Hive & Expanding Your Network Reach Going Into 2023

in Hive Learnerslast year

It's the end of the year and it's obvious that a lot of people aren't happy about the state of crypto in general


Many are in state a dilemma, and the FUD is spreading. One of the main reasons why some people Fear isn't even the way their wallets consistently lose value, and how they helplessly and hopelessly watch it, it's the sense of the potential loss, not knowing when the carnage will stop, choosing to hold on for dear life or just cashing in on all the loss incurred and saving the little that's left and leaving the rat race of mixed feelings behind. However, this isn't who we are on hive, now this isn't to say we're immune from the FUD

It translates differently

This is just to say that we're building, Dapps are becoming better, projects are carrying on, the development is not static, people do not halt their five to ten years plan of financial freedom because of the bear market. The bear market will indeed halt real-life expenditures, and shy away from undertaking expensive ventures, so even if the bear market automatically translates minimalism in terms of goals, it doesn't halt the beauty of building and expanding, with the expectations that the bull market will inevitably come through.

It's a blessing to be on hive, even if it's not all roses and flowers

Now, because it's the end of the year, in the spirit of networking, it's pertinent that you take the time to support those who have supported you from the beginning of the year. Some people here are not conscious of social and economic life on hive, on the social front, they're not taking notice of the accounts that stop by to support them, they don't even take the time to check the people behind these accounts, follow their contents in returns, create a presence in their posts likewise and establish a relationship beyond the vote.

A vote of 0.01 can become 0.04, depending on whether the person who got the initial vote, networked way to the latter

The social aspect is being conscious of those who are helping you grow and also giving back in the ways you can


This also means you can support someone legible you can too since you've been blessed to be supported as well. This is how you create a ripple effect while growing your reach. Make a research on every support you get. Ask yourself: "I'm I getting it because the contents are worth it, I'm I getting it because I look good, or am I getting it because these I'm doing something right?" When you make your findings as to why you get some particular support, it'll create a conscious to enhance or change, creating a creative way to also appreciate those who support you. This extends to every $0.01 vote you get because 0.01, can change 0.99$ to $1.


On the economic part, a lot of people are not conscious

they keep focusing on content and expectations without self-adherence to grow beyond the votes. Because they're more focused on the votes, they ignore the relevance aspect of the economic rituals which systematically bring Opportunities. they're not part of the HPUD or LPUD, they're just posting and powering down, not even choosing to stop it at some point and build their hive pile when they have a little cash in real-time. Now, this might be an oversight, but it might not. Everyone who is here, must at one point in time choose unconventional ways to grow, this might include, choosing to leave their accounts powered up.

Powering up any pieces of hive, having a goal of reaching a particular stake and talking about it can give them some of the support they crave. In a nutshell, it's important to be conscious on hive, if not your Inactions might cause implosion and stagnancy. This is why I implore everyone to take the time to reach out to those who are supporting them, since it's the end of the year, express formal and informal gratitude to them and let them know you're conscious of their support. Now, it's true that you'll need tangibility and even if you don't have that, one of the fringe ways to do so is to keep growing your pile and let these people know that their support will and might be instrumental in making you the next minnow or dolphin.

Growth can be more then exponential

.......So, reach out to their posts if they're regular creators, bug them with your endless engagement and if they're not creators, there's something you can do. At one point in time, impress them by taking any form of real-time cash with you and buying back some hive, even if it's $5, power it up and let them see that you've made meaning of the support they're giving you. This is a fringe way to network. But a lot of people are hardly conscious of this. The difference between people who are growing and those who are not is a sense of consciousness, you need to keep the value within to create the deservedness that more will come.

So, here's the deal

take the time to reach out, let the end of the year, herald something new in 2023, make some goals for the end of 2023, and make creative ways to achieve them, but I implore you to create fascinating ways to network because it's the only way you can grow. So I'll use the opportunity to thank everyone who has supported and believed in me, thank you all, and we'll pay it forward.

