@phortun´s Saturday upvote giveaway #140: submit your nominations

in GEMS2 years ago

Hi there my Hivean friends and followers!

Welcome to the 140th round of my Saturday upvote giveaway, a weekly series where anyone can nominate good but undervalued posts that they have recently come across on Hive. I check all the nominations and upvote the best ones.

There are many great posts created on Hive every day that just don´t get the reward they deserve so let´s do some justice here together :)


The rules of the giveaway are simple:

1. Only one nomination (post) per person.
2. The nominated post cannot be older than 4 days.
3. Author of the nominated post must be plankton or minnow (HP<5,000).
4. Upvote value of the nominated post cannot be higher than $5.
5. No self-nominations.

Note: In case of a low number of nominations, I might not insist on some of these requirements so that more posts can make the cut and / or I can nominate some posts myself.

You can submit your nominations in the comment section below from now until Tuesday, 8 P.M. (CET) when I will go through all the nominated posts, pick up to 5 of them and reward them with my full upvote.

In the last round, I upvoted these nominated posts:

My Highschool Crush by @wongi

Moon Rock Mystery Revealed by @jorgebgt

Cure for muscles for children by @femcy-willcy

IAAC DAY 06/01/2022 || FORGIVENESS by @vickoly

A Complete Guide To Sleeping Outside In Nature Without A Tent by @ambigenius

Feel free to visit their authors´ blogs and give them some Hivean love and appreciation too :)

Thank you for your cooperation. I am looking forward to checking and upvoting your nominations. Let´s help some hardworking but undervalued members of our community grow! :)

This giveaway series is about discovering and rewarding gems so I am posting it to the Gems Community.

This post was created by me for the Hive blockchain exclusively. All rights reserved.


Thank you for visiting my blog. If you like posts about Nature, Animals, Ecology, Crypto, Traveling, Sport, Photography and discovering secrets and beauties of the World, feel free to follow me as these are the topics I mostly write about. Have a wonderful day and keep on hiving, guys! :)


This is a good initiative

Thanks so much for your support @phortun , it really goes a long way. And am grateful, I'll appreciate more of your help in my subsequent post.

Have a blessed day ahead.

Thanks for your feedback man and no worries, I will keep an eye on your blog ;) Have a nice day too.

Very wonderful initiative, I hope good content will get support.

Well, that´s kind of the point here :) Feel free to come up with a nomination yourself...

Cool piece, thanks :)

That's a great idea from you @phortun and I will be looking forward in taking part in this amazing opportunity which I hope it will surely help me to promote my blog. Thanks so much @phortun

Hi! My nomination goes to the friend that introduce me to Hive:


Hey there, thanks for the nomination, cool post :)