🎵 Hive Open Mic 97 - Worldwide Live Music Event

in Hive Open Mic3 years ago
Authored by @Hive Open Mic

Hive Open Mic ( #openmic ) is a global community working for world peace through a love of live music. Each week is a new invitation to express and connect.

Hive Open Mic 97

February 13-19, 2022


Global harmony is our mission. World peace is our vision. Our community's international open mic event attracts 100+ musicians and thousands of listeners each week. Our virtual song circle reaches globally, while upholding the classic pattern of a traditional open mic event. At the end of each week, we celebrate the songs with a showcase, much like a live music concert.

All are welcome. We invite artists of every style and any skill level, providing a haven for creative expression and genuine connection. Here, we see real relationships building between music lovers worldwide. Every contributor can be proud of the fact we are manifesting a live music movement, by sharing the gifts of musical performance and generous listening.

For the 97th week of Hive Open Mic, we will explore the following theme: "Lost." This theme is selected by our recent Spotlight Artist @andiesongmusic, who is one of this community's most admired music producers, and a rad song carrier. Everyone is encouraged to share the collective current as we express and connect through the theme: Lost.




This week's Hive Open Mic theme is: “Lost.” This is a pressure-free invitation, encouraging us to explore new territory together as artists and share a common ground as a community. Musicians always have full freedom to bring whatever music feels inspired in the moment. Here's a timeline, for anyone wishing to look back, be present, or prepare future entries.

98: Mi Melodia ---> 97: Lost ---> 98: Conversación Con Dios

How To Play

1. Produce - Introduce your video by saying the words, “Hive Open Mic Week 97,” including your name. Perform a song.
2. Present - Post your video in the Hive Open Mic community. Include the tag #openmic.
3. Promote - Share your link in the comments section of Sunday's open mic invitation in order to ensure your entry is heard.
4. Prosper - Build relationships by engaging with fellow music lovers through uplifting comments.


Hold On (Cover) by @mipiano
Feel (Original) by @holisticmom
Soaring (Original) by @joshuabbey
Gaviota / Seagull (Cover) by @davidcentenor
Son Mis Deseos / It's My Wishes (Cóver) by @zorajr and @armandolnrs
Con los Brazos al Cielo / With Arms to Heaven (Original) by @lecumberre
Cuando Llega La Marea / When The Tide Comes (Original) by @adreini
Be United As One (Original) by @rezasofyan
Mi Fe / My Faith (Original) by @jhoxiris
Heavily (Original) by @cabelindsay


Show your support by engaging with the musicians. The greatest gift you can give to an artist is your attention. For this reason, we humbly ask that you offer some friendly words. You can reward musicians by offering applause as if we're in a pub, a coffee shop, or concert hall. Your comment might be a vital voice that gives a musician the wings to fly, or the gills to dive deep!


In the Hive Open Mic community, every week is an inspiring musical journey. Here, talented musicians bring their gifts to the virtual stage, reaching around the world. Listeners gain human connection on levels of heart and mind, including people of various cultures and languages. This is the harmonizing power of music.

Gratitude goes to the originators of Hive, who planted the seeds for us to grow and flourish here. Gratitude goes to the @OCD Incubation Program and other community cultivators, allowing newcomers to find their niches, and comfort zones. Gratitude goes to all the people who share their energy here, helping each other to thrive.


Join in. Enjoy!

There are 3 pages

Un tema interesante para nuestra comunidad, ya que es muy distinto a todos los que normalmente elegimos. Estoy ansioso de comenzar a ver a los artistas en acción, éxito para todos...

Herrmanazo, muy productiva, efectiva y positiva tu labor como curador. Estimulas e impulsas con sinceridad y en forma justas. Dios te bendiga y favorezca cada día.

¡Hola Maestro, gracias!. Toda esta buena vibra me la transmite la música, es guiada por @cabelindsay que tiene un alma pura y @mipiano que es mi mentora personal, además de que la fortalecen los miembros de la comunidad en cada una de sus entradas, de las cuales aprendo enormemente... Usted es uno de los usuarios que más me inspira, posiblemente si termine perdiendo la pena un día y comparta una canción original en la plataforma 😅 Gracias por tus palabras @lecumberre.

The two of you and your encouraging words mean so much to me. Not only am I encouraged by your words, but I am encouraged by your actions, including the excellent music you share here, along with your comments in the community, such as this example here. Thank you for your presence. It is delightful to know you both.

