Beautifully Sublime! It is Sunday!

in #beautifulsunday2 years ago (edited)

Together, we can change the world. Dive straight in and make it right. It's what I dream about.Tikkun Olam is a commonly used term in broad-minded Jewish circles, its meaning is connected with human responsibility for fixing what is wrong with the world.

Life, as it was...How short-sighted, sucking in life like it was my oxygen. Arrogant enough to believe it would always be so good. But, I also discover that I was humble enough to realize it wasn't and we needed to work together to get it back together again. I needed to find some kind of silver lining to satisfy the optimist in me. I look around and all I see ARE people helping, or trying. Across the world or across the street, people are trying to reach out and touch you, Ukraine. God bless you and stand strong.

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In the wake of the mass shooting at the Tree of Life Synagogue (November 2018) in Pittsburgh, many in the Jewish community had invoked the language of Tikkun Olam in their response to this tragedy. These Hebrew words are typically translated as “repair the world,” or “mend the world,” — or as those who knew one of the victims that day put it when describing his work with refugees, “heal the world.” The phrase Tikkun Olam, as it has been used especially by American Jews who identify as socially and politically progressive, expresses the conviction that the world is in urgent need of being set right. source

Could they be any more right? Heading into another year of pandemic, I was having a hard time finding that silver lining, we have lost so much, and not only us, but, our children. Two plus years when you are young is a lifetime. I am eager to turn the page on this. Have you gone back to normal life whatever that means to you? Are you still wearing a mask?

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I went over to the barn to ride a little today. It gives me time to clear my head, race through the field at full speed and let him blow off a little stream too. It excited him to just run free like that. Being free does that to a person too. It was early this morning and he had a light sheet on from last night. The temperatures have been all over, but, he was pretty warm, so I took it off. It was warm by midmorning. Too warm. All three got ridden today. The girls and I rode for a couple of hours, then groomed them all. One even got braids.

Today is a #BeautifulSunday by @Ace108, where we share our day in the most possibly beautiful way that we can. How can one refute the beauty of nature, spending time, just her and you? It is refreshing to my soul, to be honest...I am having a wonderful day, a definitely #SublimeSunday in the making, by the Meister of my morning, @c0ff33a. I do love my @c0ff33 and he likes eclectic! A definite match, made in heaven. I want to thank @ace108 and @c0ff33a for hosting these fun challenges! Check them out!


You’ve become a part of me
If only for a minute
Or three
Faithfully committed
Making my world

My day has been framed by the blooming of a flower, making my heart sing. Loveliness captured by the camera, courtesy of the columbine. May there always be a flower to color your world. Nature rocks. #alwaysaflower

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All I have are my words, armed in my mind, written in pen, stand by stand. Oh, yes. Still by hand. It has a different feel. Altered not by keys, backspace, and delete, I write, erase, tear it to pieces and start all over again. And again.

It’s my way. I walk out to the deep end of the page and dive right in.

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All rewards for this post and many that follow will go to the heroic defenders in Ukraine. And just like that, this post is over, come back tomorrow and we'll do it again. You are in my thoughts and prayers Ukraine! #warinukraine

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The Road Not Taken

Two roads diverged in a yellow wood,
And sorry I could not travel both
And be one traveler, long I stood
And looked down one as far as I could
To where it bent in the undergrowth;

Then took the other, as just as fair,
And having perhaps the better claim,
Because it was grassy and wanted wear;
Though as for that the passing there
Had worn them really about the same,

And both that morning equally lay
In leaves no step had trodden black.
Oh, I kept the first for another day!
Yet knowing how way leads on to way,
I doubted if I should ever come back.

I shall be telling this with a sigh
Somewhere ages and ages hence:
Two roads diverged in a wood, and I -
I took the one less traveled by,
And that has made all the difference.

Robert Frost

#TeamUSA is a growing community of quality-content people from the United States or those living here. Check us out on Discord!

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Nice Sunday ride. Does the horse look a bit tired?

He does look a little tired in the picture, but, he did fine. I think that was his I'm tired, don't make me run face. :)

Hi, Ace! @ace108

I think it enjoy running around a bit.

:) They really do!

What madness brews in the minds of some, to scorch the earth after what people have had to ensure over the last two years is despicable.

Galloping the fields and meadows good release for man and beast, trying to fathom society arrayed in war dress once again, have we never learned?

Words befitting as to how most feel, thanks Denise, let us hope this conflict ends soon.


Thanks for the luv!

