The Steemit Flea Market 5 Min Freewrite

in #freewrite6 years ago


Not felt much like typing this week. That's alright it gives me a chance to catch up on reading. Think how sad Steemit would be if everyone were typing and no one were reading.
Steemit is like a fleamarket for readers. I come in never knowing what I will find each day. The joy is in the discovery.

Recently a friend asked me what he should post next. My first reaction was me? you sure you meant to ask me that question? The girl who just squeezes out the obligatory one or two a week then trots merrily along to read and comment some more. That is not what I said though. What I did say was something along the lines of post whatever you know I will probably read it. So he says to me he wants to know what I want to read. Bless his heart the poor guy is persistent if nothing else.

A smarter person would have tossed out a topic just to move on to other things. A really intelligent person would have thrown out a hilarious challenge. Silly me had to offer up my honest first thought. I told him it really doesn't matter what anyone ever posts about on Steemit. If nothing else that apparently got him thinking because at least once a week he asks me to explain that statement.

Sadly I have no credentials whatsoever to back up any theoretical game plan. I am sure most here have there own theory about how things work. I follow a couple of people who run experiments to test these things out. Those are some of my favorite reads. Also some of my favorite and most enlightening discussions are around similar topics.

From my short time here just observing it seems anything can be made into a successful blog. It all depends on how you choose to spend time on the platform. There seem to be as many ways to steem as there are personality types.
That just adds to the fleamarket feel of the place.
Even an obscure area of interest can generate attention if you want to "market" the post. It is probably easier for most people to choose topics that already have a following. That at least can generate some new eyes coming in from the tags.
I personally look at most posts as conversation starters. The comment sections are way more fun than writing monologue.
Steemit is for me an eclectic mix of jumbled content. I read whatever catches my eye or matches the mood of the day.
I post the same way. So my answer would be whatever it is put in your Steemit booth. Chances are someone will love it just because it is a unique find.

This post is for The 5 min freewrite details can be found here:


lol ye this is 90 % of my blogs here. just starting and then it make some sens in the end. a like the fleamarket idea..:)

I like your blogs. Wish I could just loosen up and write more often like you do.

Agreed, this place is a scattering of ideas. I like the flea market image.

I love the diversity. Wish I had more time to browse. There are little gems lurking all over the place here.

finally admits to being scatter-brained. love it. typical Floridian.

Man, you get around. Lol.

maybe you're finally starting to get around. I've known headchange from when I first started. so there!

I new headchange before she was born, So there!!!!!!
Top that

That has to be the funniest comment of the day. Let someone top that!

haha! that is classic, can't top that!

lol to bad you don't get a badge for that on @steemitboard. You do look at your information there once in awhile. It will also tell you your vest and other good info. need any help or question let me know

that's hilarious Wolf lol!

see last comment. lol
I must be getting tired

fleamarket feel of the place 😂

Leaving my spammy comment while I am on my lunch break.

Always love your comments. 💌 Spam and lunch in the same sentence ... not so much.

From my short time here just observing it seems anything can be made into a successful blog. It all depends on how you choose to spend time on the platform. There seem to be as many ways to steem as there are personality types.
That just adds to the fleamarket feel of the place.

Yes, yes ,yes...

You could also call it an agora. The stalls are all ready and laid out, ready to sell you their story:)

Well yeah maybe but agora was not the word of the day. Flea market was hard enough to work into a post. Should have just went with shopping for fleas and slapped a comedy tag on the whole mess.

Now there's an idea! I like it!

so very true and great writeup i love he fles market reference and great freewrite. got a lot out in cinco minutos 😛

Thanks! I really appreciate you stopping by. The free writes are very helpful to me. Really glad I found them. I tend to obsess way too much over a post.

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Yeah I kind of agree with the “it doesn’t matter what you write “ comment but we all live in hope that someone has a read and likes what we write .

I think no matter what it is someone will like it. The trick is making sure it is seen by that someone.

Lol! That's certainly one way to describe it. Now I'm off to wonder what next to peddle in Steemit's flea market.

Well whatever it is I am sure someone will love it.

Oh yes indeed Steemit is like a flea market but selling from the mind. We can blog anything we want or should I say we can sell anything we want here. Sometimes people buy things from you not because they really need the stuff, perhaps they buy because they like you.

What a nice and interesting freewrite you have written. You might want to continue the next one?

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Agreed and sometimes it is because people like to see how many different varieties of posts can come from one word/topic. I am sure I will do more these are really fun to do. Thanks for stopping in to read.

