"Living In Nigeria" And "Leaving Nigeria"; The Dilemma and The Cost Behind My Choice

in LeoFinance4 years ago



The cost of living in Nigeria with the current inflation will of course be cheaper than the cost of leaving Nigeria at the moment and who would of course want to still remain in Nigeria after the recent influx of insecurities, economic crises, unemployment and dwindling value to the naira. First of all I'm deciding to leave Nigeria for two main reasons and number one would be to get access to good healthcare.

I have probably been saying I have serious underlying health issues that I've been managing from birth and I need to take care of it, the second would be that I need to sort out issues regarding my education. In 2014 I dropped out of college due to my health issues and an inability to pay for my tuition fees and I Only decided to return back to college in 2018 and with the way things are going I'm planning to drop out again and migrate to another country where I can work, pay for my healthcare and also start college afresh.

I know about many people getting scholarship for postgraduate degrees outside Nigeria, but because I'm an undergraduate I probably think I need to look for an alternative. I'm planning to raise about 2000USD to facilitate my expenses and also take care of a few things. Education seems to be most of the reasons why people migrate but then even after the major reasons why I'm deciding to migrate I think leaving Nigeria will even afford me the chance to unlock more opportunities on the internet. The internet is a huge space and Nigeria as a country is generally limited.

I've seen so many opportunities on the internet but of course Nigerians are tend to be always banned, i mean being caught up in the geographical setting alone has discredited one and this due to the noterity with fraud, online scams and theft of so many people. When people are unemployed they seem to embrace internet fraud as the next thing and Nigeria in the world has the highest number of internet scammers (something I'm not proud of) and this limits the opportunities of legitimate hard working people like me.

With the quality of poor health care I can no longer stay and after considering a lot, I've decided that it might be the best time to move. But then my choices to move depends on the cheapest and most favourable place as well and in truth, I don't even know where to go just yet. I've done a lot of research on the internet but most of the information aren't really accurate. Most of the decisions I'm making or tend to make is often centered around my health condition and how it wouldn't put me in harm's way. The truth is that it's reasonable to get that college degree in Nigeria, but without a viable source of income it becomes impossible. So it means I have to work, attend to stress of college and at the end of the day the money earned wouldn't even be enough to take care of my health issues not to talk of paying my college tuitions or attending to basic needs.

So I've considered everything and the truth is that I need advice, is there any favourable place (cheap and affordable and friendly to foreigners) in the world where an undergraduate can go, continue education, having access to small jobs and also good health care system? If there's anywhere then I'd like you'd guys to let me know. My health issues really limits my chances and I need to sort it out and unfortunately Nigeria do not have the facilities and well it is what it is. But then I have to leave. Importantly health-wise it becomes more of a compulsion. I need your advice, anywhere? Any thoughts. @ericvancewalton @snook, @trumpman @mistakili @pouchon @spectrumecons @smasssh @soyrosa @geekgirl @nathanmars. sorry for the spam

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If access to quality healthcare is your top priority I would search for countries that are rated highest up on the list in the categories of healthcare as well as immigration. As an American wanting to leave my own country I've been researching, literally for years, which countries are best for us to move to and Portugal, Canada, Germany, and The Netherlands keep coming out on top. It changes every election cycle, for example, the UK used to make that list but don't any longer due to the conservative takeover of their government. Your search is going to be different coming from Nigeria though. Thankfully we live in the age of the internet, all of the resources to do the research are online. American expat message boards have helped me out a lot in my search. The EU countries do healthcare REALLY well but it varies from country to country so you have to research thoroughly. Best of luck to you my friend! The YouTube channel, Our Rich Journey, could offer you advice on moving to Portugal. No problem is unsolvable, if you go into it with the proper mindset you will find a solution.

Since you mentioned The Netherlands @ericvancewalton (would be fun to have you here! :D), I'll comment here on your post @josediccus.

The Netherlands has great healthcare, which used to be way cheaper, but still is very affordable. For example, I pay around 100/120 euros a month, plus a yearly 'risk' fee of 385 euros (which you don't pay if you don't need any medical help in a certain year), which will cover every doctors visit/medication/operation/ambulance ride/(emergency) surgery you need - this literally means no-one will ever ask you for paperwork when you need any kind of medical help. More 'alternative' medicine will have to be paid out of your own pockets, but even some of these therapies are also partly covered by your insurance, up to a certain amount per month/year.

Some other numbers to put this in perspective:

  • Minimum wage for adults is 1680 euros
  • Private market rent is 900 euros a month on average (with outliers both below and above), but with minimum wage you would get subsidies from the government to guarantee living below 650 euros
  • Money for schooling: I'd guess around 1500 euros a year, but I'd have to do more research on that, a lot has changed since I left university
  • Groceries... I'm not really an average grocery shopper as I'm under treatment and very very selective on my shopping, ending up in the organic sector/fancy brands section more than I want, but before this I lived on 400 euros a month on groceries (which could be done cheaper by going to cheaper supermarkets or the farmers markets more often).

