Splinterlands Diary #93 - Thanks to shield ability (쉴드 덕분에 이겼다)

in #splintertalk3 years ago

(Click the above image to watch the content of this battle.)

There is SAND WORM in the other side, but I have CYCLOPS located at the back. I selected it to defend against sneak attack. I could win this battle because it works perfectly and magic attacks were also effective.

상대편은 SAND WORM을 배치했지만, 나는 sneak 공격을 대비해 맨 뒤에 쉴드 능력을 가진 CYCLOPS를 배치했다. 이게 통했고 마법 공격도 효과가 있어서 이길 수 있었다.

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