So You Want A Spot On My ~100,000 Steem Powered Voting Bot @ 100%? Post Proof The You Brought Someone New To Steemit!!!

in #steem7 years ago (edited)

This is my friend Sarah standing beside of some weird local gang artwork that was scrawled on the wall of the house that I rent in Detroit. Gangs are a serious problem. Not nearly as bad as they used to be in the 90s, but they still exist, but are seemingly more sophisticated, organized, and hidden these days.

As you may have already seen yesterday, I announced that I powered up 81,000 additional Steem to Steem Power, bringing my total Steem Power to roughly 100,000 Steem Power. That's a pretty heavy hand when it gets to voting!!! I don't want to make the rich, richer, I want to try to help some of the huddled masses break the huddle and inspire them to get out into their communities to bring more people to the platform (Steemit).

So instead of free handouts, I decided to put this to actual beneficial-to-everyone USE! How I plan to do that is by offering up a spot on my voting bot that will vote your posts @100% at any interval you specify, such as 10, 15, 20, 25, 30 and so on minutes after you post. I will keep you on my vote bot for at least a month. Here are the conditions that must be met to get the spot on the bot:

  1. You must bring a NEW USER from YOUR COMMUNITY to the Steemit platform. Their account must be created today or later. Think family, friends, people you know need a revenue stream, etc.
  2. You must explain to, and coach them on how to use Steem(it).
  3. You must post PROOF that YOU brought this user to the platform and that they are going to use it. Think taking a picture TOGETHER holding a piece of paper stating that @randomsteemuser brought @otherrandomsteemuser here.
  4. The user you bring on board has to at least make an introductory ( #introduceyourself ) post and make at least 3 comments on either their own posts or someone else's.

That's all there is to it! Organic growth!!!

So what are you waiting for? Re-steem this post and get to work!

Take care of ya'selves and one another!


Unfortunately, some of the contest winners have been absolutely abusing their privilege of being on the vote bot by posting seemingly random stuff and not even saying anything about it. They're simply linking to other people's content and adding nothing of value, not even saying a word about it. This is clearly just them posting nonsensical material knowing that my bot will vote on each and everything they post. This is NOT something that I am going to let happen. Almost 40 percent of my voting power was wasted over the course of 2 days on this non-sense, over 40% of my voting power wasted on one user over 2 days. That's a LOT of rewards that should have been spread more to other people who are actually adding something of value, content producers and writers. In my eyes, this is abuse and cheating. I will be removing the vast majority of the votes for that user due to it harming my mission, which is to help raise up some newer people or people without much Steem/Steem Power. I will go back over their posts and upvote those that I think they actually tried on. So from here on out, please do not abuse your privilege, be respectful of the rewards pool and my voting bot. I do not care if you post several times a day as long as it is something from YOU, or something of substance. Do not be greedy, folks. That's now what this is all about!!!

There are 2 pages

Here is a friend I just brought over, it was a real pain to get her here. Its really a challenge to explain how Steemit works to those that do not appreciate cryptocurrency as much as we do. Its still a work in progress encouraging her to post and continue using steemit. She has been quite successful on instagram ( and helps me on my Thailand page with 95,000+ followers. Once communities start on steemit I hope to invite them to a community page on steemit.

That is awesome! Sounds like you're already doing what I'm asking people to do haha, that rules.

Use your influence to get more people on board and this place will go crazy!

Also, gimme a ticket to Thailand! Such a beautiful place. I have a Canadian friend that just moved there last year, he loves it.

I'm going to give you a few upvotes ;-). Thanks for being a positive person in the community!

I appreciate that, social media and cryptocurrency is like a dream combination for me. Your Canadian friend has the right idea!

Yeah it really is! I think it's like that for a lot of people.

Thailand is on my radar for my next trip. I really want to check out Chiang Mai.

well I like this. I gotta lot of work to do. I'm very into cryptocurrency movement and I will follow and assist you whenever I can.