Ustedes dos y sus palabras de aliento significan mucho para mí. No solo me alientan tus palabras, sino que me alientan tus acciones, incluida la excelente música que compartes aquí, junto con tus comentarios en la comunidad, como este ejemplo aquí. Gracias por tu presencia. Es un placer conocerlos a ambos.

Muy buena esa. Ese piano parece que tiene más de 2 mil teclas, de lo maravilloso que suena. Siempre me a gustado. Bendiciones de Dios para ella. Lo del alma pura de @cabelindsay surge de su apego a lo que se refiere a nuestro Dios querido. Por eso me fascina cuando veo que la temática semanal alude a nuestro Creador.

Y quien tiene a Dios presente, le irá bien siempre.

Hey @jesuslnrs, here is a little bit of BEER from @olivia08 for you. Enjoy it!

Did you know that you can use BEER at dCity game to **buy dCity NFT cards** to rule the world.

De verdad también me parece un tema interesante. Espero les guste mi aporte!! Saludos!

es bueno ser parte de esta familia. Me uní a Hive no hace mucho, así que soy nuevo aquí. Soy saxofonista permítanme ser su saxofonista favorito 😊. No puedo esperar para compartir mi música en "hive open mic 97"

Oh it's great you're here. It will be a pleasure to hear you play.

Oh, es genial que estés aquí. Será un placer escucharte tocar.

This is such a lovely theme.

My guitar and my voice are hungry for entry this week!
I so much love hive. I love this community!

I love us all.
Thanks for all time support

I'm with you. Hive is so cool! We're so lucky to have a community like Hive Open Mic, where we can share the music that lights us up. I'm glad you're here, feeling the love. Much love to you, brother.

Yeah. Thanks lot for showing love too!🥰

We explore bro

Hey @cabelindsay, here is a little bit of BEER from @olivia08 for you. Enjoy it!

Learn how to earn FREE BEER each day by staking your BEER.

Hello! Llegue con otro cover de reggaeton y esta vez le tocó a camilo! Espero que les guste!


Hola, Hive Open Mic. En esta cálida semana tenemos un tema bastante interesante: "Perdida". Y es muy oportuno para aquellos que están en la búsqueda de algo. No se trata que algo está perdido, sino que estamos en la búsqueda de algo que no se sabemos qué es, hasta que finalmente lo encontramos. Así es la vida del ser humano, una eterna búsqueda de algo que nos privaron o de aquello que creíamos tener o poseer. Queridos amigos, definitivamente, aquí en Hive Open Mic lo que no poseemos ni tenemos, con mucha humildad lo estamos buscando: "hacia la Armonía Global y la Paz del Mundo". Bendiciones para todos. Por aquí mi entrada de esta Semana:

Hello, Hive Open Mic. In this warm week we have a very interesting topic: "Lost". And it is very timely for those who are in search of something. It is not that something is lost, but that we are searching for something that we do not know what it is, until we finally find it. This is the life of the human being, an eternal search for something that was deprived of us or for what we thought we had or possessed. Dear friends, definitely, here at Hive Open Mic what we do not possess or have, we are humbly seeking: "towards Global Harmony and World Peace". Blessings for all. Here's my entry for this week.

Maestro @esteliopadilla, el tiempo no alcanza para poderlo dedicar al aprendizaje del instrumento de nuestra preferencia...un solo instrumento... ¿Cómo logró usted aprender tantos y tan bien? Mis respetos y mi admiración. Éxito en el concurso.

Master @estelliopadilla, time is not enough to be able to dedicate it to learning the instrument of our choice... a single instrument... How did you manage to learn so many and so well? My respects and my admiration. Success in the contest.

