The Ability To Recreate Sameness; Is Man Getting Insatiable In His Quest For Knowledge?

in GEMS4 years ago


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Uniqueness is something that sells faster than quality howbeit this isn't always true. One thing I've discovered recently is that most of the things people are exposed to, be it a product, music, for or clothing is just improvisation of originality that is; doing the same thing in a multiple diverse version and this often comes out as a Creativity because recreating someone's else concepts in a more different way is what we consider these days as being different or special or innovative however this is totally different from someone being unique. Unique means bring something else entirely different from a particular pattern or streak.

Truth is when you look at the global movie industry, most of the story line being shot maligns. It's like eating the same food in different style and this somewhat brings a concern that man in general is running out of creativity, but the questions remains, "have we truly done everything that we should do in life and we have nothing left for the coming generations to do as well?" To this question I definitely can't say "yes or no". However nothing seems new anymore and one of the reasons why this is so is because is that man's curiosity gives birth to answer and let me explain why.



Image owned & taken by me

In the past, the early man didn't seek for knowledge, knowledge sought and discovered them through what is called "Sarendipity". However nowadays man's maddening crave for knowledge Makes them discover things even faster than his timeline would permit that's why you sometimes hear a genius in a particular field let's say science ends up in mental hospital or something of that sort. However man's curiosity doesn't bear any sort of singularity. I'll have to admit that this curiosity has brought about many breakthrough in the aspect of unraveling mysteries but then this present generation has began the glorious awakening and the future generations will not doubt carry on.

This brings me to the acceptance that discovering new things might be past us, however working on developing the things that's been discovered before is the phase of creativity which you can now find. The reason why something that's recently done seems new and creative is because it was done better, more sophisticated and of course Improvised. Man has this insatiability for "new things" and that's why so many people are in the job of looking for new things everyday that might make them painfully stand out.


Image owned & taken by me

However like I said in the beginning, being creative in the world we are isn't bringing new things to light. It's building on what's previously there to recreate what's new to an old or former experience. In other words we appreciate when creativity gets a notch better into becoming uniqueness that's why the first person ever to do something is always appreciated more as an originator. In whatever sector we are, Irrespective it's imperative we see the difference between uniqueness and creativity and how we can leverage on their differences to actually stand out in the sea of familiarity being improvised everyday.

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My name is @Josediccus, a young Nigerian student who is a Vlogger, A Psychologist, Poet And Sports Writer/Analyst. I'm using my contents as a process to create shared meaning as well as create expressions through which people on/off hive can relate. I believe content is a process to be enjoyed and relished and I'm up for any collaborations in my field stated above. Cheers

@Josediccus, your brother-in-pen & heart

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Creativity is what i think most people in our generation are lacking. thats why people still prefer to work the 9 to 5 daily work for life. i actually met someone who said i dont like to stress my brain to think of anything.

people dont want to try to think.
nice post. do have a nice day.


Wonderful work friend. Just did your analysis perfectly.

Yes, people are becoming copycats in everything. They want quick results without making enough hard work.

"have we truly done everything that we should do in life and we have nothing left for the coming generations to do as well?" To this question I definitely can't say "yes or no".

But I can say a DISTINCT YES to the above point. Because even if we would have done trillions of things, there are many more trillions of things left undone. So, there is no dearth of things to be done and the problem lies in our incompetent, complacent, and lethargic attitude!

.......that's why the first person ever to do something is always appreciated more as an originator.

100% Agreed. Everyone will become scientists and creators if we are able to use 100% of our brains, but that is not the case to be as we just use a mere 10%.

Once again, let me congratulate you for penning this wonderful article.

Thanks & Regards,
Marvy Innovation

Nice writing boss

You have to do better than this else you're not going far

Lol 😂😂😂. Bro no vex but I laughed when I read this.

Quite funny but really true though.

It's actually true, they come with spammy and stupid comment hoping to make millions on the chain

Smile... I see that he is new so has little knowledge on how things are run here though.

But then he could have Just read the post or Google translate it. I use to comment on a Japanese post when I came here newly, those guys helped me because I was willing to translate their post, read it and gave in something meaningful