My Last Post !!!

in ecoTrain3 years ago


I always find it very interesting how one simple action or choice can lead to some great life changing events! I can still vividly remember back in 2018 watching a video from Jerry Banfield (remember him!).. Jerry was very active on what was then Steemit, and spent many hours sharing about this incredible new blockchain social network on YouTube. I was intrigued and signed up to what turned out to be a life changing decision! It took me many months to fully grasp this new decentralised world of posting, up-voting, and writing.. which is something i had not really done before i arrived at Steemit. It was an incredible adventure as i met people from around the world, and wrote and shared about so many things that i felt were important. I also very soon after decided i wanted to create a community that i called the ecoTrain, and that journey as been at times breathtaking as we came together as a beautiful and supportive community. I cant even imagine how life would have been had I not made that impulsive and almost random decision to start this journey almost 5 years ago.

A lot has happened since then, and i think it's fair to say that i have written about just about every topic that has any importance to me. It has been a great inner journey and learning process to write and discover some deeper truths and feelings that i have around so many topics! The Question Of The Week has been ongoing almost without a break has also been such a beautiful experience and i have never had any trouble continuing to manifest new and challenging questions for us all to answer. If i had to choose ONE question that i think was my favourite it has to be the three part series that we had on the topic of patriarchy and matriarchy. That was such an amazing QOTW, i learned so much and the responses and interactions that we had around it was so very special indeed.

Steem and Hive showed me a new way that our world can operate, that is to say, the world of decentralisation.. where the fat cat and middle man is removed, and abundance can be instead be shared by all. This ecosystem has come a long way since then, and it is very good to see so many people getting rewarded for their posts and for being a part of this grand experiment. It may not be perfect, but it has continued to work and improve in so many ways. The trending tag is testimony to this as we now see new people appearing on it regularly, with an ever diverse list of topics being supported. I believe Hive has a long future ahead of it, and i truly wish it well and hope it continues to evolves into a shining example of how a decentralised system is so much better than the current models we have.

With all that said, my life has taken many twists and turns since i arrived, and there have been so many changes to my life that it is hard to keep up. Hive has been a constant throughout all of this, and in a way that has been very comforting and just a part of my life that I could not really imagine giving up. Its almost natural now that any amazing event or experience is something that i very quickly want to write about and share, and turn into another wonderful Hive post! Its a lot of fun, and im very happy i discovered it.

Here is the thing though, a few days ago a little voice came to me telling me it was time to stop. I wasn’t really sure why that would be so, and have been thinking about it since then. I still enjoy this place, and still value so many of the people who are here posting and commenting on my posts. Nevertheless, i have come to realise that as i make great changes to my life, there is an opportunity cost to spending so much time here.. but i have no idea what it is.

I have decided to stop posting and using Hive because it is the only way that i will find out, and discover what life has in store for me next. I think that i wont find that out until i make space for it. Its not an easy decision but i can feel in my heart of hearts that it is time so i can find out. As i approach 50 years old i realise that the days, weeks and months are flying by faster than ever, and i want to discover new things and opportunities that can bring me joy and give me the chance to grow and change in the ways i am seeking. Sadly, stopping is the only way that i think i will realise these change.

So i would like to send a HUGE thank you to everyone who has been on this journey with me! You have made this place what it is, and i am very grateful for the support that i have received here. Most notably i would like to send a very special thanks to Linda, @canadian-coconut who is someone i have so much respect for, and for so many reasons! Linda, you have supported me never-endingly since the very start, and your support really did make all the difference. I would also like to thank the many other curators who have supported me on this journey including @v4vapid, @buildawhale, @newhope, @mangos, @themarkymark, @solarwarrior, @broncuntz, @therising, @quochuy, @ripperone, @solarwarrior, @alexis555, @resonator, @redes, @appreciator, @trafalgar, @enki and.. everyone else who has been a part of this journey!

Id also like to give a huge shout out to all my friends and Hive family who i wont tag here because the list is too long, and i don’t want to miss anyone out! You know who you are! I wish you an amazing continued time here on Hive and hope you continue to manifest great abundance and help make this place a better place!

If you are wondering what this means for the ecoTrain community, it does mean that the QOTW will cease to continue! I will not power down my two accounts and instead have decided to trail one or two great curators who i know will direct my voting to great people who post and add value to Hive. People can of course continue to post to the ecoTrain community, and i hope that they will continue to receive great support and continue to spread their valuable knowledge and ideas around so many of the topics that we support. Never before have the topics that ecoTrain supports been more important and relevant than today, and i truly hope that more people start to embark on the great voyage of starting to live more independently and self sufficiently rather than rely on a crumbling system that is becoming ever more challenging to exist in.