Muchas gracias, amigo @luisfe por ese elogioso comentario. Es verdad que, muchas veces, no tenemos suficiente tiempo para estudiar y entrenarnos en toda la técnica y la dinámica que requiere un instrumento musical como estos. Son muchos los factores los que influyen en ello, pero es evidente que se requiere consagrarnos al instrumento musical a tiempo completo, y la dinámica social de vida de hoy, muchas veces, no nos lo permite, por la diversidad de cosas en la que ponemos nuestra atención. Yo ejecuto estos instrumentos como agregados -complementos- por los estudios que pude realizar, de manera formal, en el Violín. Es decir, esa base técnica del Violín, me ayudó mucho abordar, la Mandolina y este como la Bandola Oriental que está en esta publicación. Por su puesto, son técnicas diferentes, pero el principio de estudio y entrenamiento, son similares para todos; mucho estudio de escalas y arpegios y la propia técnica del instrumento. En cuanto al @cuatrovenezolano, supone toda una carga cultural de vida que es muy difícil desprenderse de ella; lo toco desde pequeño y lo he convertido en mi aliado. La Guitarra Española es otro apartado por su rica variedad y diversidad musical... me he acercado a ella algo tarde. Gracias a Dios tuve la dicha de conocer a grandes músicos de este instrumento, percibí muy de cerca sus vivencias. Pudiera extenderme más en este aspecto, pero debo decir con propiedad que la carga cultural de nuestra música venezolana es evidente en mi actividad como músico para desenvolverme, de manera relajada, con todos estos instrumentos musicales. Sin embargo, me puedo permitir abordar otros géneros con algo de propiedad. Eso si, oír mucha música, todo tipo de música, y cualquier momento es bueno para eso. Imponernos retos en cuanto al repertorio y diversificar los estilos. Eso también nos va ayudar. Reitero mi agradecimiento por tu comentario. Bendiciones para ti.

Thank you very much, friend @luisfe for that complimentary comment. It is true that, many times, we do not have enough time to study and train ourselves in all the technique and dynamics that a musical instrument like these requires. There are many factors that influence this, but it is evident that it is necessary to dedicate ourselves to the musical instrument full time, and the social dynamics of today's life, many times, does not allow us to do so, due to the diversity of things in which we put our attention. I play these instruments as additions -complements- for the studies that I was able to carry out, in a formal way, in the Violin. That is to say, that technical base of the Violin, helped me a lot to tackle, the Mandolin and this as the Bandola Oriental that is in this publication. Of course, they are different techniques, but the principle of study and training are similar for all; a lot of study of scales and arpeggios and the instrument's own technique. As for the @cuatrovenezolano, it supposes a whole cultural load of life that is very difficult to get rid of; I've played it since I was little and I've made it my ally. The Spanish Guitar is another section due to its rich variety and musical diversity... I have approached it somewhat late. Thank God I had the joy of meeting great musicians of this instrument, I perceived their experiences very closely. I could expand more on this aspect, but I must properly say that the cultural load of our Venezuelan music is evident in my activity as a musician to get along, in a relaxed way, with all these musical instruments. However, I can allow myself to address other genres with some propriety. Of course, listening to a lot of music, all kinds of music, and any time is good for that. Impose challenges in terms of repertoire and diversify styles. That will also help us. I reiterate my thanks for your comment. Blessings to you.

Esto hay que compartirlo. Maestro este vals es sin duda es una hermosa melodía que aprecian una historia que solo las cuerdas pueden contar... Me llegó al alma, excelente interpretación.

I love this theme! There is so much potential in its emptiness. 🤩🤗🎵🙌🙏😃

Demasiado, de hecho yo siento la temática en escala de grises... Ya veré qué se me ocurre y ya veremos con qué nos sorprendes tú.

En escala de grises? Esta buena esa.
Bueno, no hay que ponerse a la expectativa porque capaz hago algo Chimbo 😂 saludos hermano! 😃🤗

Yes definitely...

Hola, comunidad, en esta semana 97 del concurso Hive Open Mic el tema es "Lost" ("Pérdida"en inglés. También se puede traducir como "Perdido"o "Perdida"según sea el caso) Por eso elegí esta canción. Estas cuatro líneas resumen su contenido:

"De tanto cantarle al amor y la vida
Me quedé sin amor una noche de un día
De tanto jugar con lo que más quería
Perdí, sin querer, lo mejor que tenía"

Hello, community, in this week 97 of the Hive Open Mic contest the theme is "Lost" That's why I chose this song.
These four lines summarize its content:

"From so much singing to love and life
I ran out of love one night of a day
From so much playing with what I wanted the most
I unintentionally lost the best I had."


Hi everyone! My cover song for 97th week of Hive Open Mic here.


Feliz sabado hermosos hivers!! Aqui mi entrada de esta semana!!

Happy Saturday beautiful hivers!! Here is my entry for this week!