I will say that I don't understand that kind of mind at all, who wouldn't want to live in a peaceful environment? How can anyone be happy with what is happening in the world today?

Running into the wind was a very good release of anxiety for me. I have been filled with it for days, but, feel much better and the optimistic side has kicked in again.

Thank you always, Joan. @joanstewart


No matter which country, I get angry that war even happens. We have been through massive wars, proven no one wins, yet these egotistical megalomaniacs ruling get a bee in their bonnet to ruin the lives on both sides, always a domino effect.

Had a good long walk on the beach over the weekend trying to rid myself of this negative feeling inside, unfortunately not completely subsided yet...


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The idea to mend the world is one I think we should all embrace
Such a tragedy and so sad to watch the events in Ukraine

As for wearing a mask I am still wearing mine whenever I go somewhere inside where people are I know many feel it is nit needed anymore but with me and Lulu having conditions that make us at higher risk I think it’s worth the minor inconvenience of wearing a mask at those times to protect ourselves a little

As for wearing a mask I am still wearing mine

The government of our country (Hungary) lifts the necessary mask wearing from tomorrow (2022.03.07), and I am happy for this. We no longer have to wear masks. From tomorrow I will go to work (and to everywhere) without a mask. I (and probably most of the people) will not wear a mask.

Have a nice day and have a nice weekend.
All the best. Greetings and much love from Hungary.

Here they are easing mask requirements also
Most people aren’t wearing them here
But as I am high risk I will wear mine when it’s busy in a store

I am glad to hear that!

in fact its so much a habit for me I have a mask with me always, and have got into wearing a gator anytime I am out now and its just habit if gettign near people say passing them on a walk I just slide it up

I think so too, JJ. @tattoodjay With effort on all sides, I believe we would get there. It would be hard not to, even at the smallest level. As for the events in Ukraine, I believe (for me) it has to do with being so very helpless at this time. It is tragic to watch. That is all I can say.

Le sigh.

Out of courtesy for those that have underlying conditions, for making them feel more comfortable about being out there, I still continue to wear a mask. It is not such a big deal and I ignore the nobody is going to tell me what to do mentality. From the very beginning, it really didn't matter if you did or didn't... Until it did.

I hope you are having a #beatuifulsunday! :)

Yes indeed, the feeling of Helplessness seeing it from afar and not being able to do anything, I think thats what any caring person feels

and havign over the years seen the damage and pin, suffering and deaths caused by wars, see it it happening again is heart wrenching
I got a walk in this morning first for quite a few days so My Sunday has started so nicely :)

ps I even got some new shots for Market Friday posts :)

:)) Well, you know that just made my day!

I agree with your words. Truly. My heart bleeds.

Horses! They are magnificent Denise! And I just learned something new about you. Now that is one thing I never mastered.....mind you, I have only ever climbed on horse back half a dozen times and feel the loss of it.

As for your 🙃 controversial question - I wonder how many will answer and if you will get the universal answer or the opposite......

The horses have been loving the cool weather and get frisky and full of themselves at this time of year, shedding those winter coats and wearing the silk of the warmer months. I have had horses in our life most of my life, although, lucky that we didn't have any for a while as we moved around Europe for a bit. I love the grooming of them and they love to be groomed, the bonding is extraordinary, the whispered words between - stay right there.

As for your 🙃 controversial question - I wonder how many will answer and if you will get the universal answer or the opposite......

I honestly wasn't looking at it as controversial, and thankfully nobody took it that way, it is more of a - how is your place doing? We can tell how bad it is in the US by the mandate on masks. :) If you don't have to wear one, it is a good sign that your numbers are down.

I hope you and yours are doing well and had a #Beautifulsunday! Sublimely so. ❤️

Well possibly it is only viewed as a hot topic on this side of the ocean! So sad that, if nothing else, these last two years have taught people to distrust one another and to fear. I hate it. And that is what I see that a mask represents.

But horses. Ahhh. They are so trusting! I can imagine how special that time between you and your four leggeds. My favourite homesteading time is when I milk my goats. Usually alone, but sometimes with the children. I can cuddle and kiss and whisper to them too. They stand still. Eyes closed and lean into the caresses. So special

It can be that it is controversial in some places on this side, I am sure, but for the most part, individualism is

The U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) also revised its face-covering guidance in late February and now recommends indoor masking for all only in communities at a high-risk level for COVID-19 based on hospitalizations, local hospital capacity, and new infections.