That's cool, thanks so much, dude! Any help and word-spreading is appreciated on a level that you do not understand! This platform gets more power with each person that joins. Help fight the good fight! Help your peers!

Bring Sarah to steemit.

Why don't you, WIFE?!

I tried! She's hard to convince!

I was hitting it really hard back in July & August, bringing tons of my friends online, as well as writing & sharing elsewhere tons of articles targeting new users (1, 2, 3, 4). I definitely took a bit of a break from trying to get people on, but have just brought on my friend Bruce Baumann ( @triberiseup ) yesterday, and he's super fired-up and wants to help bring lots more folks to the platform as well.

People I've gotten onto Steemit: @acab1312news, @alchemage, @scottiemac, @andyharrison, @burntmd, @spark, @hhcwebmaster, @johnnyhurley, @electron, @nuggplug, @thealchemista, and lots more who haven't started posting yet.

Woah, you have totally busted some ass for the cause!!! Yeah, it's important to not burn yourself out, but you gotta realize all the work you've done has made an impact whether you realize it or now. With each person you bring on, they will likely bring more, and those will bring more, and so on. That's important! This blockchain and project exists due to PEOPLE. They make it happen, without us, it's just a bunch of meaningless numbers. With each additional person, this place becomes more and more valuable. You're doing awesome work! Enjoy the upvote, hope it helps, buddy. Thank you for sharing!!!

Hello @matt-a

I have brought four of my friends to steemit, but so far the most active of them is @frank4jesus. He gave me a mention on his introduction post as the person that introduced him to steemit. View Below.

As for organic growth, I run a contest for new steemians on @literature-trail where they have a chance to win Steem Prizes, it is currently in its 11th week, I also interview older steemian writers on the trail so the new steemians can draw inspiration from them.


Wow, that rules. Killer job! Enjoy a 100% upvote! My VP is pretty exhausted from dishing out a million upvotes today and yesterday, but soon it will be worth back over $1 again :-D.

Thanks a lot

Also how do you feel about having people on your bot that post things you don't agree with but have to upvote?

Well, I reserve the right to deem anyone a turd and not put them on the bot, but I hope that I don't encounter anyone like that!

Me too!!!! I'm just making money don't mind me!

Hi! I've been inviting friends and family for a week now and finally @jeanelleybee joined! Her comment on my introduction post.

jeanelleybee25 · 56 minutes ago
Thanks for inviting me. Wait for my introduce myself ;)

I'm actively promoting steemit on my other social sites, these posts im relentingly sharing and actively discussing with people in my network.

And oh, was my birthday 2 days back. Hope to hear some good news from you lol.

Very nice! Keep up the good work and motivation!

Enjoy the late birthday 100% upvote haha.

Yay!!! Thank you so much! :)

You're most welcome. People are what this place is about. Bringing people to the platform here is a selfless and important thing to do and deserves to be rewarded!

Exactly. I have been asked actually if i get referral commission for this and i said no haha. I wish for the people I know to have the same positive experience I'm having so far wih Steemit :)

The more people that this platform has, the more powerful it is and the more valuable it becomes. That's referral bonus enough! Everyone wins.

I am so glad that I already have a spot on your bot :)
You put me on your bot so that I could earn and take online classes on security..... if you could remember we talking in your comment!
Anyway, I have invited @deepapoudel here, and she very active here and she is doing very good, also finding "herself" at steemit !!
But she is highly undervalued sometimes, so I would be much happy if you could put her on your bot too :)
keep up the good work, I am actively working on bringing more here.

You always do greatly with engagement! Glad to see you cherish finding yourself and that Matt A is helping plus, when you carry selfless acts of kindness like is the case with deepa, you receive kindness in return!

I got my wife @bethalea last week and my daughter on today. my oldest son @00tuoepiw on a few days ago. My wife and daughter work with a non-profit "taking the reigns", they serve inner-city girls, they are next up.

LOVE your idea we will most definitely post and meet the requirement.


Awesome to hear about all of that!

