There are 13 pages

Fun story...Living in Canada today:

  • It was -41 C so of course, my SUV didn't start. Plugged it in, so hopefully tomorrow we'll be able to get into town for....Food lol

  • First year raising chickens and they are actually doing quite well in these crazy temperatures. Except for the poop frozen to one of their butts....We're good.

Wen moon? I need to move to the Caribbean.

Those temperature degrees sound brutal. Amazing the chicks and doing fine!!! All the best in you endeavors. Moon soon!!

I dont wish this on my worst enemy.

Well, All things work for good to them that love him.
From the little I have seen you will pull through and emerge stronger. You are the man with a plan!!

Looks like a toe freezing cold.

It's pretty bad!

Do people get frostbites in this extreme weather?

It wouldn't take long. Minutes with exposed skin. I was outside today trying to start my car, I'm still trying to warm up lol

Tough life, looks like you need a lot of heating to keep you warm.

got to say very graphic narrative

Yeah, I have pics of the poop too! Rock solid looolol

16 in Celcius

Trade ya????

my dog, chickens are crazy, so they can live in any environment, lol. maybe they're families of cockroaches? lol

Oh for sure. Same family of survivors lol

Come here haha I'll take you to the beach :D you can pay with HBD

Anyone purchasing an #etf?
I feel like the market is confused of what to do next
Maybe it’s buying time.

what I think is now is time to buy ETFs (nfa) but I'm sure a lot a lot of hate from tradfi guys.

$BTC price is screaming something. When dust settles we will see clearly the direction.

Yea, need to wait till it's clear which direction it'll choose.

I delegated resource credits to these accounts:
let's see who is still active!
#newlions #onboarding #followup
@lostinmyway 1,123.00b RC
@mosorire 2,199.00b RC
@yoomurphh 2,243.00b RC
@sabrinah 2,013.00b RC
@zombiebytes 2,054.00b RC
@web3s0cial 1,112.00b RC
@kingcefo 1,956.00b RC

It's nice to help people be active on #threads. Keep up the excellent work. That's how strong communities grow together. Inleo is what a genuine community should be. The credit goes to awesome supportive people like yourself.


Hello @solymi

Could you please delegate me some resources so I can continue on #hive and #threads. I shall be grateful indeed.

I delegated all to #holozing and now I am left with no resources, still new here and learning.

Can do! Next time when delegating out your full HIVEpower, think first. You should at least have 10 HP of your own so you don't run out of RC

Thank you very much indeed for helping me out. With your delegation, now I can be active again on #threads.


You are very welcome, RC is something I have a lot of and it does cost me 0 to share. And I can collect good karma points along the way;)
Have an awesome day!

I have never been sure about what are those RC for. I guess they are not the same that Voting power? I noticed I drain them when Im playing delegating/redelegating/staking stuff...

You thought it would be easy and $BTC would moon post ETF approval?

You are still too green my friend 😆 ...

#Bitcoin #crypto #gm

Some are predicting 100x compute for AI in 2024 and the same in 2025. That means we are looking at advancement taking a day what takes a year now.

That is mind blowing if correct...hell even a fraction of that is incredible.

AI development will vastly outpace expectations

It’s not another VR situation. This shit is already here

Yes it is. And then compute is going to accelerate.

Can you imagine the energy requirements that are going to be needed? It is going to be massive.

Now this is the kind of putting on we want to see on the space. Amazing!!

@jongolson is really a legend around inleo! Glad to see more of him on chain :D

If you didn’t know, you can add INLEO to your Home Screen on iPhone using Safari

I use it and it’s fantastic. Quickly opening the UI and seeing the latest threads is super easy

Here is the #threadcast for today's Lion's Den show.

It starts at 1 pm eastern time, so about 1 hour.

Here is the spaces. Be sure to set the reminder.

the greatest time wasters of all times

  • you tube
  • wikipedia

and X

it is a fact if you have that time.

I just started using InLeo links instead of Peakd links my reviews. I might change the links in older reviews, but it would take some time.

Got to head out. Thanks for the chat!

