There are 5 pages

I want to give 2885.169 $SPORTS tokens to someone. It might not be much but it's what I have and wish to offer them to someone that might need them. #sports #actifit hivers, who wants them. I'll give them to the first one who replies.

I can always use more sports tokens #sportstalk

Hi. I've already sent them as a gift to the first person who asked for them.

thats me always late lo



Thank you very much, Eric.

your welcome



@zpek! Your Content Is Awesome so I just sent 1 $BBH (Bitcoin Backed Hive) to your account on behalf of @ericburgoyne. (7/20)

@zpek! Your Content Is Awesome so I just sent 1 $BBH (Bitcoin Backed Hive) to your account on behalf of @ericburgoyne. (6/20)

Hello fren!!! I could use them

Sent. Check your wallet and remember me.

Thank you very much fren

Will remember!!!

Feel free to follow me. I might give away more tokens in the weeks and months to come.

Done!!! already upvoted your posts with my alt account 😉

Anyways the light companies are making more money with so much use these days.

Lol. For sure.


@pouchon! Your Content Is Awesome so I just sent 1 $BBH (Bitcoin Backed Hive) to your account on behalf of @bradleyarrow. (2/50)

Best Christmas light so far

#Threadcast Oficial para la curación en vivo en Hispapro

Deja tu post aquí, tus comentarios, e interactúa durante el programa.

¡Los mejores comentarios serán recompensados!

Pues aqui les comparto mi participacion en esta iniciativa por el dia de hoy

Bueno esta bien entonces comparto aquí mi aporte musical jeje:

esta bien power esa cancion brother.

Las turbulencias en los aviones son terribles, es algo normal para los que viajan seguido. Pero para uno que lo hace un vez a la cuaresma, solo puede pensar, este avión se va a caer jaja

Me gusta esta nueva temática para darle mas uso a esta gran plataforma que es inleo.

Hay que aprender a adaptarse a los cambios, la comunicacion es la misma, solo cambia la forma en que se hace. Estoy seguro que en un tiempo se hace hace habitual, comun , cada comentario y cada cosa que hagamos por aqui. @yonnathang

Te lo recomiendo NFS Most Wanted, es muy bueno y tiene bastante acción @franckches

A veces CONFIAR EN EL PROCESO no sale tan bien como esperamos 🤦🏻‍♀️😅

tambíen me encantaron, aun tengo 3 perritos y 3 gatitos 🐶 🐱

Los quiero invitar al "El rincón del terror" en el que a las 7:30 pm de Venezuela me haran una entrevista.


Buenas me parece interesante esta nueva forma de interactuar

esta potente pana, solo es cosa de acostumbrarse, en realidad es lo mismo que el chat, aunque extraño los gif animados de discord. Y por aqui no puedo poner el sonid de buitre ni los otros tampoco.

Yo soy fan es de la voz IA que siempre le ponen a los perritos 😅 que justo la estaba buscando en tiktok y aparece es como “Voz de malandro”

uy cual es esa ?, me interesa tenerla archivada para poder usarla en proximos videos jejejeje

es una voz bastante popular jajaja siempre la he visto es que lo usan para voz de animales, busca en Instagram un perrito que se llama Logan

uy muchísimas gracias, eso me sirve un monton, segurisimo voy a buscarlo!.

finisimoooo , muchas gracias, me encanta!

Las imágenes son fantásticas e impresionantes, no soy fans de los videos juegos pero este se ve muy bien

Que momento tan dificil Hexagon, que la luz eterna brille perpetuamente sobre ti y te de mucha vida y salud.

si, nada facil, fue el mes más lento de mi vida


¿Por qué @Hispapro no puede jugar al escondite?
R: Porque siempre está en la red.


creo que lo que no te gustó del ashurado @arteyviajes, la técnica de usar líneas para sombrear, es que dejaste mucho espacio entre línea y línea

si, deje muuucho espacio entre líneas y no logré el efecto que quería

Si, eso es lo primero que pasa por la mente de todos cuando se escucha el nombre de esa enfermedad. Te felicito @hexagono, eres un ejemplo de vida.