Where are you guys from?

Once you meet the requirements, post 'em up and you've got a spot!

I think my girl has met the requirements. I have also been posting to all my YouTuber creator friends to join. I have seen so many good ideas, Altcoinjesus is fishing for Joe Rogan.


UPDATE: Y'all got it! Welcome aboard! Be sure to teach her well and learn together.

Thanks I really appreciate it and will look forward to spreading Steemit to everyone!!

Bad ass!!! I hope that you and little Sally prosper! Be sure to help her on here and to keep her motivated. Make sure that she knows that she is helping make history!!! You can even quit paying allowance and just let her earn Steem ;-). Convert it to BTC and buy her some gift cards!

Seriously she asked to do the dishes for extra doge coin. She is in love with STEEM and is probably the first in her school to get on. She will be converting John Muir elementary to steem soon. so get ready...

My girl is making her first post, so proud!

We are in Glendale California, LA area.
I keep getting blown away by steemit.
I have never been a part of something that I thought may actually change the whole world for the better. Awesome

Lucky, I'd love to live in LA. TUPAC SHAKUR!!!

The live music here is crazy good. you can see incredible artists every day of the week here.

Do I need to specify the intervals or anything else ?let me know. 10 minutes ok?

You don't have to if you don't want to, it's just there as an option :-). Also, where's the proof!? I don't see it!!!

I already brought everyone in my circle who is willing to join months ago, it was a decent list too... Then created things like the Prize Portal to help lure non-crypto people into the steemit world...


Bad ass! Have a 100% upvote!

ive brought a few people to steemit since i have been on here. @charlotteblacker @bobbins @pedrosgali @shammyshiggs @dazedbunny @raffles @lloydy @suzisoap tbf most have stopped posting but recently i introduced @paniopan
who is posting regularly atm.

Ive just pursuaded another friend to join, so i will introduce him in the next few days

Bad ass!!! You are killing it!

Resteeming this so I can find it later! Four of my friends irl are at different stages for signing up to play my Dragon game on here for Steem.

Bad ass, keep me posted!

Of course!
I have drawn four non crypto buff in with this contest when I told them how much Steem is :P


Matt, you're a good dude!


When I saw your post I upvoted it, because I think it is a great idea but I didn't had enough time to comment. Well I still don't but I saw some troll talks about this post, so I need to add explicitly:
Good idea, keep up the good work! :-)

Thanks a lot, gtg! Much appreciated, especially coming from one of the witness overlords haha. Doing my best! No intention to slow the pace or quit. In it to win ittttt.

Congratulations @matt-a! You have completed some achievement on Steemit and have been rewarded with new badge(s) :

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If you want to support the SteemitBoard project, your upvote for this notification is welcome!

Cool project ya go going on there, robot!

Thanks =)

My, uh, our pleasure!

The same project is on golos I already have many badges!

Hey @matt-a I showed @fayehalliday her way here, she has over a MILLION FOLLOWERS on her Facebook and her Instagram accounts!
That deserves some love, you can find her thank you to @thearcanebear in her introduction post.
Also, Check her art out, cause she is amazing!

also, take a look at my account, a lot of what we do is videos and posts to help people join and use steemit! same with on our facebook!

Woah, that is some real potential if you can get her to evangelize Steemit to her followers!!!

Also, bad ass. You're doing some good work. I'm putting you on my bot just because. Don't lose the momentum, take the power back to the people!

We are gonna keep doing it for sure! Thank you. WE are following you as well now too! Thank you so much for your support and our entry!

Killer! You're most welcome, I look forward to seeing more of your videos. Costa Rica looks insane!

Let us know if there are any topics you think we should cover! WE love new ideas

Have you gone mushroom hunting in Costa Rica yet? That would be awesome to see. Edibles, toxic, and psychedelic!!! The latter being the most sacrosanct, of course ;-).