Yay! I will see you more often then :) we are mining the steem with our mind. People say the more we write the more our brain expands.:p

I do hope that is true.

the more we write the more our brain expands

Sometimes the words just flow for me. Hopefully those days will start to come more often with time.

well well well... finally there is sort of an answer there somewhere. well I agree that it doesn't matter what the subject is, it just matters how loyal your audience is if you don't care about making a quality post...or it depends on the skill of the writer if you care about the quality of the post because some people on here can write about anything and make it sound good or sound hilarious. just look at meesterboom. case closed.

I definitely agree that anything can be a quality post. The freewrite project is a perfect example. I see a few people who make amazing content out of a one word prompt.
Then again some people can write about a new chair delivery.. just saying.

yeah I wish I could write about something so mundane and turn it into a decent post. oh well, we can't all be headchanges!

Ha Ha We all know I am pretty horrible at posting. Maybe I should play more with video or something. I have OBS got any good ideas for green screen?

like I'm supposed to know what OBS is..and you aren't horrible at posting you're just horrible at geting them out! lol. play with video??are you serious I thought you were an introvert like me?
who are you really?

I am a very creative introvert. With OBS I could do video with out including myself at all. I put a couple on You Tube already. But yeah you are right. I was just looking through my old posts to see what did well in the past.
That comedy one didn't do badly at all. The one about Steemit redfish went over well because I tagged people that seems a bit dishonest to do more than once.
So what should I post next? 😋 Maybe a contest post have not done that yet.

yeah do a contest. we hardly ever see those on steemit. that should get some attention. lol.
you like those don't you? and people seem to love contests on here, that's all I see so that should work well.

I love how you applied the fleamarket to Steemit. It fits the bill!!

Thanks for giving us the freewrites and thanks for coming by to read.

Interesting insight, @headchange - and not what I expected to read when I saw your title, lol.

I can only agree with what you say: anything can be the topic of a post here on SteemIt. I think there is a market for everything.
And although I have my own personal interests - like everyone does - I often find myself reading something that is absolutely not related to those interests. I just come across it, something triggers my interest, and off I go, lol.

When it comes to writing, however, I have the tendency to ask myself the same question your friend is asking himself. Along the way, I have learned that the less I think about what I shall write about - or, to be more specific: what I think other people want to read - the more fluent I can write, the more spontanious my articles are, and the better the response is.
But I'm still learning. I often don't succeed in asking myself all those questions. Maybe one day... :0)

I often find myself reading something that is absolutely not related to those interests. I just come across it, something triggers my interest, and off I go, lol.

I think just being here makes that happen to some extent. I know I read here things that are way outside what I consume elsewhere. But at the same time I am finding myself drawn to write outside of what I expected would be my niche areas.
I never expected to write comedy for example, but Davil has made me do it. 😈

Hahaha, that's the second time some uses the word 'Davil'. It's funny. I put in on my list of nicknames, next to 'bad boy mccoy' and 'prince charming', lol

Oh that was me too. When the Davil made me use that psychotic baby. I named it Psycho Babe the first time he brought it out. He warned me then he was going to find excuses to make me post it.
I use to call him Santa but have been known to call him badboy myself. The prince charming is a new one on me. I will have to remember that.

Well done @headchange. You have a great attitude and one that will take you far.
Flea Market :)

Thanks so much. I always did say you are a superb judge of character. So coming from you that is a top level complement. Those five min things leave me feeling like they just drop off without a good ending. I guess that is the point though to make us think and write quickly.

Yea. It helps I have been doing the houraday for posts and that made a big difference. I started with the 5 min write. 15 min write. friday free writing contest.
And look at me now LOL Still can't write worth a damn but I am fast at it.

Well being fast at it can't hurt any. Considering the law of averages you are bound to hit paydirt quicker if typing speed is optimized.
At least that sounds good when I typed it.

yea and it gives you more time to improve in other areas

@headchange I LOVE the way you write. This is quirky, amusing and SO true. Steemit fleamarket where you spend more time in the comments! I found this through the Redfish post by @simplymike. It seems like your posts and my feed aren't friends. I guess our time lapses get mixed up across the pond because I often miss your amazing posts. BUT at least I got to see it via the steemian grapevine. Well written. Thanks silly you for writing the first thought that pops into your head!!!

Thanks So nice of you to say. I tend to miss a lot of posts myself. Working on getting more organized with that. A visit at least once a week for everyone is a goal.
I usually get distracted by whatever is in my comment feed. Just don't say squirrel :D

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