¿Que les parece esta opcion de chatear via thread?, a mi me parece muy interesante, es solo cosa de que la gente se acostumbre, pero estoy seguro de que va a resultar bien.

wow la historia de @hexagono es fuerte. Pero demuestra que los galenos son muy alarmistas tambien.

si amigo es cierto

a mi me paso algo parecido con mis piernas. Una doctora me vio las piernas y me dijo que me las iban a amputar. Nada mas fuerte que la mente posiitiva, eso lo puede todo!.

Un gusto compartir por Threads esta excelente dinámica. ¡Muy buen trabajo @frankches ! Nos vemos pronto.

yo estoy logueado

Excelente iniciativa con los compas de Hispan Pro! Voy a buscar mi cafecito jeje

Que sea colombiano

Los marcadores son complicados jajaja es difícil llevarlos, suele ser mejor cuando puedes saturarlos del todo.


definitivamente tus colecciones son para tenerlas en una vidriera, esto es de museo brother.

@arteyviajes es artista profesional. A los profesionales nunca les va a gustar 100% como queda xD incluso si a los demás les parece que está "bonito"

la verdad que si. Cuando nos dedicamos a un area en especifico, somos bastantes quiskillosos en eso, y claro con razon. Al nerd lo que es del nerd jajajajaja.

No reveles mi secreto jajaja yo solo soy una novata 😅

a mi me gusta, pero si, los marcadores es un medio al que le tengo respeto XD

Bueno un placer acompañarlos, me retiro porque me toca asistir a la entrevista en el podcast, que es dentro de 15 minutos. @frankches

Gracias por el espacio

muy interesante tu publicacion acerca del juego pana.

Hola , interactuando por aca

Yo estoy logueado

Aquí estamos fino logueados

Logeado! 👍

Yo estoy logueado (aunque creo que ya lo sabes).

saludos a todos los que estan interactuando en este thread!

bUenas tardeeees

hola hexagono =)

Es un gran programa y me han adoptado.

Después de un siglo y de un internet lento lo logré logre 😅

Yey! felicidades, te ganaste este gif animado

Mi teléfono no está soportando la Web3 🤣🤣😬

Logré entrar por la PC

manclar no te recomiendo dedicarte a comediante xD

@frankches Yo tengo ademas del post cuando me toque participar, una información adicional que dar , Me invitaron a un podcast ahora dentro un rato (7:30 pm) y me gustaría compartir via voz por discord la informacion. dime si puedo hacerlo.

Claro, puedes compartir la información.

chevere , muchas gracias

Allí estaremos acompañando #hive #inleo

Excelente publicación @mancar muy aleccionadora

gracias, espero que te haya gustado, a mi me encanto hacer el video, me apasiona toda esta tecnologia tan asombrosa. Las voces son impresionantes, me tienen encantado.

Hola , feliz tarde-noche. como van por aquí?

Hola Yonnathang, todo bien

hola amigo, todo bien, bueno yo ando un poco resfriado y con algo de tos, pero bueno, resistiendo , para alante. ¿y tu?

Es un poco enredado desde el teléfono, pero de a poco se le va agarrando el hilo 👍🏻

Gods unchained es un juego que siempre ha sido interesante, me parece una buena opción y que tiene un gran potencial.

parece un juego de steam, asi como estas comentando. Los graficos estan atractivos.

Realmente llama la atención, visualmente se ve increíble.

tiene una paleta de colores que me llama mucho la atencion, yo estoy aprendiendo sobre paletas de colores, y la de esa imagen me tiene asombrado!.

eL 28 de este mes, es de ir el martes que viene, estoy de cumpleaños 🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉

Se viene!!!

La torta 🎂

feliz cumpleaños por adelantado entonces!.

