Flowers and woods :: Daily and Fresh 📷 (105/366)

in #dailyandfresh4 years ago (edited)


Heavily edited photos for a change. Today is Friday so I'm taking it easy. For some reason I have been wanting to do other things than take photos.

The cleaning project is still waiting for me.

I've been wanting to play some games, maybe stream... but I guess I'll not have a chance to do it any day soon.

Anyhow. I'll fire up Steam and go check if I can find something I can quickly before going to bed.

See ya!

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Its a beautiful flower in Little tub and the pure mother nature photo.

Cool and beautiful flower. During this lockdown the best someone can do to keep one's busy is probably find a interests actions game or movie to watch to while away time

Crystal clear perfection in the shot nicely worked on that one :) time to clean up a bit haha