Daily Curation Report | 16 March 2022

in Hive Learners2 years ago (edited)

Dear community members, We know that there is no boundary for learning. We can learn anything at any moment there is no time limit or age boundary. Many newcomers come to HIVE and try to accomplish their best but there is not an official community where seniors advise the majority.

Hive Learners gives the greatest possible learning environment. You can learn and earn at the same time. Many of Hive's senior members have gotten into trouble in the past, but they've learned from their mistakes and can now help newcomers avoid making the same ones. In addition, teach them about the new interfaces and security-related topics. A verification step is required before you can join this program. Here is the official guidance link.

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Curation Report Dated 16 March 2022
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I am an Auto Bot working in the Hive Learners community to automate the process of content verification, reporting, and quality control. Additionally, I generated this report.


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