Tenemos cumple 🎂

#threadcast es un paso mas hacia la excelencia , adaptarse es la opcion 👍

Una tarde refrescante al lado de un equipo que trabaja minuto a minuto #threadcast #hispapro

Estamos por aquí @alberto0607, llégate jaja...

Listo, estoy por aquí

😳 que locura todo lo que pasaste amiga @hexagono6

sI amiga, así es

Nuestra actitud ante las dificultades en la vida, hace una gran diferencia, asi que veamos soluciones en todas partes y no problemas.

... extraño se siente interactuar por acá

Volvió la luz :v devuelta por acá

que bueno, eso de estar sin electricidad es insufrible pana. Espero no siga fallando, que estress andar con esa incertidumbre, uno se enferma.

Es horrible :-( sobre todo cuando tienes alguna publicación para compartir.

y peor aun cuando tienes que participar en una reunion, o dar una charla, mira que me ha pasado y es acojonante!.

esa película es demasiado buena

Este salió antes del Most Wanted XD

Blacklist pero en videojuegos, jajajaja XD

Gracias a todos por conectarse en WEB3. Saludos

Damos por finalizada la curación.
Muchas gracias a todos por su participación.

Javascript, Ruby, Python, PHP are the languages of Hive

interesting, not a dev yet thought i read some solidity & html is in there too... maybe those are languages that are in those you mention already, to lazy to research #busy :P moving funds around for this fancy new indicator!

On a hackathon we had here in venezuela the participants that were not Hivers loved Hive because it was the easiest and most practical blockchain to develop in.

That’s awesome! Yeah you have a range of things to work with. Hives biggest issue is lack of UI devs, 😂

CZ now going out of picture, is this the end of the original founders who manipulated(?) crypto? Does this mean we purged the crypto froth? Are we heading towards a more mature crypto market? #cryptomaniacs

Sweet. Looking forward to hear a great convo. My question- Why is SBF criminal and CZ not? or am I misrepresenting? #cryptomaniacs

Looking forward to another awesome show with the #cryptomaniacs

What are your thoughts on the news about Binance and CZ?

Still looking staunch as anything, well done

I listened to the inLeo AMA this afternoon and they were spitballing some ideas about threadcasts. I can see it getting out of hand.
What do you guys think is the best way to manage threadcasts?

Pitty the fool that disagrees with @taskmaster4450 LOL

TM has thick gold chains? He can afford them!

Task doesn’t have to have the chains, he’s got the blockchain, 😂

The verdict is still out on @taskmaster4450 being AI, lol

Hello maniacs! Other than what has already been announced, what would you like to see on Leo next?

What’s your favorite DEX right now (can give 1 on hive and 1 off hive if you like)

Follow-up: how do you feel about CZ’s ouster and do you believe DEXes will benefit?

Today @hispapro used threadcast for a curation show and the community tried and I'm very proud of them for that.

They said they were confused, so we need to be even more friendly, but they did it anyway, and they got more than 100 comments. I know it can be a hard change but it is a good one.

I haven't used a CEX in a long time other than to go in and out through stablecoins to you know avoid cap gains taxes. Other than that, it's all about the DEX!

What's happening fellas?!

I still believe crypto is here to be an alternative to the traditional system. They already have Bitcoin and Ethereum, but the rest needs to stay in the hands of the people. Just my crazy cypherpunk mentality, lol

Hello!!! :D

The Hive Engine outpost admins can mute people on the front end. I know I can on Hivelist and Hivehustlers

I just bitched about Google Ads being all over my screen and tracking me, lol. I at least gave my feedback.

I wish we could mute people and also hashtags

I've seen premium users not using InLeo and idk why... if you want premium you want to get the worth of it!

They just don't want to deal with 2 different exchanges. I like the internal market and Beeswap for HE

LOL Don't get me started, lol

Oh ok, Task just answered my question :P

Do you know if there is still a penalty in place for using the inleo tag but posting from a different frontend?

I guess the big issue is being decentralized and censorship free but also trying to ward off crap content.