So, thank you all again for being here with me on this journey.. it is a bit sad really to let go of this.. but sometimes we have to do what we have to do, and for me my time has come. Sending you all huge love and abundance and may all your dreams come true! Signing off big love from @eco-alex


Good luck on your journey @eco-alex not that you'll need it. I'm sure your life will float in a direction of fulfillment and enlightenment with some twist and turns along the way.

You'll be missed but if and when the time comes to dust off the old keyboard again then I'm curtain you'll get a very warm welcome.

Take care buddy

 3 years ago  

thanks Mark! Lets hope so that my life will flow in a beautiful new direction.. i am already scratching my head as to what i do with my time.. which is the whole point of this change really.. maybe it will just be me sitting in meditation all day long.. that would be great! lets see! Much love and yes maybe one day im coming back.. who knows! much love to you..

You sure will be missed, Alex! In a way I have a feeling you'll be back eventually, with some new wonderful things that you bring to this world in general, and Hive in particular. Take good care of yourself, best of luck with everything, and may you find that thing you are looking for, so it may enrich your life in new ways. Thank you for everything! 🙏

 3 years ago  

thanks brother! its been a total pleasure getting to know you and watching your amazing activities around the world.. such a shame we never got the project going in Portugal, but i guess it wasnt meant to be.. what a journey that was!

big love to you,and wishing you full success with everything that you do..

Thank you man, the pleasure is on my side! And what hasn't happened yet could still happen down the road, sometime, somewhere. I'm pretty confident our paths will cross eventually. Take care, brother, and all the best!

 3 years ago  

yes.. indeed.. im pretty sure something will happen \here sooner or later.. i already have a friend whos buying land here and she wants to make two earthships! :)


 3 years ago  

Ohhh my dear, that's quite a decision, but I am sure it's in your best interest and you should do what your heart prompts you. Though your presence around will be missed. Do stay connected on Discord. I am sure at some point of time we will all think on these lines. It must have taken a lot of effort for you to take this decision. I too at some point of time want to drop this, if not completely then by 50%

 3 years ago  

hey! yes it is quite the decision.. its funny how it goes with me.. it was really no effort at all as that little voice is one that comes very rarely but when i hear it i know i HAVE to follow it even when i have no idea what will happen.. right now i can feel a huge space opening up, and whilst i have NO idea how i will fill it, im hoping it will be with something that nurtures me and brings me to the place i want to be..

until the next time <3 blessings to you and your family.. its been an honour sharing this space with you.xx

 3 years ago  

Lots of Love and Power to you Alex and I hope you fulfill all your heart's desires in your space. Take care

I completely understand this. I once thought the same and it was about opportunity cost.

What I eventually came to the realisation of is that I could lessen my posting and enjoy more time off but still be here with friends that I have met.

Whatever you choose, have a great journey!

 3 years ago  

thanks my friend. . yeah im a bit of an all or nothing kind of guy i guess!

Oh wow! I hope that in time we see you here again; maybe you just need a break.
Take care and enjoy whatever new adventures appear along your path.

Oh no. I'm sure many of us will miss having you around. But I think I do understand you. I wish you all the best in life. Take good care.

 3 years ago  

thank you my friend! Im glad you are one of Hive's witnesses! Look after her ;_)

It is so sad to contemplate how you take the flight to other skies that draw the attention of what your heart yearns for. Your vibration is strong and if you heed this call of your nature it must be because there is an awakening of new forces that attract your spirit and that is respectable.

The divinity that dwells in me bows to the wonderful being that you give light to. You taught me to vibrate in Love and Trust. I LOVE your being and I hope you do not leave us, but I understand that you cannot hold on to the one who is already gone.

Much, much love to you. You will always be in my heartbeat. We continue to see each other where we always and where we never saw each other, but rather felt each other.
Thank you, @eco-alex for all the Love you have given me. Fly! But don't forget your nest.

See you later!🧡💖💞

 3 years ago  

bless u! your words touch me right in my heart.. thank you so much for such a beautiful comment.. your light and heart are so precious and i have always felt that reading your comments and posts! i send you a huge hug and i remember you always! i will never forget <3

Don't forget about us. If you discover something in which the change of consciousness can be increased faster, please write to us. The planet will thank you. If we all do it together it will be faster the ascension of humanity to other dimensions.I wish you all the best in your new journey into your inner self @eco-alex .

