face-to-face life but I don't think this is always the case. Sometimes people just enjoy the dopamine hit from getting engagement on social media.

I hope that is all it is in this case. I seriously don't think they even read some of the stuff they share. It's like they are on autopilot or something.

We've reached chapter 10, Eric! We have made a great journey inside with each delivery. This one in particular is so relevant because even though we are not negative, we are going to find ourselves constantly bombarded with discourses that promote dark feelings in us. We have seen how fear has been injected into our brains and have built up apocalyptic images in the last few months that terrify anyone. I believe that one way to "cut" that chain of negativity is, for example, to change channels, not to watch or forward certain news or videos, not to give room to negative people in our lives. On one occasion I made her watch a sister who had some very complaining, pessimistic friends, and in the end it turns out that all the characteristics she mentioned were in my sister. You attract what you are. I can already imagine the drawing in this chapter: men with long lines, bent over, with their gray clouds wandering through cities that darken in their wake. Productive week, my friend! A hug and take care of yourself

Yes! Thank you Nancy! You are so right, we must change our frame of mind so we attract less of that negative baggage. It's interesting how we're so blinded to our own faults sometimes but keeping a barometer on the things that irk you give you a trail to follow so you can correct these faults. I really like that idea of yours for the illustration! Thank you for the comment and I hope you have a wonderful week!