Yeah, I've been trying to see Hispapro profile to see the threadcast they are running today, and I have to go to where I shared the links because the threads are not showing in the profile.

I'm patience bc I'm all into InLeo and I understand what is happening, but coming as a new user I see how they will get tired and leave.

The Ecency waves guys are all about that peace and love and it's really just kinda boring, lol. Threads needs some lively discussions... LOL... Guess I need to start trolling, lol

I plan on taking Hivelist premium too when I get some extra revenue coming in for it.


How about topics like this modern delusional women and how badly they treat men. I tried that with a few memes and I think I didn't get many votes or followers lol

Oh I have played in the EVM pools and well, you see where I am... LOL

Jesus is King fam!

BASE... LOL!!!

So many hacks on ETH because solidity

Join the club Jongo, lol

Google AdSense seems to be running much more smoothly than Coin Zilla was.

Bye, see ya Thursday

One year perspective.

It is like the best investment one should focus on. This is just 2023. It is a head's up for 2024. What will it be?

Players are being weeded out.


@pouchon! Your Content Is Awesome so I just sent 1 $BBH (Bitcoin Backed Hive) to your account on behalf of @bradleyarrow. (3/50)

For all those who wave not seen this - myth crushing story on my account nickname.
Link to 4 year old post - in the comments of this thread.

#myusername #introduceyourself

Country - Lithuania (LY)

One—Alpha - OneAlfa (Second Half of LY1A)

Noted sir. It was a good read to learn about the history of your name 🥳🥳

Amazing back story. Are you still doing Amateur radio or crypto has taken over for now.

Its a shame to admit, but crypto seems won 99% of my time over other hobbies. Ham radio is just not that much challenge and Adrenalin anymore. Unless you build super huge antenna farms, which would allow to win world-wide contests without sweat. Then comes another problem - struggle against mother NATURE. Strong winds, ice-storms, etc.

Old phrase is still valid:
If your antennas were not broken during last winter season - means only ONE thing: all them are NOT LARGE ENOUGH.

Hahahah.. crytpo is all revolutionist and we can see it in. What is has done to you hobbies


So you're from Lithuania?

Yes. So what?

Just getting to know that,I saw that in the introduction post.

I support Zalgiris Kaunas 2 in Lithuania league too.

Could Binance be collapsing? That's why we are building the VSC network - to bring decentralized cross chain wrapping & smart contracts to HIVE. Securing our future.

Great to see that Hive is creating the solutions people truly need.

We are here to provide the possibilities

We need that decentralized L2! Keep building

Working as fast as possible!

We sent 0.06 $HBD to our viewers from 9th of November.
Thanks for #watchandearn threadcast participation!
Next watch and earn stream is on thursday 9:00 am CET

We’re seeing a lot more clicks on Adsense ads than we ever saw on Zilla ads

Much more relevant ads IMO. My experience is already a lot better

Now we just need to catch up to what Zilla used to pay us. We’re well on our way

I'm not sure about other people's opinions but I myself happy seeing things that are more relevant to me rather than crypto trade bot/gambling ads

Being that adsense should always show ads it shouldn't take that long to overcome what zilla ads paid you being they hardly showed any lol Agreed much more targeted ads so higher clicks. I'd be curious to see stats and what countries are producing. I've always seen USA traffic do FAR better than any other country.

Two next features coming:

  1. Claim rewards
  2. Bookmarks backend improvement + folder organization for premium members

playing with the claim rewards feature in labs

Don't be weak sauce!

Come and say hi to the 'Maniacs!

We're live:


Rant, rant, rant time!!!

Don't trust.


Definitely, that's very important, having full knowledge of what you are doing or going into is very important.

Knowledge is power

Crypto is like the Wild West. A lot of Sharlatans and con artists around.

Yes, this is true. I applied this powerful sentence yesterday, and it helped me avert something that could have cost me many things. Thanks for this fatherly advice.

Today I ordered TWO more Yubikeys. Four isn't enough for me.