Yeah! hey, thats a good idea, we will do some mushroom videos in the future soon too! There is so much life down here its astonishing! Thanks for the thoughts, we will get tow work. If there is anything else you would like us to try and cover, don't hesitate to ask!

hey @matt-a When abouts do I get added to the bot?

Well, I brought @steemitcitizen on board a week or so ago. We don't have pictures holding hands but it is obvious from his posts. I even suggested him for a guildvote so he won big on the introduceyourself. Never mind your challenge in all honesty. I'm just glad I brought along someone cus everyone seem to ignore me or even worse, mock me openly.
His opening lines:

Nice job! You guys seem to be going in the right direction!

People ignore and mock you? Huh? Like who and where? If I see people being assholes, I will just flag them, because people that are assholes do not deserve rewards.

Hehe, thank you for the support. People in real life I mean, when I tell them how much a post can earn. Somewhere between disbelief and envy, I guess.

Jealousy is a mean mistress. You will be the one laughing in a few years and they will feel dumb. Sucks for them, eh?

I hope so! I am quite excited :D

As am I, dude! Keep on truckin'.

I'm interested... I'm gonna invite a friend. I will write down this comment when he crreate account. And I can upload picture holding names too...

Awesome! Just be sure to fulfill the requirements laid out in the post! Good luck!

Hi I invite him :D

prove :D18493506_1448368201895904_1045364889_o.jpg

A good start, but I only see hands! Also the intro post was only a couple sentences!

Rules are "Think taking a picture TOGETHER holding a piece of paper stating that @randomsteemuser brought @otherrandomsteemuser here." Also you have to help them understand the platform!!!

Great start, however, you are currently in the lead ;-).

uf... ok. I'm introducing steemit to him right now... but I really don't want to take picture of our faces.

Why not?! We're all human, here! Nothing to be afraid of (I hate taking pictures of myself as well).

So...did I complete all conditions?

Damn right you did! Now I want to see both of you staying active in the community :-). Congratulations, man!!! YOU DID IT! Now get more people involved and get your friend to get more people too! Thanks for entering! Sorry it took a while I have been very busy with work and some drama from a crazy guy on here haha.

The picture is comming too

Great intitiative @matt-a!

Thanks, man! You're a definite pillar of this community yourself, keep up the killer work.

Also you sent some beans to my house a long time ago (you sent them to @robrigo when he was my room mate). THANKS FOR THOSE!

You're welcome! And thanks for the compliment.

Dude this is a great idea and a smart way to use your bigger influence.
I have been making vids and reaching out to my YouTube fam about Steemit. So far I have quite a few come over, but not all of them are still active. Some of my buds are Smoothie at @inc-smoothie and @drivingmecrazy. My most recent convert is Laura @laurapandaw . She is totally new and can use some followers!

Thank you. That's awesome, dude, glad to see you taking initiative and trying to help!

On it right away!

DO IT!!! Best of luck!!!

Success! my bro joined here's his first post :D

DSC04989.JPG Here we are ;) Keep up the positive drive, spread the wealth!!

Awesome! Putting you on the bot now, ya did it, congrats! just search for ash, from the time when they released referral stats... too bad they stopped doing that.

Hmmmm, what's this? How do you refer someone to the platform? You've referred nearly 100 people!? If so, I'm about to slather you in upvotes.

By adding ?=name to a post. If someone signs up it's recorded under your name. Unfortunately, steemit, Inc. Stopped publishing referral stats

Awesome initiative. I am IN !

I got my first post post on Steemit barely one week ago. Ever since - have already brought 3 other persons on steemit, none of them was ever heard that word "STEEM" before.
The big limiting factor here (in Lithuania) is a lack of good knowledge of English Language. Posting in Lithuanian would be probably just waste of time (in the mean time). I tried to find at least one other member From Lithuania on steemit, and I could find none. It is a weird feeling to think, that you are the ONLY person on a world-wide platform from a whole native country you live.... :)
In any case, I love STEEMIT so much, that every single day I introduce several people (my riders) off-line, have even made a small sticker in my car, just to intrigue them... I drive for Uber , and Taxify, ETaxi, (2 other Uber clones here) in our city

Such a cool initiative you started here! Well done!