They only recommend it, but, you are always free to choose what to do. Even at the height of Covid-19, many refused to wear masks. The number one reason given by Americans who were not wearing a mask at that time was that it is their right as an American to not have to do so.

As for the horses, yes. Trusting with all those words. Indeed. It is those whispered words, those moments of stillness, the understanding that passes from you to them and back again. So very special.

Le sigh.

I'm glad, Denise, that you're in good shape! Physically and mentally plus outdoor movement... have you been riding? Great!
You always show something to be followed, copied, a way of life both busy and relaxed, a balance that probably defines you and makes you such a pleasant human being. Hey, you ride! I thought only the Queen of England did that, haha, just kidding. Anyway, all my admiration, I couldn't even ride a broom! Please forgive me for this linguistic euphoria, I so enjoyed what I read. Especially in this awful context with the war going on right now, you show that you can be extremely affected, eager for help, and at the same time life must take its course.
I hope you have a wonderful week ahead with good news!

My daughters and I went for a ride. It was a beautiful day out yesterday, today even better! Better being a relative term, it will be 25C today and 27C tomorrow. And so, the spring/jump to almost summer begins. I kid. It will be up and down for a few weeks and then we usually enjoy a very long spring. The way weather is changing, who knows?

Hehe... Only the Queen truly rides, the rest of us are cheap imitations! :) I just had a vision of you riding a broom. Sorry to say, it wasn't pretty! Ha!

I am not sure how anybody could not be affected by all that is going on, but, of course, no judgment here. I hold out hope that change is coming.

The weather is crazy if it was such a temperature. I can only imagine how pleasant it was! I'm so glad to see that you are able to relax in such a nice and unusual way.
Although the classic image is an ugly old witch flying on a broom, most prefer the more modern versions with beautiful naked girls, obviously I don't qualify. Your vision is perfectly justified.
What is happening in Ukraine is horrifying.

Will we ever be able to mend the world when there are so many who are willing to continually break it? It is really quite distressing. Hopefully we'll be able to mend after this mess is over with.

This is the truth. What is so bad about peace? It makes me feel good all over when I have found that place.

Hi, Victor! Thanks for stopping by and leaving your words.

Stay safe down there... and don't forget to salsa!

I always salsa. Or, at least, I try to. And sing. I'm probably bad at both, but I do it!

You do it! That's all that counts. That's all I would care about. I'm sure you are so good, you don't want us to feel bad!

Send discord a video, and we'll vote on it.


That's a hard No. 😄

I'll try not to take it personal!! 😉 Just so you know, you ruined years of entertainment for us.

Hahaha! I'm sure I did. Sorry. (not sorry). 😃

Ah there is nothing like just letting the horse go and galloping away. The connection between horse and rider is always so magical. When I was much younger my best friend and I used to shorten our stirrups and pretend we were jokeys (all 6 feet of us haha) racing through fields. Foolish in many ways, as I once came down when my poor dear old horse hit a divet, he was alright, but it was all thrilling none the less. Horses would surely many and Sunday a #SublimeSunday

I do hope the world starts to change for the better, but to be honest I 'hear' that things are moving in interesting directions. All we can do is keep Hope and Faith and try and care and love one another as best we can, eh?
Thanks for this horsey post @dswigle

There really isn't, is there? They have such a good time, racing like the wind. I am surprised they don't wipe out in the winter, but, seem to have a magnetic force holding them firm.

The connection between horse and rider is magical and I would never be able to quite explain it to someone who has nothing to do with horses or animals. Some just don't understand it.

As for you and your best friend, that would be so easy to see!!! :) How fun!!

I hear we will be moving and moving for the next seven years until it exhausts itself. Who knows, right? I agree. All we need is a little love. ❤️ Thanks so much for stopping in and leaving your words. xo

Have a #BeautifulSunday!

Well I am sure the three horses loved their free run. There is nothing better than seeing a horse out and about having fun!

Oh, the three of them and the three of us! It was a great release for all involved, running into the wind. I have to say, it was exhilarating, as always. :)

Hey, you! Thanks for stopping by!

It is exhilarating, and fun to watch too!

My pleasure😁

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Thank you for the notification! Much appreciated! Have a great day!

I am still wearing my mask if I go in anywhere except my Mom's or my sister's where I know everyone is vaxed and maxed. I still pick up or have my groceries delivered. I also try to keep a distance in the store, even though I am masked.

During the first 2 years I barely knew anyone that got covid, but the few I did know got VERY sick and one died. Since Christmas though, it just went wild here with both of my sisters and their husbands and one of their grown sons have had it and also a nephew and his wife. Fortunately all pretty mild but one.