We will miss you.....

 3 years ago  

thank you Katelya.. i wont forget of course,, how could i :)and thank you for the kind words.. much love <3

I think in time people who think and feel differently will move to ecovillages that, the pioneers are already making and conditioning for when that time comes.....Happy day @eco-alex ! Thank you very much for replying.

 3 years ago  

Sadly, stopping is the only way that i think i will realise these change.

Not really Alex, I am going through exactly what you explained. Instead of completely stopping, you can go slow. For example, instead of writing, you can do videos if that takes less effort and time. Even you can live stream. But all of them, only if you don't have anything else and you are ok to post. So I would advise, you don't need to be hard on yourself to stop - just change the priority to the lowest.

 3 years ago  

thanks for the advice.. lets see how it goes.. at least for now i feel that i have to focus on just being here in the world that is directly around me.. i have always followed that little voice and so far it has served me well!

much love and respect to you ..

 3 years ago  

Would be sad to see you go, but then you can decrease the pace at which you go, maybe delegate your duties and just use the system more like a hobby rather than a responsibility or a challenge. I understand the exhaustion and a need to be rid of it, but take some time off and maybe you'll like it better when you're done.

 3 years ago  

thanks brother! good advice.. for now at least its godda be a full stop.. then lests see what happens :)

wishing you the best!

Oh shit. I just went through that and ended up here. If I can give you a word of advice, video games are not the answer. It's fine to enjoy them but if they start to take over your life, you might better come back here.

Take care, Alex and wherever you end up, I wish you the best life has to offer.

 3 years ago  

thanks ! and no worries.. i never play games.. cant stand them! i always get bored :)

Good luck in your endeavours. It is just a pity I was late to the party with QOTW. Life does accelerate the older we get and I can attest to that. I don't believe in never, more taking a break.
Have fun and enjoy yourself.

 3 years ago  

thank you! much appreciated.. ill do my best to have some fun yes!

Excellent, fun keeps us young at heart:)

I wish you the best in your discovery and the next phase of your life.

I also hope to be like you one day; the ability to know when to move on.

Chok-dee young man :-)Best of luck with your life adventure @eco-alex . Like the universe, Hive will always be here to dip in and out of as you choose. Never say never!

 3 years ago  

indeeed i never say never.. but for now.. its all stop ;)

 3 years ago  

Oh no! It is sad to see you post for the last time. You have made so much impact on us all, in particular me and I would say it has been an honor to crossed path with you and know you. Thank you for all you have done. I hope that as you journey through life, life will present itself with opportunities, activities and things that will bring peace of mind and happiness to you.

It's not a farewell, its not a goodbye but we will see you around soon. 🎉

 3 years ago  

thank you esther! it was a total pleasure meeting you and connecting.. such a special soul.. much love <3

It was great getting to know you Alex. Enjoy your journey to the max!

 3 years ago  

thanks Kris.. i will do my very best!

QOTW: Why do people always disappoint me? 😂
All the best on your spiritual journey!
But how to contact you once I have found the scheme of the millenium?

 3 years ago  

thats a great question!!! i never did that one :)
u can alway reach me on telegram.. ecoalex

All Gods bless you . Keep going.

 3 years ago  

I felt sad reading this but I believe we are all entitled to our own opinion and I wish you the best with the decision taken.

Oh no, I wish you don't have to leave just yet @eco-alex but I wish you all the best in your next face of life.

You will be missed by a lot of us and I somehow hope that life leads you back here to us someday in a greater way.

 3 years ago  

thank you funshee! Ill miss this place thats for sure.. and i hope to fill the void with something equally wonderful!

i hope to fill the void with something equally wonderful!

Am sure you will, I shall miss you a lot 🥰

 3 years ago  

Oh wow! You are leaving Hive finally? Oh! We all would miss you. I have really been enjoying the Ecotrain community and the questions and it´s so sad seeing you leave. Though you have your reasons and I believe things would continue to work well for you in the outside world. We all will miss you @Eco-Alex

 3 years ago  

i know.. ill miss you and this place also! it is a big change thats for sure!
wishing you well and success with all that you do.. Much love <3

 3 years ago  

Alright Sir. All the best 👏👏

Oh, just now as I finally arrived here, hm thats life. Maybe you can tell me when was the QOTW with the topic patriarchy and matriarchy, so I can go back and search for it, this would be interesting.