I wouldn't call the Netherlands cheap (at all) but I've heard quite often that what's left after paying rent/tax/healthcare leaves you more money at the end of the month than in other countries. That's mostly thanks to a long history of welfare/subsidising main needs through redistributing incomes through taxes. Some people hate that idea but for me it's the most pragmatic thing to do, leaving The Netherlands in the top 10 of countries where people are happy and feeling quite care-free overall compared to other countries.

I definitely do not know so much about immigration as I'm of course on the other side of the border so to say. I know Europe can be quite unwelcoming to what they see as 'economical immigrants' (and currently even those fleeing from war, not something to be proud of), but if you want to achieve some sort of degree I would definitely try to search for schooling opportunities and go from there. People speak English at a very decent level over here which is also something to consider when moving and look for schooling and job opportunities.

I wish you wisdom on all levels in your search for a place to live and get what you need and deserve <3

Thanks for sharing this info, @soyrosa! We'll let you know when we're visiting next and maybe we can meet up! We fell in love with the Netherlands, I can vouch for the fact that it's an amazing place @josediccus.

Yes @ericvancewalton - always message me whenever you're close! So happy to hear you've seen the positive sides of The Netherlands, each country has their own quirks and challenges, The Netherlands has them for sure, but overall I believe we have a lot to be proud of and I'm definitely often grateful that I was born here - something I don't take for granted.

I certainly will @soyrosa! I was there a year ago for ten days and it was the trip of a lifetime. I've been a lot of places but everything about The Netherlands calls me back again and again.

\0/ I hope traveling will soon be as easy and safe and normal as it was 'a year ago'! Can't wait to hop all over the globe myself again :D

I really hope it's soon!

With everything she's said, I'm sure it is. I'm in love with the country already

Thank you so much I didn't see this comment before now. From all this information I think the Netherland is quite a good place to migrate to. When I'm also running away from war because my country is currently in chaos and the opportunities for young man like me and quite limited. but first of all I want to get the best medical attention for myself then working and schooling are other things which I also plan. I'm still making other research plus I will be considering the cost of actually moving because that is the most important thing. the cost.
@ericvancewalton talked about Portugal and I have a third option as well and I would be looking into the most favourable place for me to move to.
Thanks a whole lot for this detailed reply and I am entirely grateful that you took your time to actually reply me I'm so grateful and thanks a whole lot again for helping me out.

Yes, the cost is HUGE of course. Just the travel and first weeks/months of stay when not everything is arranged yet. I hope you'll find a way <3 Portugal is an amazing country, great weather too (The Netherlands is definitely not famous for its weather :D We do know how to enjoy when there's sun out though!), amazing food and overall pleasant - but also higher unemployment, so not sure how that would be for you to find a job there. Anyway, there's always pluses and minuses for each country you would pick, I guess doing a lot of research and start saving in case an opportunity arises is the best way to go. Again, lots of wisdom to you :-)

Thanks a whole lot my friend, this is detailed and i Thank you for taking your time to actually respond to this, I'll eventually make that move and by all means I'll keep it in mind to consider EU countries. In truth healthcare is my first priority and hopeful after finishing all my underlying projects I'll begin to plan to embark on this.

You're welcome. Try to go into it with the mindset that it's an easily achievable task and it will go more smoothly than it would otherwise. Where there's a will, there's a way. Take care my friend.

This couple is amazing and may be of some help for you. Portugal is looking more and more atrractive and they have excellent healthcare. https://www.ourrichjourney.com/blog/tag/moving+to+Portugal

Wow, they bought a house! I've bookmarked it and will take my time to look into it the more, it seems they're even showing ways they did it. I hope I can get what I want also. Thanks again for the link, I'll keep making my research.

They not only moved to Portugal and began a new life there but also became millionaires in eight years. I've learned a lot from their YouTube channel.

I am sorry I can not help you here other than to say do not come to the USA. So many other countries have better health care than we do.

I hope you can find a safe place to live and grow in mind and body.


Thanks I think the US is off the books for now. I never felt it was in contention. Hopefully I can get to even find a better place. I'm always appreciative of yoke input and supports. Thanks a whole lot.

Omo $2k sef small o, to comot here no be small tin o,...i hear canada is cool, but youve got to write a bunch of examz

Oh my, really? $2k small? I gas up the hustle be that. I seriously need to commot this country no be him. But hopefully I go start to dey plan am. Thanks man I go out Canada for mind