Reading elons book and throwing out the window is now out the questions. LOL

I use maybe 3-5 LeoGlossary links on my posts. However, on Splinterlands posts the number is much higher, maybe 10 links

Just tuned in! 🙂 How long this has been live?

20 minutes-ish

Nice, didn't miss that much. 😊

I actually never really grasped the idea of affiliate marketing... I think I know what it is but then again, don't fully understand.

it's an adventure lol

for me, it should be (if done properly) built around relationships you build with customers and clients over the years.

I once considered it as one option but then other online opportunities came, crypto mainly.

Handy dandy show time!

waoo.. I am glad to hear that every since my blogs infused with leoglossary
Links has been making it's way to the Google spider

Noise cash is pretty much dead.

Reason: the rewards stopped, people left. Simple as that.

He got Ottawa right....Impressive!!!!

You have trained him well.

Absolutely. The more reviews for film the merrier. Especially when people approach some film from different perspectives.

I currrently write mostly about old stuff. I'm planning to write about more recent stuff, but not in the nearest of future.

I should start adding Weird Al Yankovic songs... 😅 Remember that guy?

one time offers!!!! lol

Buy Our Stuff

Option C - Throw him out the window!

Noise Cash is what you are thinking about sir.

Yes, Noise Cash! That died when the rewards died. The app itself was pretty good.

i loved how clean it was. but yeah, all depended on whales donating BCH for rewards. Failed model.

Yeah, it was fun while it lasted but not sustainable.

When they migrated their servers, deleted more than 1 year of my posts.

That cold not happen on a really decentralizec protocol, like the one Hive & INLEO are based on.

Every day I come across funny or weird short video clips and I'm about to share them on Inleo but then I realize, it's not possible. So my question is:

wen LeoShorts?

No,no,no...not YouTube videos. That's been an option for quite some time. Our own videos for example! 🙂

Yeah, thanks! 😅 I know how to embed them but I want them to run automatically like they do on X. So basically add them like pics, straight from the desktop, for example.

Killing me....

You are really doing a great doubt

Last night I found a wikipedia page that would have kept me up all night.

I think I'll be able to attend this time.

Time zones are a bitch.

This week I will not miss this show! Already set my reminder.

Very good.

Ask questions so that it'd get listed on the top of the page for threadcast.

Without a doubt.

reminder set.

leoglossary+search made these pages more valuable. it's like utility was made before usecase.

I made. First time in the lions den on x.

Question. What's your take on when to take profit in crypto and when to keep on building? any specific threshold on account building before taking profit?

I like the updated search feature on LEO.

The Leoglossary got so good since we now can search it. Makes creating my Videos much easier.

I am still new to SEO but does all this linking between leoglossary and threads helps us out? I think yes.

What I would like to see with Leo search is that it could be applied to my earliest reviews. Almost everything I wrote before Steemit/Hive schism had to be searched in a roundabout way.

I agree with the database lingo, but I keep going into collaborative tools to make the data peered reviewed as opposed to clone different version of the same thing.

Wen all Leo Glossary terms on the new search box?


Task, is there an assessment of how much data the Hive blockchain can include, at most? Will its use as a world database require, in the case of INLEO, to use ever growing SSD's and RAM capacities for LEO Node?

Looks like I have some more song capturing to do today. Good to see!

guess this is why I like to incorporate leoglossaryleoglossary link in my crypto and finafinance blogs

Missed this and my internet connection isn't very good today, but sending my regards.

Season-overall data can be evergeen.

Like for example there could be an entry for Super Bowl L (or 50) that could have data such as which teams played, who won, what was the score, where it was held and what not

And the half time shows! Can't forget those

Oh yea! SUper important

A lot of people only tune in for those

Just powered up 30 LEO. I feel... powerful.

A big difference with Wikipedia is that their "open review" process for entries is usually led by a handful of accredited people, politically biased in many cases, and ends up being a "Deep State" approved encyclopedia.

What I meant before is that ALL data gets old, if I do a page about LeBron james and he keeps playing, all his stats will change. And if another one wants to update them. He wouldnt be able.

English-language Wikipedia used to be the most reliable and the most objective. But not any more. Everything written about recent events should be taken with huge grain of salt.