Reason No.1 - few of those 4 here are just to old, outdated.

Reason No.2 - Black Friday offers

How many YUBIKEY's you have? 😜


Good to see you active so much!

Amazing. More security for the crypto and taking advantage of Black Friday deals. I don’t have any yet. But this is a reminder and time to shove around to start building my collection.

I don't even know what yubikey is, I'd go and research on it immediately I leave my comment

is it like a hardwallet or just 2fa? hard wallet I've heard great things about keepkey

No, this is NOT a wallet. This is hardware device for probably the most strong, modern, safe 2FA authentication

Adsense is already paying about 50% of what Zilla was paying us

Hasn’t been a full cycle yet and also takes time for ads to adjust to the site and userbase

Should see it go up from here. The important thing is that we’re aiming to have the direct ad protocol live soon

That will drive the bulk of ad revenue in 2024. Adsense will be the backup display for unused ad space

Nice!!! Can't wait for direct ads.

That was quick 🥲

Everyone is avoiding their assets not to get freeze like FTX


@nonsowrites! Your Content Is Awesome so I just sent 1 $BBH (Bitcoin Backed Hive) to your account on behalf of @adedayoolumide. (1/5)

would be nice if they converted to hive, withdrew, then powered up :)

I am getting some weird, crazy 3 week old notifications... Someone is crunching the code.

Thanks to embedding features I can get my twitch chat right her on inleo and chat with my viewers. I had an active threadcast today. where you can see how it looks.

If you expect crypto to dump, and have no spare cash, you know exactly who you are. Right?

i did arrange few usdt before the dump and successfully bought what i wanted. So happy , if market go down more i will DCA.

Ba(n)gholder baby! 😁

That's me alright

Good night 😴😴😴😴😴😴😴😴

The Alfa is going to bed

Long live Hive

Lot of people panicking here and there over CZ stepping down news. Lot of FUD in the air. A good time to stay calm and wait for potential opportunities this might open. 😉


Honestly could be a very good buying spot. I might pick up some BTC with the dividends from my stocks I got today lol

Nice! Kinda secretly waiting for a chance to pick up some cheap assets as well. Stables ready.

I have my bullets ready and i am going to fire if we go red in the next few days :)

Same here! Might be the best opportunity of the whole year.

I am not worried. If price drops then I have usdt to buy in cheap price. chill...

I juat posted from the @hive-112281 account. All about Change.

If you want to read about my day and other stuff, check out the link in the comment.

I think that this whole situation with Binance  right now is what BlackRock was trying to do for a very long time to get control over the biggest Crypto exchange CZ might be also manipulated here and now he is gone and I will not be surprised if SEC or BlackRock candidate for this position will arrive. I have seen Bull Trap for a very long time, street came back again and now market will dump. It is actually dumping right now, that red candle will continue. That is exactly what BlackRock is doing to buy cheaper. They manipulate the market for decades, all of it! Gold, Dollar, Properties, Land, Food, Oil, Inflation, S&P500 etc etc That's how this system is built. Deal with it...

good to get new

Well, that sucked HIVE

You know what is awesome. When you grab a nice chunk of hive to flip into HBD to put in savings and the price of HIVE dumps 5% in a 30 min span while you are doing it. UGH 🤦‍♂️ #hive

we all have different goals, like I had a $5 cash out plan for Hive to move to some HBD yet now I am cashing HIVE out for some Layer 2 tokens instead

No risk, no reward. I'm still holding some assets for over a year that I intended on being a quick flip. Have an !BEER and !PIZZA to ease the dip.

Yeah, it happens 🤷‍♂️

ouch! Still a good move in the long run though

I feel you.

Still pretty annoyed. Gonna take a few months of interest just to recoup that. Oh well.

a couple of months to recoup 5%?
that sucks.
I am spending a ton on devs right now so haven't been playing the % game.
As soon as we launch I will be :)
RUNE make up for the difference?

I think you're supposed to feel some consolation if I mention dollar cost averaging.

