Mental Fragmentation; The Good, The Bad And The Ugly?

in GEMS4 years ago


Mental Fragmentation is a process through which one's brain stockpiles a load of memories and events from different happenings and different timing for over a long period of time thereby making it difficult for the brain to have strong recollections of memories that matters more in the life or identity of a person. the truth is, memories are what makes people differ in all forms, the body is host, but our mind is what forms the true identity of what we are but mental Fragmentation often threatens the ability of the mental state to remain unique and different as a result of the having some of the strongest memories and collections that forms the identity of a person.

People who provides services for a large number of people often suffers from mental fragmentation this is because for each and every person we know, meet and relate with, the brain saves the data, the cache for us to go back to anytime these people resurfaces in our lives but then when there's a large frequent increase of events stored in the brain without constant reference to it, a person is likely to suffer from mental fragmentation and this makes the mind fragile to memories, informations and unique events.

Multitasking is one of the things that causes mental fragmentation which sometimes can result into personality fragmentations which also can cause dissociation. Sometimes people are forced to go through experiences which brings out two distinctive identities from them and when they finally are set free, they'll suffer from personality disorder simply because the experiences they've gone through is making them fight the original personality they've had before the life changing experience they've gone through this often happens to people who has gone to war and are forced to have memories of burning flesh, screaming children and many others.


Multi personalities; mental figmentation

Many mental situations are often related because they deal with the memories stored in the brain and how we often related to them and how they form our identities. Now let me relate this to psychology; there are times we pass through the most painful process in our lives and the memories of these events are often too cumbersome to bear and one of the ways we shut or block these memories from hurting us is to multitask form different strong memories that can suppress the one we previously have. Now the pain will likely not go away but then it'll be sifted down laying dormant in the mind without affecting one's daily life activities.

The downside to mental fragmentation is that is makes memories, event and special times less unique because there are billions of informations that comes in an go without a constant nurturing which often dies frequently. But then stronger memories stays and forms one's identity. However with mental fragmentation, there's nothing like forming a unique identity and sometimes people knowingly go into this state so as so suppress some of the most painful memories that tortures them. Time, event, change and readjustment often does it all. It's imperative to understand that this state can damage one's identity forever but then it's often a saving grace for those hoping to suppress unique memories that brings pain to them.

All Images Taken, Owned & Manipulated By Me

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My name is @Josediccus, a young Nigerian student who is a Vlogger, A Psychologist, Poet And Sports Writer/Analyst. I'm using my contents as a process to create shared meaning as well as create expressions through which people on/off hive can relate. I believe content is a process to be enjoyed and relished and I'm up for any collaborations in my field stated above. Cheers

@Josediccus, your brother-in-pen & heart

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So what could be the best way to prevent this so called mental fragmentation?

I personally feel this mental fragmentation could pose more harm than good.
It could also lead to serious deleterious effect like depression which could in turn lead to suicidal tendencies..

I see the psychologist part of your now bro

Truth is, we humans hardly know when we're slipping into mental fragmentation, of course it can have it's devastating stages but then the only way is to be realistic in facing our pain, taking each and every moment in our lives really serious and then facing our issues rather than being in denial of them. Thanks a whole lot for reading man

Facing the issues squarely can be very challenging sometimes... I think we all at some point have to face it... very seductive post.
Funny enough I was talking with a mental health enthusiast and i feel the person has some form of mental fragmentation which has led to some personality altering disorder.

A very well written and interesting post.

Thank you for making me think!!

Thanks a whole lot @snook I'm definitely glad you like it, how have you been?

Good, but very tired so come on here and poke around and do what I can before I get too tired again.

Speaking of. It is 3 am so on my way to sleep. Have a wonderful day and I hope you find laughter this day!

Hahaha it's okay I know it can be tiring to really come out here sometimes you know, but then I'm really appreciative of you.
Wow 3AM? It's actually morning here and thanks a lot, I'll find time to drop by soon too. Cheers!

Lovely one friend 😊. Your sense of creativity amazes me alot. I really like the first photo,great shot there 😊👌📸

Thanks a whole lot man I'm doing my best to create photos for my blogs and it's been working good so far

Keep up the good work friend 😊