I dont see it as it compete with anything else outside but it does give traffic to a Hive interface, ppl who finds Hive without knowning of the rewards probably have a better chance of staying

I was listening on that CTT and thats what got me stop bitching about Inleo, it was very unstable and got me back on threads, some one has to use it, if we dont who will, IF we want to keep this show going

We go live in about 15 minutes.

And we are live.

#leak Loot Lounge will be using only HBD for all marketplace transactions.
No Hive

Smart move. It is the proper medium of exchange for all transactions that Hive projects should adopt.

We had decided a while back, but just finished taking Hive out of the code completely today.
So I was waiting to confirm until we did this.

Music to my eyes...I will tell you that.

So much potential there, need projects to build it in.

We are lining up a few games right now.
I think when we show the beauty of the system, it will help onboard game companies from outside.
I am super excited.

LOL you are such a tease.

Glad things are progressing. We need more projects that are going to be screaming success. That is how networks build.

I am new here, how do i navigate my way through

welcome friend.
Just do your thing.

Welcome. You can use threads just as you did, ask questions, share your thoughts, news or anything you want. You can interact with others too.

You can check out the "Articles" tab is you want to read long form content. Or you can check other Hive communities through the "Community" tab. 😉

I delegated some RC to you so you should be able to post more ;)

Welcome! Just try out the site or otherwise you can just shout out a question like you did now :)

Hope you can contribute to our community! :)

new long-form article update live in labs!

It looks awesome

thanks for the update, I am making my long form post through the UI now

I have found good people on here the last 5 years. Still chat with some of the OGs 2 times a year on discord just to say hi and to check on the families and such. Crazy world where you can have friends all over the world due to a blockchain.

I think that is one of the beauties of it

I'll be live with Signed by Superstars tonight at 7PM EASTERN. Link in comments. #threadcast

Can't wait

Let's go!!!

that's really awesome! #freecomplime

Oh hell yeah!

Cool! Glad to have you as part of the Woo community! #woogame

Very cool. Just discovered Signed By Superstars!

Lets go ! Glad to have such a vibrant personality in the woo s

Let's Go!!!

Oi this dapp... but anything I can do to help.

Is anyone else watching this live? New drinking game is Mikey saying fuck.

#premium update, 12.01.2023 09:20 UTC

Hope to see more new name in the coming months. Also see some people who havent renewed. Hope Khal and team reach out and try to see what reasons they have for it and maybe adress them in the future :)

This is a good #feedback for the team.

Nice one, we are way over 200 which means a nice bump in permanent liquidity!

we still need more people in order to have deep liquidity for $LEO .

We're increasing by the day.

Premium members.. Kings!

Glad to see that the list is increasing

freeIt would be nice if #InLeo had ANY customer service at all.

i paid for premium a week ago but still don't have it. Reported many times with #feedback & tagged Khal and Eric.

Silence is the stern reply!

Does anyone realize how much more $$ Premium INLEO users are making on #hive each month than non-premium?

Looking over the data. A little mind-blowing to be honest

Have not seen any stats on that. It is going to be a few months before I can afford premium have to build my HBD back up to afford it

Once you get it once, the increase in earnings will more than likely let you keep subscribing each month (and then some)

When I get some HBD built back I will try it

Hmmm, sounds great! That means I need to be active here, lol!

Lol yes! Make sure to keep posting blog posts from INLEO

Well, I'm always posting my long form content via the UI.

I have no idea. Fill us in

Hmm, and something tells me this is just the beginning…

Premium users can make $$$ but the condition is they should be active on the platform. Though I don't have any statistics.

Tomando chuva voltando pra casa,

Mas uma coisa eu posso afirmar, to feliz pra caramba kkkk


30 dias de tranquilidade, longe do centro de São Paulo.

I’m officially a gamer 😛 come study Japanese or English with me through RPGs like Xenoblade and Persona. RPGで日本語と英語の単語の勉強

Streaming in about 2 hours on Twitch
ID: selfhelp4trolls

#threadcast (i may be delayed to reply but I’ll reply to everything) #games #japanese #crossculture

Just looked at the Long form post on labs.