I've brought the following friends in recently: @aboon , @cerise , @kimamourette , @joekou @tormod @flatearth @mathewstone ,

A few others have signed up recently and are on a waiting list to get in...will send some pics and updates when they get through the door.

Keep On Steem'n on Awesome

Steemit is a world wide Game Changer!

Best Regards :)


Killer! Can't wait to see some results!

I have literally been telling everyone i know about this for the last week or so since i joined, its been so fun. can't believe i didn't get here sooner. Awesome idea man, I got a friend on it the other day so i'll to work on someone else to get in on this, you're a champ!

Sweet! Glad you're into the idea! Looks like you've got some competition already though, so time is of the essence!!!

Who knows, if multiple people pull this off, I may relinquish multiple spots on the vote-bot!?

Who will get this reward. The first who complete all the conditions??

Who knows? I may do it for the first 5 people or something? I haven't decided yet. Anyone who pulls it off late will get several upvotes though!

Do i have to go thru this process again? Or are some of us still on your vote?

I haven't taken anyone off :-D. You're still on there. Make a new post and give it roughly 30 minutes and you will see.

wow now that is incentive and a way to boost users. Bringing over as many as possible

I hope that it's successful!

I have a suggestion: use a more complex voting bot that doesn't vote for all posts of a list of users.

Where could you get something amazing like this I hear you say? Well, you're in luck! I just happen to have made one 😜

The Steem FOSSbot Voter bot has a score based system, so you can still favor certain posters, but you won't just blindly upvote them (if you set it up that way). The bot is still in active production, though I took a break for a while recently.

Hit me up on #bots if you have questions. It'd be pretty cool to see what you could do with it considering your stake.

Hmm, I will definitely join that room and chat with you about some stuff! Do you employ machine learning at all?

No machine learning currently, it's just a scoring system which is used for voting (but I intend to break it out to other applications ... eventually).

However because it's a parametric algorithm, it is perfect for optimization using various methods. Machine learning could be one (there's an idea to try out TensorFlow here) or perhaps a genetic algorithm. I'd love to do this but I've at least another two rounds of development to get through first.

That wouldn't stop an interested other developer from giving it a go now, always looking for contributors to the Steem FOSSbot project 😜

Sounds super interesting. @robrigo have you heard of this one?

Alright, challenge accepted. I take part of your idea! :)

Awesome! Best of luck to you! Hopefully you can do it!!!

So, could take @nairda on board :)
But we made the photo without the accountnames. Will redo another one tomorrow and post it here :)

Cool, post it in reply to this comment so I will see it.

We did it. Proudly presenting @nairda :)
He already did a introduceyourself post too.

w00t! You did it!!! Very nice! Good effort noted as well! I'm having some issues with some others abusing the privilege on the bot by posting like 20-30 seemingly random posts a day without even writing anything, just linking to someone elses work like a youtube video. Don't even write a sentence about it. I think they're just doing this to milk the bot and I cannot let this happen because it takes a massive chunk of rewards from everyone else. Thanks for making posts with effort! You are now on the bot! It is currently off and recharging due to the abuse I
described above, but it should be back on within a day or so :-)

Thanks so much for entering and winning!

lol - too sad I advertised it to my online communities..... I would have multiple users but as that are spread over the world there is simple no chance to get a photo with them :-)

just got another friend of mine to sign up a few days ago @jricco - he's now a jet pilot, so I'm hoping to see him post some great photos and travel tales. His "past life" made for some pretty crazy times too (he's the guitarist)...

And just today, even my parents were asking me again to help them sign up!

Did learn one thing though. If anyone has trouble with the SMS verification process, SteemIt Inc should be able to help if you contact them:

It is not letting me create an account with my phone number. What should I do?
Ask for help in the #help channel on

These guides are also very helpful in explaining how steemit works, the tools and ecosystem available, etc...