Not only my family but it's just been all over the place here, so it has not been safe to to stop being cautious. I'd love to stop and be free once more. I think it may have not been as hard for me most of the time, because I am use to being alone a big part of the time, so it mostly wasn't THAT unusual for me. I have missed grocery shopping because previously I took a list of what I need and knew I wanted, but part of my shopping was whim shopping, where I would see food I had not thought about and bought some of that too.

I also enjoyed thrift store shopping and there has been NONE of that ! Wah !

I am older and have some mild health issues for now and I just thought I was being responsible to myself to stay as safe as possible. I certainly would love for it to be behind us.

You are being responsible! If you have any health issues, it is in your best interest to stay as safe as possible. We only get one chance to do this right. I certainly would love, love, love for this to be behind me!

Second-hand thrifting has been off the table here too! I miss that fun, you just never know what you will find! I have never ordered online, I have always gone to the store. It was the better deal. It was empty and I got to select my own produce.

I think we have faired better up here than down there, except for Fairfax County. A lot of Universities fall in there and well, you know how resilient they are? Until they get sick. I went to a convention last week and everyone was close and friendly. Yikes! There were no masks, except for me and one gentleman. Hello, no!

I am not a fanatic about it, but, I am out in the world every day. I am probably super contaminated. Nobody in my family has gotten it and they all work on the outside but, also telecommute. So, anywho...

Like you... Calgon! Take it away! :))

We sure weren't use to it being rampant around here and maybe it is subsiding some now, once that wave blew through. I don't really know the overall score for our area now.

It has certainly been NO fun !

The numbers when I put the few holidays, including Fat Tuesday a few snow days and Presidents Day. Anytime the young ones have some time off including winter break, the numbers Skyrocket. I'm sure glad that you kept yourself safe. Soon they shall be behind us.

very beautiful article. very good words for us to understand

Thank you so much! I hope you have a wonderful day!

I love your sun glasses😎🌸

Thank you! :) I put it up for St. Patrick's Day!

,Very high you captured the setting of the sun with the eye of your camera. I love the sunset scenes. Have a nice day and be happy.

Thank you. That is from the front porch of my house, looking over to the water across the street. I love sunrise/sunset pictures myself.

I hope you had a #Beautifulsunday!

I had a really good day It rained a lot today and I took some pictures of the sunset

That is awesome!

And l wish you a happy Sunday dear.

I hope you had a wonderful day, Sam! @mcsamm

Yes please, thanks dear.

Bang, I did it again... I just rehived your post!
Week 95 of my contest just can now check the winners of the previous week!

Thank you for the repost @pixresteemer! Much appreciated!

Hey @dswigle, here is a little bit of BEER from @pixresteemer for you. Enjoy it!

Do you want to win SOME BEER together with your friends and draw the BEERKING.

Thanks for the beer!

Extraordinary. All the pictures you show are very beautiful. Thank you for sharing

Thanks for coming! I appreciate your words! Have a great day!

hi, this is a wonderful Sublime Sunday post. You have beautiful horses❣️ We all have a responsibility to stand up and be counted in whatever way we can... and make our own personal contribution towards healing the world. The situation in UKRAINE breaks my heart, truly it does😭 I hope you get a lot of support on your posts to boost the donation values that you will be making🙏 I am still wearing a mask out but then I am flying soon to the States so I want to reduce my risk of getting reinfected with covid as much as possible. And just as we thought there may be a return to normal soon, Ukraine happens... it is hard to know in this world we live in these days what is actually normal anymore...but I do hope life becomes more settled soon and that these recent conflicts that have upended us all are soon a part of our past🙏🧡 !ALIVE

So much pain and suffering
One into another
Eunning free with wind in hair sounds like minutes of escape <33

I have never ridden a horse, I would love to do it someday. Horses are such beautiful and strong beasts. I am glad you have the opportunity to relax and take some time to meditate while riding. It is a time to be grateful that one is well, safe and free. I have been following the news from Ukraine closely because I have sympathy for Ukrainians ( my first roommate here in USA) is Ukrainian and her mom and husband are in Kiev. Maybe her husband will have to to fight! what a pain! what a shame! . Yesterday and today I have seen the most bloody images of the conflict and I am in despair seeing that nobody is doing anything.

Things are being done, just not visible... like always.

Your write-ups never fail to inspire me ❣️ you've been one of my favorites on Hive. Have a great day ahead 😊