Semana 97.jpg

Hey guys :)

This is my song for the week "Where do broken hearts go" by Whitney Houston


Buenas tardes para todos mis amigos de la comunidad, por aqui les dejo mi enlace de mi interpretacion de esta semana, espero les sea de su agrado. Saludos, Bendicones y Exitos para todos

Hello there~ it's good to see you again on Hive Open Mic's Contest ^_^ here is my newest entry for Hive Open Mic week #97 anyway:


Hope you guys love it, and having a great day~ 🤗

Hola gente bonita, por aquí les comparto mi participación de esta semana



Saludos mis hermanos queridos, aquí les comparto mi entrada de esta semana, espero que esten muy bien, un abrazo !


Hola mi bella gente de esta armoniosa comunidad aquí les traigo mi entrada de esta semana espero les guste https://hive.blog/hive-105786/@dealtokilate/hive-open-mic-semana-97-cover-la-cucharita-the-little-spoon

This is a great theme
so many things to reflect on this theme
From Lost Love, to Lost Relationship, Lost spirituality, including people we lost, money we lost or crypto that was lost.

A great theme here!!!

Here is my input for this week, I hope you enjoy it.


Hooolaaa 🙋🏻‍♀️😊 feliz noche 0ara todos!
Espero estén bien.

Por aquí les dejo mi participación para esta semana 97.


Espero que les guste! Saludos 🙋🏻‍♀️😊

Es muy favorable adelantar las temáticas porque, en mi caso, me da más tiempo para escribir la letra, ensayar y grabar. Mi canción se llama NO TODO SE HALLA PERDIDO (Not all is lost), con un mensaje alusivo. Dios les bendiga.

Amén, ha sido genial, no eres el único que lo piensa. Tomaremos este mensaje en cuenta porque es importante...

Wow.. what a lovely theme for this week. Can't wait to produce my entry🥰🥰🤩

I wait for you brother...

Waiting for it broo

Yeah bro..
It's ready infact you can listen to it here👇👇

I noticed you are a great bazist I will love to listen to your content too when it's ready 🙏🙏
I love the bass guitar 💞💜

Exelente tema, mucho éxito y Bendiciones para todos en esta semana #97

Excelente iniciativa, quiero felicitar el concurso y el gran apoyo que brinda a los participantes. Gracias por esto!

This is an amazing theme, currently racking through my head to see what I can do with it.

Buenas noches señor, un gusto estar una semana más con ustedes con el mejor contenido musical que les puedo ofrecer. Para la semana #97, he aquí mi entrada:


Such a theme with diverse definitions. I love this theme so much. Thanks @andiesongmusic for the theme

The rewards earned on this comment will go directly to the person sharing the post on Twitter as long as they are registered with @poshtoken. Sign up at https://hiveposh.com.

Hello everyone this is my participation for this week a cover of "The Paper House" Bella Ciao - with my flute orchestral.


Hola amigos esta es mi participación para esta semana, un cover de "La Casa De Papel" Bella Ciao - con mi flauta transversal!


Wowww this amazing...

Buenos días a todos mis amigos. Está interesante el tema. Espero encontrar algo cercano a eso o le diré a mi padre que me haga uno referente. Suerte para todos.

Desde que ví este tema me encantó, siento que tiene muchas variantes, así que ya estoy ansiosa por ver qué se les ocurre.

Saludos amigos. El tema está interesante. Qué manera de perderse suena a un buen título para mi canción.

Oye! Qué tema ese. Interesante me parece. Bueno creo que tengo adelantada una canción por ahí que se titula LA FORTUNA DE UN ERROR cuando se cree que todo ya está perdido. Porque de los errores vienen las reacciones y los cambios. Saludos amigos.

Excelente tema como siempre muy inspirados y conectados siempre con Dios felicidades a todos y sigamos adelante poco a poco y con paso firme confiando en Dios .

saludos queridos amigos!!! hay mucha emoción en esta semana 97...... tengo un tema de mi autoría para esta semana..... la canción se llama ( cuando será)

Excelente elección de tema para esta semana del 97, aunque se sale un poco de lo ya hecho, al final la mayoría de las canciones nacen de una pérdida, o de una "pérdida", este tema invita a dar más.
Excellent choice of theme for this week 97, although it goes a little out of what has been done, in the end most of the songs are born from a loss, or a "loss woman", this theme invites you to give more.