I wish you all the best and think its the best we can do, listen to our heart and following wherever we are sent this way :-)

 3 years ago  

Thank you very much! Thats cool, I will find the rest :-) Haha at least now I know can switch 3 years while scrolling back in time, although the thought arises to look at all of the QOTW by time.

Once again all the best for you and greetings from Austria :-)

You have had a big impact here and will certainly be missed by many. Thanks for all you have done to help Hive grow. I wish you well on your journey!

 3 years ago  

thank you melinda.. i will also miss it, but lets see what life brings now i make some space.. Much love to you!

wow, Alex, I didn't know you on Hive for very long but you have achieved a great deal.

It looks like you have reached your saturation point and are ready for some new challenges. I wish you good luck with that and thank you for your positive contribution to the community and world!

All the best!

 3 years ago  

thanks my friend.. yes lets see what life has in store for me next.. making this space in my days is already pushing me to ask what the heck i should do with my time.. so lets see what i fill it with.. hopefully something nurturing and useful! much love <3

I think it was a really tough decision to make but you made it, I'm proud of you Alex. All the best on your new found way.

I hope the community keeps going up and up so if one day you chose to visit, you will be proud of those you left in charge.


Hi! I just joined the community with the dreemport challenge, and I really enjoyed answering the weekly questions the couple of times I did it. It's a pity they're stopping. But some decisions in life, as difficult as they may be, have to be made if we think they will be for the better in the long run. That's courage, so I wish you the best of luck. And at the end of the day, you can see it as a long break with no definite date of return. Cheers!

I feel emotional here. Just recently when I liked ecotrain because of the challenge I participated in.
But you know what, before 2021 ends, I also thought of quitting blogging due to my health condition. I suffered from carpal tunnel syndrome because of blogging. But every time I want to stop writing seems like my body can't take it. Maybe because I'm used to it already. I started writing almost 2 years ago on another platform and I'm writing articles daily since the start of this year because it's my blogging goal. I felt tired at times and want to stop everything.. But I really can't stop, lol.

I guess you are still young at 50. You don't need to leave. You can visit this site sometimes if you want to and just share your personal blogs 😁
But whatever your decision is, we'll respect it. And hoping you'll get a good journey..take care there 😁

I wish you all the best, Alex. I understand why you have to leave, the calling is the calling! Blessings for the new stage of your path, perhaps someday we'll meet and share more, either here or in person. Fortune always for your projects!

 3 years ago  

thanks Drune! glad u get it, and thanks for the good wishes! all my best to you and all that you do!

It's a shame to see you go @eco-alex but I understand your decision more than you might know.

Here is the thing though, a few days ago a little voice came to me telling me it was time to stop. I wasn’t really sure why that would be so, and have been thinking about it since then.

I've heard this voice many times, and am an all or nothing person generally as well. Writing my novel, avoiding distractions... yada yada you've heard it all before from me 😂

Anyway, good luck with whatever you find yourself doing, and I have enjoyed answering TQOW posts sporadically over the last 2 years. It has been a pleasure getting to know you through your blogs and our other interactions.

I wish you all the best.

Goodbye m8, as we'd say in Liverpool
and wherever your wings might fly
make a nest of your dreams,
this world is a little crazy
but that's part of the journey;
streams always find their way
to that hazy ocean shore,
forming clouds drawn
from salt-sown waves,
and again the stream
flows, when it rains.

A parting poem from me, and possibly the last one I will put on hive myself as I've promised myself to submit my creative works of fiction and poetry toward mainstream (excuse the pun) from now on.

Safe journeys, wherever they may take you m8 🙂

 3 years ago  

beautiful poem.. fully appreciated, thank you Raj! i had no idea you are from Liverpool or even the uk lol! oh hive! good to know.. i wish you well too and much success with everything that you do my friend!

Well, if you ever make it to my kneck of the woods hit me up on discord or telegram Alex.

Real-life is a thousand times more important than this strange world we inhabit together on the internet... although it is good for making connections.

If you're ever in Liverpool I will show you the magic tree. A special tree in Sefton Park that made me understand from an early age that consciousness is only a matter of perspective.

A tree sees the world in a very different way to you and me... possibly. I know no better way to express myself than through po-e-tree 🌱

First of all, I'm sorry for arriving so late to this post, I do see you're still responding so that makes me think you will at least read my comment. I had no idea as I've been so busy with the emigration in a few days from now, that I rarely actually read something. I think you didn't share it on LN either did you? Or I totally missed it anyway.