Font, header content, bottom of content, might be related - all things have changed. I can't wait to see the update rolled on the main site.

Wow. Very nice. The writer had got an update earlier in the week so another level of advancement. Great to see.

No more riches: It's fixed now.

#ladiesofhive #leofinance

You've got some huge power still, considering when you joined the jungle

Thank you. I am trying my best to march on and pierce through the jungle.

Great lioness!!!! Your speed is a killer. Go! Excel!!!!!

Thank you for the kind compliment. Appreciate your support,

We keep on building for the future. Keep it up!

So ?

Admittedly, it took me a few more seconds than the seven you mentioned, but I really enjoyed the challenge. 😄

3 to the power 75 is the largest

I'm poor with numbers so without a calculator, it will take me forever to solve that, lol! My guess would be the first one😅

I guessed 2 and then did the math (took longer than 7 seconds) to find out I was wrong. It's been a few years since my brain has had to work at problems like these. :-)


The first option correct, mathematics of class 10th. We studied comparing these using factor comparison method.

The first one just because I knew that that number will be higher, I didn't trust the 2, too round, lol.


It's already 11:05am in Nigeria, how time flies.

How's your day going and what do you have planned for the weekend?

I hope it will be something fun and exciting 😀

#threads247 #thread2earn #freecompliments #ladiesofhive

I have some posts in mind to do, but resting is also part of it, so I hope to be able to relax a lot over the weekend by watching a series or having ice cream with my family. #freecompliments

Oh that's some cool plans you've got there

It's all very simple :D I believe that what I need most is to rest a little, it's been a busy few days with a lot of work. #freecompliments

Yes, rest is very necessary to help keep the body fit. I don't fail to rest when the body calls for it.

#alive #aliveandthriving

it's winters here, just sit infront of heater ,drink coffee and watch Netflix series..

Oh really? The weather here is blazing hot, we're still expecting the harmattan

For me it is 07:55 am in the Sunshine state. It is going to be a quick Friday for me.

Oh that's great. Make the best out of it.

#freecompliments #thread2earn

Sick & Fasting

3 Days Sick & 3+ Months Fasting

Weighed more 28 years ago
Stopped fastinfasting & gained 7lb, got sick & plan to get back to some intermittent fasting & weights
13lb down from being sick

nothing like getting sick to lose some weight. intermittent fasting helped me a lot too . Easiest way to cut calories for me. !PIZZA

The Hijacking is now on.

Ethereum up next.

lol let’s get it

Time for Hive to step up.

$LEO 🚀

That too. Although it is not a database so it will have to feed off what we place in HIve's database.

A very busy day in the NBA, excellent games and a fight for the top spot in the conferences. Suns still alive demolish Lakers.


Positivity is essential. It's your attitude that will determine how successful you are and whether you deserve it. Some individuals have a highly negative attitude and see the worst in every scenario, which leads to bad outcomes. It would help if you had a positive outlook on your prosperous life. You will only experience success when you maintain a positive outlook. For this reason, you should always adopt an "I can" mentality because, in either case, you are correct.

#freecompliments #ladiesofhive

#CityFarm nos da la oportunidad de mejorar nuestros recursos para aumentar la producción de nuestra granja.
Disfruta de este hermoso juego en la red de #hive. Te dejo el enlace en los comentarios!!!

Aqui pueden observar cómo estoy subiendo mi árbol de nivel para producir mas madera... Participa de #cityfarm: #mundovirtual

My personal expectations on BTC. I would even say - the worst scenario for Bitcoin

Remember - I'm not a financial advisor, so take it all with grain of salt. Or better yet - take this picture only as the source of entertainment. 😃
#bitcoin #halvening #ath $BTC

Chart make sense.

Hope there will be one big correction.. so many people on sidelines waiting to buy it cheaper.

$BTC is about to perform wonders post, Halving. With the inflow of institutional money and FOMO. This is indeed the worst case scenario!!


take this picture only as a sort of entertainment.

Done!! 😉

Temporary swings are possible. Well,
I am holding $BTC for the longterm sir.