Muy buenas noches querida comunidad de Open Mic
Por acá dejamos nuestra participación semanal con este tema hermoso de Reik como lo es Noviembre sin ti
Espero puedan disfrutarlo como nosotros disfrutamos el grabar esta joya de canción
Saludos y bendiciones

Saludos mi gente bella aquí les dejo mi entrada de esta semana:


▶️ Watch on 3Speak

Successes and blessings for all, here my participation of week 97:
Exitos y bendiciones para todos, aqui mi participación de la semana 97

I have Lost you

Hey friends, this is the entry week 97 OpenMic

Que precio miniatura openmic 97.jpg

Great voice harmonization
I love it...

Delightful! Wow. Yes. Thank you so much for sharing your voices with this community.

Oh thanks for your words @cabelindsay, greetings from Venezuela

Ok I like this theme. Veré que canción puede ser perfecta para poder hacer la mejor participación de mi parte

It's has always been great moment in hive Openmic community and I love been part of the event...
Week 97 I will definitely explore on this topic, LOST

My entry post coming soon...

Hi Friends , My Hive Open Mic 97 Week presentation, have a nice day.. ❤️💥❤️💥❤️💥https://www.ecency.com/hive-105786/@rsntpl/zyhhdnrk

Wow.. nice play you have there.

Lost. I can view the way am going to do my cover for this week

What a sad feelings "lost". Thanks to @andiesongmusic for choosing this topic. I felt lost on my last post. Lost comes as a result of mistake, life style, association etc.

I believe there will always be a place of now lost.

One word, do not be consumed in your circumstances.

hola amigos retornando a las actividades de esta semana 97, presente problemas con el internet la semana 96, motivo por el cual no pude participar, pero esta semana aqui estoy presente, enviandoles a todos abrazos de alegria y exitos.

hello friends returning to the activities of this week 97, I had problems with the internet in week 96, which is why I could not participate, but this week I am here, sending you all hugs of joy and success.


Demasiado bueno, @betzaelcorvo, he disfrutado su interpretación de principio a fin sin un segundo de desperdicio. Impecable. Tanto la parte instrumental, la afinación, la versión hispana..."algo mágico". Agradecida por haber tenido la oportunidad de escucharlo. Éxito en el concurso.

Good day friends and family of Hive Open mic, my entry is ready, I made a freestyle of "Amazing Grace" both vocal and trumpeting, click the link below and enjoy

Count on me, I hope I could find a good song for this week.

Hey @hiveopenmic, here is a little bit of BEER from @olivia08 for you. Enjoy it!

Learn how to earn FREE BEER each day by staking your BEER.

My dear @cabelindsay,can I ask favor from you? How if I will create a contest under this community with all my Filipino community? Inwant to give a break to all Filipino singers and if possible, it might me under this community, if it is okay for you. Just let me know. If it is not okay, no worries, I am still in your side to sing weekly.🙏💪💓. Happy Valentine everyone. I was sicked and it is belated greeting but for me everyday is a day of love.

That's a cool idea. Let's discuss. On one hand, I like the idea of having a central community that gathers musicians from all over the world into one great event that celebrates global harmony. On another hand, I think it could be beneficial to hold space for people who speak specific languages, with a host or moderator dedicated to cultivating that mini-community.

As it stands now, the Spanish language is our most active segment, even though I communicate primarily in English. I would feel sad to lose those Spanish-speaking musicians, because I see what a beautiful thing it is when we all come together under one umbrella. So that's my only hesitation in dividing the community into various locations or languages.

I wonder what a contest might look like for your Filipino community? If you can help me to visualize it, I'd like to see it and think about it, and see how I might help you to realize your vision. Sending you a hug.

I plan to initiate it under the #hiveopenmic under this community . I will be posting it once a week I am the responsible for the prize(tiny amount) and if my contest post could earn upvote from whale, I will be giving 20% for the community. The earning will be my prizes in the near future. I like your community since I found it. It gained support. When I have to initiate contest for a my Filipino friends, it will not hurt our Spanish friend, maybe. I just realized it today, I don't know if it will work with you, I just try and please think if it is good or could harm the entire community 🤔🤔🙏🙏

OK cool. You have my blessing, friend. I wish you well with this initiative and I look forward to seeing how it goes. Let me know once you have it rolling and I will show my support.

Yes! Thank you so much💪💪💪🙏🙏🙏.

I will start it today my friend🙏🙏🙏💪💪💪. Thank you for your support.

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