#hbd is lifeline holding strong as ever made it just in

Nope, I lost 5% in less than 30 minutes

36 days since last GEYSER...


When Geyser!!!

hmmm, someone must have touched the codes, lol. Thought it is paid automatically.

Hive is hard

But the CUTE Community can help, our focus on Comments, Upvotes, Tweets and Earnings is a winner.

Being in a community can act as a support system for individuals. !BBH

@cutecurator! Your Content Is Awesome so I just sent 1 $BBH (Bitcoin Backed Hive) to your account on behalf of @adedayoolumide. (3/5)

This is very true. This community is designed to support members who post directly on #cute or who post elsewhere nd add the tag #cute

that's great, keep the good work !BBH

Free INLEO Premium Contest on Hive Community Bloom

Last Day December 5th


I missed the live AMA so I'm checking it out on YouTube.

Thanksgiving is coming up. I am outside. Thinking that I am lucky to be appreciated, healthy and financially stable.
I don’t have the perfect life but I know that I am blessed.
#thankful #happy #hope

Are the bears coming back? We just sent them into hibernation, I hope they don't wake up.

#Bitcoin may not do what everyone expects, so be vigilant.

We send it to hibernation but seem it waking up for correction, not dump.

@rtonline! Your Content Is Awesome so I just sent 1 $BBH (Bitcoin Backed Hive) to your account on behalf of @adedayoolumide. (2/5)

Crypto markets will overcome this too, hopefully it won't take long.

sure it won't take too long. !BBH

#gmfrens, I want to start making videos for social networks and I can't decide on a specific video editor, can you help me choose between these options?

If you need quick and dirty Social media videos that pop you can use adobe express. It has a bunch of cool templates for tiktok youtube and all sorts of social media.

Thank you very much for the suggestion but it is blocked for my country. I can not use it.

Then there is canva.
Always a good option. Make sure to use someones referral if you sign up for the pro, which has amazing tools. Including generative fill and even keying of images.
I think @thisismylive used canva pro and might have an invite for you.

Thank you very much, I will check out Canva, although the pro version is not an option for me, I am looking for free options.

It can still do a lot and you can use it in a browser.
If you want software:
Davinci Resolve is free:

Thanks, I will also review that option and stick with the one that is most comfortable for me, maybe I will use up to 2 or 3 at a time hahaha

GM to you & thank you for using the #gmfrens tag on Threads. Listen to the most recent Hive Community Town Hall!

GM tokens are now on Hive Engine! To OPT OUT of comments visit @gmfrens.

Need Christmas Inleo Art?
Free Use for Social Onboarding & Inleo Posts!

#christmas #marketing #design #grinch

If you let your learning lead to action, money will follow


#outreach #threadstorm #wealth #money #iska

🧵1/ When my character ran into financial issues, Nicholas challenged him to choose a life-altering opportunity over staying still and waiting for a miracle.

🧵2/ It was a software development camp. Nicholas believed in seizing opportunities even though my character had a desperate desire to be by his son, Roy's side during a challenging health crisis.

🧵3/ The choice weighed heavy, but the knowledge gained at the camp would opened doors to remote software development jobs for him. The financial troubles was unexpected, and he found myself struggling with conflicting priorities.

🧵4/ He had to choose between a career advancement and being present for his son's chemotherapy. He sacrificed and allowed Mona his wife be there while he pursued that opportunity. The dividends paid off, and soon, the joy of a healthy Roy overshadowed the initial turmoil.

Friendly reminder to think about and review your passwords, people. This table shows the time a computer cracker needs to guess any given password.

#OpSec #staysafe #hive #leo

That is an interesting and useful graphic. I am going to print it out and give to my kids.


Great idea! Even as computing keeps getting better, not even a jump x100 from here will alter this chart significantly

and then you throw AI and quantum computers into the mix and that all goes down to about zero. Or you account in human error and that goes down to zero as well lol

Nah, not even the biggest quantum or supercomputer can currently break a 256 bit encryption in about the Age of the Universe. Some kind of new breakthrough will be needed.