Killer contributions! Can't wait to see some posts from the jet pilot dude, that was always my dream job as a kid! Keep up the great work, you're helping!!!

That's cool! What's important is to get folks like that to realize how much more freedom they have here, hoe much more they can make here, and how important it is to bring users here. The more people we have here, the more prosperous this platform becomes. It's containerized anarchy, it's absolutely beautiful. The more people that join and use Steemit, the more valuable the shares become as well. It's a win/win all around. Such an absolutely ingenious platform.

From my introduction post, which is more or less how I explain steemit to people:

And remember this was back in 2011. We've been searching for the ideal next generation "censorship-resistant" platform ever since. In the past year alone, the censorship and banning of "dissenting opinions" is worse than ever not just on YouTube, but across all major social media. And even reaching your own subscribers has become more difficult than ever. Which, of course, gives steemit an even greater opportunity to really hit it out of the park.

steemit (especially with upcoming, while still constantly improving, excited me as the first alternative to address censorship and monetization in an entirely new and unique way that may finally be able to compete with these entrenched far-left-leaning centralized mainstream behemoths. It even inspired me to once again test the waters, do a bit of posting, and dip my toes back in the game.

And from a post I wrote after Martin Shkreli's twitter ban:

However disgraceful this banning and censorship may seem, it again points to the impending demise of fully centralized social media platforms, and the importance of migrating over to new censorship-resistant models such as steemit. And with the opportunity to be rewarded for the privilege of doing what many are already doing for free on other platforms, is all the more icing on the cake.

For others who see the writing on the wall, consider sharing this and other incentivizing steemit articles with your friends across social media as one more reason to "make the leap". Once more people realize there's really no downside, and worst case they may still end up with a few extra bucks in their pockets to boot, a critical mass will be reached and they'll start flocking over in droves.

I already brought everyone in my circle who is willing to join months ago andI brought my wife @diahelvyra , this project is good and Awesome initiative

That is bad ass, man! Keep it up! If you fulfill the requirements of my little contest here, I'm likely to throw you on the bot ;-). I didn't say I was limiting it to one :-D. I already have like 2 people from this on my bot right now. Make it happen!!! Thanks for sharing.

you are welcome , this is the others people i have brought to steemit 5 months ago and i have brought indonesia curator to steemit @aiqabrago :D

Great idea, I upvoted ya and going to work on this project!

Awesome! Thank you!

Let's see some results, Grognak!!!

How about I just post twice as much and in different fonts so it seems different.

I feel so sorry for that kid, hopefully she turns out alright and realizes how shitty her mom was/is.

What a useless human being . . . Absolutely grotesque . . .

CPS needs to remove the kid from the household IMO . . .

Have invited friends.

Now I have to capture pics with them and share as a proof?

My friends will feel like I tricked them into something, don't you think?


No, why would they think that? Just show them this post . . .

Flaw here is they don't get anything. Only I do. :)

Not really! Now it's on YOU haha. This is incentive to get already existing members to bring more folks aboard.

I know, right? I did WhatsApp my friends about it today. I don't know how to get them to meet me for a Steemit photo session. Lol.

Perhaps next time I guess! :)

Webcams are real!

Congratulations @matt-a!
Your post was mentioned in my hit parade in the following category:

  • Comments - Ranked 3 with 135 comments

Cool post and idea. Next time I bring someone to Steemit with proof, I will post the proof :)

I'm counting on your to do that! Post it on one of my threads and chances are I'll throw you on the bot!

Very kind of you. Thanks :)

I try to be haha. No other way TO be in life, imo.

This is exactly what I am doing. Friends, family, everyone. Keep 'em coming.

Can't stop, wont stop!

My friend wants to register but can't Steemit!;(
I follow you and invite my friend )

Aww :( Is this still happening? Tried a different browser?

Dammit!!! Hopefully that is resolved soon.