Thankfully, my sista @misslasvegas told me about this goodbye post today and therefore I had to come and leave a comment because you have to know during my time on Steemit as well on Hive, you've been one of the most positive inspirations to me on the platform. Your always positive spirit and kindness have not gone unnoticed and I believe over the years, you have inspired many to look at things from another angle by writing the questions of the week.

I can only say, you inspired me MANY times, my dear friend! I hope one day, in the future, our paths will cross somehow and for now, I'm wishing you all the best and good luck on your new journey ahead.

I hope this is not goodbye but "we'll meet later"!

Much love <3

 3 years ago  

thank you for sharing that! so nice to hear really.. really! thanks for best wishes.. and yes lets see what life brings now i made some space..


It's the truth, you will be missed but one day I'm sure our paths will cross again <3

Take care xxx

I don't know if you will read this, but I will leave it here anyway, thank you very much for all the time you dedicated to be here and for those questions that allowed us moments of reflection and sincerity, from my heart I wish that everything goes excellent and that you enjoy this new stage of the trip, a big hug, you will be missed.

i know how hard it is for you to say goodbye to your loved ones but you need to hearken to the voice calling you, i wish you well .....

Look how your 5-year-old decision went in the building and helped many lives. We can only say a big thank you. I m not sure you'll see this tho.

 3 years ago  

im still checking the comments ;)
thanks jaydr!

Thanks so much.
Could I get some Mentoring help from you?
I am where you were 5 years ago.

I began a community a few weeks back. MED-HIVE

It is mostly about medicals, health and wellness, promotion and awareness for both Medical and non-medical hives to post and engage.

It has been a lot of work and it had even affected the propensity of my engagement. It will be a lot if I could garner some jewels from your experience.

The Hivebuzz proposal already got important support from the community. However, it lost its funding a few days ago and only needs a few more HP to get funded again.

May we ask you to support it so our team can continue its work this year?
You can do it on Peakd, ecency, or using HiveSigner.

Your support would be really helpful and you could make a difference.
Thank you!Dear @eco-alex, we need your help! /

Hi there can i contact you privately? I have some questions to ask.


You will be back as most of us do. 😉

 3 years ago  

u can find me on telegram


I am almost new here Alex and don't know so much about you but always reading your interesting posts
and thinking about how clever you are. wishing you all the best.

I missed this as i was having time away, not sure if you will check in from time to time, but I understand the call. Thanks for all that you brought to this platform and I wish you all the very best Alex, I hope we can keep in contact somehow as I can see our paths crossing at some point xxxxxxx

 3 years ago  

hey! i am checking the comments on this post.. just to catch any well wishes like this one :)

thank you love.. when i come to visit spain next ill be sure to come say hi!
much love to you.. <3 x

Congratulations @eco-alex! You received a personal badge!

Happy Hive Birthday! You are on the Hive blockchain for 5 years!

You can view your badges on your board and compare yourself to others in the Ranking

Support the HiveBuzz project. Vote for our proposal!

It's been great sharing this space with you, I will miss your presence here but understand exactly what you mean about logging off to open up more time and about time going faster as you get older!

Best of luck with the next life-phase!

Hi @eco-alex , I'm just reading your farewell, which I hope will be a goodbye.

Last month was very difficult for me, I had 15 days with a serious brother in hospital.

Every now and then I would come in and look for any contests, until I decided to look for your profile.

Thanks for the time you dedicated to hive and to all of us who were in contact with you, thanks for the reflections and for opening our minds to other visions, thanks for leaving hours of your life in each comment and support you gave.

I hope this new stage fills you so much that you don't have to go back to the past and if you come back it's to share your achievements and new learnings, I always thought you were an old man in your 70's, I don't know why I put you at that age. You are still young, I am 43 and I feel 23 during the day, I only remember my age when I wake up and my body aches. 😬🤪

Happy life, I send you a hug that crosses the world from Venezuela to India, may you reach nirvana.

Well aren't I late in wishing you well @eco-alex ... I've ditched Telegram so I can't personally message you as I'd like. Have no idea how I missed this lol. What a bloody good decision. I get it. All or nothing is the only way to do it... Throw the ALL into life, man!!!! Go you. It's been a ride, don't we know it... What we have experienced here could fill a book. Big hugs, love and light. I'll miss keeping up with what you are doing...xx

Awwww... so that's why the ecoTrain community has not been active anymore. Oh well. Hope you're having a great time away from Hive. 👍