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 last year  

What a nice way to thank people who support you, encouraging others to do the same. Hehe. So let me avail this opportunity to thank you Jose for supporting me in my journey on Hive 😀

During this time of bear, it is not the earning but the networking that is the a motivating factor for being active on Hive (at least for me because I am already getting quite low votes). I try my level best to support those who come to encourage me. The fact is that none of us is entitled for support but it is the love and courtesy of people who choose to support us. It is in turn our duty to support them back as a gesture of gratitude. Gratefulness create abundance, doesn't it?

 last year  

What a nice way to thank people who support you, encouraging others to do the same. Hehe. So let me avail this opportunity to thank you Jose for supporting me in my journey on Hive 😀

Well, gestures speaks louder than words when it comes to hive. This is why people can categorically spill their intents on hive with the things they do. I'm using this post to ask people to seek individual growth as well as use these growth to influence others, making sacrifices for this betterment of this chain in the process. So it's a whole lot and when we take the right actions, we don't even need to talk too much. Thanks as well.

 last year  

I'm using this post to ask people to seek individual growth as well as use these growth to influence others, making sacrifices for this betterment of this chain in the process

Every aspect is intermingled, isn't it? You work for the betterment of the blockchain, you get support, you in turn provide support to others. You grow, they grow, blockchain grows.

 last year  

Yeah, it creates a ripple effect as everything seems to be interwoven at some point.

 last year  


 last year  

Hmm, Jose has just inspired me more and with this, I am using this opportunity to appreciate you for your support on my post till now. I truly am and with this, I am always striving hard to grow my Hp because I have a goal to reach before the end of this year and I hope to achieve it.

Truly, we have to be conscious and intentional about Hive and you have just said it all in your post. When one keeps powering down, it means they are only here for the monetary value alone and not to support the blockchain and someday, such a person will come to regret it because the value and amount you are seeing now may shoot up when we do not expect.

In fact, when we are sincere about Hive, it gives those supporting us more boost to keep doing that and trusting us that we are here for Hive because to say the truth, we have been blessed here.

 last year  

I'm hoping a lot of others can see this and decide to be intentional as well with their growth. When people are keeping their stake to give back to us, it's important that we also keep that stake and reassure them that their efforts haven't been wasted at all rather then taking everything off and making it seem like they're stupid for supporting us.
I see your growth thus far, you've been doing well, I'm also growing and taking advantage of whatever means necessary as well.

 last year  

👍 Thank you.

Man you’re an inspiration to many, not just by your posts, but by your very conduct and movement on Hive. Everything you do shows how much love you have for the chain.

The idea of reaching out to you supporters and showing gratitude and appreciation is a very thoughtful one, and I’ll steal into it starting with you. You give me a lot of support and I appreciate you. The support you give me helps me build my stake and helps me stay afloat on some of my financial needs. Thank you!

 last year  

The idea of reaching out to you supporters and showing gratitude and appreciation is a very thoughtful one,

Yeah, over the years I've been exposed to people who seems it really essential for me to do so, and I've not wasted the time to always tell my supporters that I appreciate and love them to the core. I think it's important because these people deems me worthy, they feel I'm deserved and I'm humbled to. So I believe this also endears me to them and I keep building to assure them I appreciate it.

We all support each other here on the hive blockchain and it's one of the things I love about Hive. It's also constantly developing and I can see the potential user base to be quite large (far larger than what we have now). It has taken time but even my vote that I thought was worth nothing is now worth a few cents. So it's more about whether or not people are willing to take the time to build that stake.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

 last year  

The userbase is quite altruistic and intentional than what we use to have on steem back in the days. I think more people are now playing the long game and inasmuch as we think we haven't scaled as we want. This place has massively developed. I love what we have. I think I now see more people who are willing to build.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

You have made a lot of sense here friend. Many hive users approach growth the wrong way. For them, growth means writing more - possibly in many communities with the belief they are spreading their net to reach out for support. But then they forget about the social engagement, the networking, the connections that will bring the support. And then..