I convinced @mtgmisfit to join because she has a great group of people that follow her Podcasts about Magic the Gathering and this is a really amazing platform to escape the terrible throws of youtube censorship. I love motocross and making videos and can't wait to load more and contribute to this. Absolutely amazed at this platform! I am excited to get more people using this.

Awesome!!! However, if you're trying to get a spot on the bot, you're going to have to flesh out the details a bit better, such as the picture (post it of you both together, and I wanna see an intro post as well as a few comments just to show that they're using and understand the basics!). Flesh out the entry a bit and you have a spot :-). Thanks for getting a start!!! Makes me happy.

We are both completely stuck on this now. I do not see any way to turn back. We are both content creators and post very frequently. We are both veterans of OIF and this is is an incredible tool that incentivizes us to socialize. Sadly, that can be an issue for many of us. We are learning as quickly as we can and we are anxious to carve what matters to us into the community and bring more people together to build off of that! I hope thats what you were looking for I am trying @matt-a :)

Getting closerrrr! Sorry to hassle ya, but I am being a stickler for the rules on this one since I'm breaking my original plan of just adding one person and in turn adding like 10 people haha.

Rule is you gotta post a picture together holding that sign! Just to prove it, ya know? As you can see above someone just tried posting a picture of paper and I can't let that pass. Sorry to be hardline, just trying to make sure people are honest :-D. Also mtgmisfit's intro post was solid and I see that she's sticking with it, I like that!

Also please be sure to read the update to the original post!

Thanks! Looking forward to adding you to the bot!!!

And just to sweeten the deal, a picture of my puppy :)

What kinda little dude is this!

That is a rescue mutt! He is very odd, but very dear to me.


Ya tried, ya succeeded! YA DID IT!

Congrats, guys! Glad you got on this so quickly :-D. You are now on the bot!!!

Next stop, Disneyland!

very good idea. the whales of this community are amazing. together we hold the future of STEEM and we shall propel it to the moooon!

Straight up!

Nice man! You're gonna make somebodies day with this. Leading by example!

That's the plan, and that's the goal!

The more we are the merrier :)

EXACTLY. Blockhains exist and flourish due to adoption and utilization.

Good idea.

I did not hear back on my comments y-day to you etc.

Did you remove me from your bot or ? I have not seen any comments on my stuff etc from you in quite awhile.

Take care man.

Been super smashed with work, making business plans, and I just messed my feet up haha. You're still on my bot. My bot only upvotes new posts, not comments however.

What'd you do to your feet man?

Half my body is damaged from the car running me over 15 mths ago, so know I relate - likely a lot.

Both my legs and the rest of my body is severely damaged now.

Ran three miles barefoot after not running for like a year. My 30s are stating to be able to be felt!!!

And damn, you had mentioned something about that before, that's messed up. The bullshit that the universe can throw at you sometimes . . . Are you able to recover or is it permanent?

I remember my 30's LOL

It is not looking good for me.

Steemit is my income for 15 mths and will be for the forseeable future, put it that way my man.

I love this idea! I might have brought my boyfriend's friend over, but he is very... what's the word... fickle! With the account confirmation thing taking a few days, I wonder if he's actually done anything!

Anyways, I hope your bot will have a hard time keeping up with all the voting it has to do for all those people bringing new members in!

Nice! Thanks for chiming in. Hopefully their account pulls through swiftly.

And yeah haha, I hope that it does as well! Gotta exhaust the voting power as fast as I can!!!

And Netherlands, eh? Awesome, I ran around there a bit, love that place!

Netherlands indeed! I guess, seeing as I grew up here, I don't really see the charm. I love my vacations to Germany where there are mountains and such, instead of just flatness. Though I am lucky enough to have grown up in a little town surrounded by nature :-)

I am massively huddled. Halp! Haha

You need help? I need to see the requirements fulfilled, brotha!

Yes, of course. Thanks for the reply! Followed.

Cool, thanks, man!

Got 3 more signed up today. How come confirmation takes so long here?? Yeesh

I will get to work on recruiting new users right away.

Let's see it!

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