When you are thinking about WEB3, what are your preferences of coding language?

I had debates with my friends, hence I will put it up for public. :)

Thank you for you inquiries and thoughts!

Hello friends, Good day to you all. A few hours ago, I was taking photographs of the cloud and suddenly I saw this airplane ✈️ and I captured it.

#mydiary #hivephotos

An interesting scene indeed

Just listening to the AMA on spaces. Excited about threadcasts and leoads. Evergreen rewards will be such a gamechanger. AI features for premium usrs are incoming SOON ™️

Never mind adding NEW features. I'd be happy if they worked on fixing just the basic website functionality, which has been an issue from day one...

The fact that the HBD is not pocketed but builds liquidity is what makes me go easy on complaining. Yes there have been issues. Yes there are still issues. They will be fixed.
Most website functionalities work pretty well right now. And if you are still experiencing issues some of them can be solved by just logging out and emptying the cache. After a new login, everything works quite smoothly.

Remembering The 420 @CafeCremers

Curve Balls where at the register for the rest of the Night, I can tell you that...

I love the ambiance in that smoke-filled room.

Love is all we need ;)

if this was true, there would be no Binance right now.

lol they are so full of shit as if the FIAT USD isn't the most used for these things

it's the hypocrisy for me. We can see between their lies. This has nothing to do with justice or fairness, they just want to control the system/industry.

If crypto crashes during the Christmas season then you can say good bye to bull cycle in 2024. Wait for 2025. lol. Its a good time to buy RUNE, SOL, POL, ETH and others. Just don't save it in binance and any exchange wallet.

If bitcoin drops now to 10k then expect end of 2025 to recover it haha.

Thinking about 10k is too much I think. I can't think too much low in the current time.

Check the news, 2 exchanges going down. Binance founder got hit too. If things escalated like this 10K is not impossible but more probable.

Hmm. I get your point

I can't seem understand what a potential Xmas crash should have anything to do with 2024 bull cycle. Or to determine what's happening in 2024. Sounds strange.

if binance shutsdown, asians and africans who are invested will be off the p2p and withdraw cycle.. no new money will be in the market from their side.. which leaves only europe and us & canada..

Nah, that's just FUD. No one said Binance is shutting down, secondly, Bitcoin(and the whole crypto) has recovered from -50% to -80% drops remarkably fast. Cycles are cycles, they are bound to happen anyway. Perhaps we shouldn't consider every bit of news as the end of the world.

That'd be true if it was 2019, but it's 2023.. CBDCs are here, decentralized coins and centralized exchanges are falling.. BNB has started falling. it's not a cycle like before. It'd be FUD when there was noise and no action. but now it's action and then noise.. if you go to binance's square (social) you'd notice massive rage over pending withdrawals and p2p txn pending.. since 2021 things have changed alot over the years. it's not your typical FUD .. it's binance this time.

I understand that it might seem like something big is happening when reading those social media platforms. Really, this is still nothing new. There was this kinda FUD and rumors around Binance during the FTX mess, it always gets out proportion. People actually feed it, creating a snowball effect. That's understandable though, crypto can be scary!

decentralized coins are falling

Which ones, I wanna buy! 😀

Everyone is just expecting a dump. Am I wrong?
Seems like I am a very calm person and I am still not panicked about what's going on market.


The market is just going through correction.

Movie tip for tonight.🎬
'Leo' to watch on Netflix.
The humor in this animated movie was excellent.

#movies #comedy #fun

What other Dapps are you expecting on hive blockchain.
I'm thinking of develop one project


The only thing in the headlines today is the CZ news what a snooze fest in crypto land today

I have to check out this update..

Cookin’ up some chicken for dinner

oooo is that a wok?

just a small skillet

Looking good!

That looks good. I have been at work and am hungry. I need to come over for dinner. !PIZZA

when it is gloomy and rainy like this, the best solution is to chai. Solves everything

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