Whatever it is, I think there will be more green days for #bitcoin this year and beyond. The risk takers will play full on.

looks like the best bet for btc

I think there is a correction soon

We will continue to confirm how bitcoin is doing

Top Crypto Gaming Projects Poised for Growth in 2024

  1. Enjin (ENJ) —
  2. Immutable X —
  3. Illuvium (ILV) —
  4. Vulcan Forged (PYR) —
  5. Ultra (UOS) —

And $LEO

Leo is a gaming project?

Hey 2024 just getting started. someone might just build a game using $LEO

There are gaming projects..I am not sure Leo is where they will be built.

we can post about gaming. thread about gaming. win giveaways. I am counting it. LOL

Yeah well to do that, it requires people to be on Leo. We know this is not exactly an area where we excel.

I hope these projects will do well in 2024 because the last year was terrible for blockchain gaming.

Pay attention folks, and you will learn how YOU can make Threads better by engaging. Last 30 minutes has been awesome for my engagement. #rocking

Jim crammer said it.

We're so Back.

Capo is Bearish, he says one last pump to $50k and than down. Now crammer also..

Higher!! #bitcoin soon.

Last night match between Barcelona Vs Osasuna just confirmed how Pedri is important for Barca at the midfield. Pedri technicality and calmness on the ball is top notch. Pedri is a top player and I consider him a Ballon d'Or winner someday.

Just uploaded a leoglossary video:

Am curious!

What effects do you think the Bitcoin ETF that was signed on Wednesday in the united states will have on hive blockchain and on the crypo world in general.
Positive or negative?

#crypto #hive #leo #mydiary

You already knows the answer no doubts. Positive indeed

i m seeing mixed reactions.
Some think it's a hype

It might not really be a hype. Good afternoon dear. Am back on stage

I wonder if there's such a thing called micro-staking, lol!

Trying to have some fun staking LEO in the amount corresponding to the date in the calendar

If there isn't you are now inventing it.

Hmm, that makes sense.😅

Interesting hobby ahaha, good bets!

Haha. I find it quite fun 😅

Cant believe myself, opening youtube, been a long time since I had, going to put some threads on the bank for tomorrow on the next hour, cant let @jongolsonon be at the top #musiconleo

Why did the dCrops farmer start a rock band?
Because he had too many beets! 🥁🎸🌱

#dCrops #Blockchain #Farming #PlayToEarn


I drops playable on mobile?

NO one has too many "beets" in dCrops. lol

I wake up today a bit tired, hate feeling this way but had to stay up last night 2hrs longer than normal and still wake up early today to get things going

#gifgang #coffee #tired

Wishing you a great weekend ahead. I wonder what is the first thing on your to-do list?

Trying to get my blog in order, been working mainly on producing some posts and left it neglected in a corner, havent update it compare to my Hive account

Its time for some important house-keeping. Hoping you get it done.

How are you feeling now? How ended up your day?

Well still had to do some stuff at home but it was a good week after all, took a nap and now feeling better, thx for asking btw ✌️

I met this little lady in my window last night, so I had to show this beauty with you guys.

Ains, thanks for sharing it! Is beautiful.

Hey Lions ... have you got any alpha on on what is coming up over the weekend for:

  • Airdrops
  • new NFT mints
  • worthy launches

look into $TIA ecosystem, there's some airdrop ongoing. @brando28 is farming some and have wrote a post too.

I'm still searching for some alphas.

hehe yeah I have friends who are cosmos influencers on X so I get all IBC airdrops and will be featuring one today that launched. Yeah @brando28 and I talked about an airdrops community or something, but I shall make Friday fun days with the Daily Leo as that is my day to write..

We should make a discord server for airdrops only..

Do add me if you plan something like this.

That's a good idea! We should start planning something like that!

Yea, let's do this.

Will be good way to farm airdrops together/refs and collect points.

Yeah! Let's start figuring out the best platform to do it. I'll give it more thought tomorrow and let's wait what Tengo has to say. I'm sure some other user could be interested too.. Discord could be a good place..

Hey, yes! We should decide on a tag to use, is it just #airdrops or something a bit more creative that would include other degen stuff as well? A Discord server is a good idea as well like @idksamad78699 suggested! 😊

There are 13 pages