At one point in time, impress them by taking any form of real-time cash with you and buying back some hive, even if it's $5, power it up and let them see that you've made meaning of the support they're giving you.

.. this is the biggest way to show that one believes in a project. Invest in it long-term. After all, every business needs capital investment. Hive should be no different.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

 last year  

It's tough to individually scale the ladder. I have been on this for five year but believe me, I've won more than I've lost, but it took being intentional and conscious. Luck counts, but if you don't put the effort it won't. Sometimes it becomes tiring, but, one just needs to continue. There's no way you can build and lose cumulatively. You might lose the battle but win the war.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

I have been on this for five year

Thats a prime case of consistency, patience and industry. That is why it was not difficult to pick you as a great example of success here.

if you don't put the effort it won't

Just as I will always say "You give God something to bless by putting in effort and working hard"

Sometimes it becomes tiring, but, one just needs to continue

This is obvious. It happens to me sometimes. But I usually find a reason to keep on fighting till the end.

Eventually, like you said and I have seen, we win.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

A very important read as we're entering 2023. These are fundamental aspects of growth that seems that elude most people. There are humans behind the accounts that support you (at least most of them) and a little gesture or an appreciation of their support can go a long way.

I think it just comes down to being conscious or not, when you're conscious, you're aware of these things and work on improving them. On the same note, thank you for the support you've given me, means a lot.

 last year  

You're right, it boils down to being very conscious. I think if everyone can decide to be overly conscious, I believe they can decide to build. 2023 should be iconic, I see a lot happening within hive and those who are building will end up the overall winners.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

 last year  

I am so happy I stopped by to read, this is wisdom from the wise..
I am happy you reminded me of something very important not just on Hive but to our daily lives with the people we relate with physically..
Appreciation births more blessings and there is always a way to show how grateful one is, and there is no help that is little. Thanks to this post I wouldn't have gotten all this and I would've been left out of track... You are one among the people that have also helped and encouraged me with your generous act here on Hive. Your consistency here has encouraged me I can become good too someday here in this platform and bro, we are striving hard towards that, though allot of challenges will never stop showcasing but they are meant to come and we are bent towards achieving our goals, thanks Bro for this great piece of reminder and all that you do on Hive...💙🙌💞💞💯💙🙇🙇

 last year  

Thanks for reading. Well, I'm glad you stop by once in a while, and I'm also happy to stop by once in a while. Keep working harder, making the tough choices and grinding

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

 last year  

Thanks my Boss 🙌💙🙏

 last year  

Oh for few days from now we will be facing new year and hopefully we will be full of blessings again.

Thank you too for the support you've given in my journey in Hive.

Thank you so much for your speech it was really a big encouragement to me

Wow. You discussed some real social truths in your article. Preferably, many of us prefer relating to people above us than below us in terms of any measure of ranking one prefers. It’s actually easy to do that. There is a sense of instant gratification of being noticed. Thanks for bringing my mind to the fact that , the little ones too grow and I will keep taps on every little support I obtain. Great piece

I thank God I didn't miss this post, you know you always nail it on the point. You gives the truth out the way it suppose to be.when i first heard that engagement is king, i did not understand it until i started engaging. I hope everyone should read and learn.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

This post has really touched me. It's one of the things I have been doing. That means am on the right track. I will keep on showing appreciations to those who stopped by to support me

You know you're simply amazing right??

Gratitude not only gladdens ones heart but endears you to them as such individuals will always go extra miles to support you

I must say you've taught us a great moral here, it's not all about expressing gratitude it words. It is said that actions speak louder than words, why not do something amazing to really prove that oh yes, this support your getting is helping you grow.

I've never participated in HPUD or LPUD but you've boostered up my ego to participate in upcoming ones
I'm grateful🙏

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