Return to Koukkupommi – Bird photography :: Daily and Fresh πŸ“· (102/366)

in #dailyandfresh β€’ 4 years ago (edited)


I got the idea when I was picking up my car from the garage, and taking it to the second mandatory vehicle inspection (after the first one had failed).

I decided to go to the place of an unfinished photo project of mine, to the beginnings of a river, a small creek called Koukkupommi.


"Koukkupommi" means "hook bomb" or "crooked bomb", so it's actually a kind of twisted little trickle that'll eventually, after many turns and bends, becomes a great river, the Porvoonjoki (Finnish) ("Porvoo river"), that goes out to the sea in the pictoresque town Porvoo.


I was where the Γ„vΓ€ntjoki joins Koukkupommi, and both their waters then flow towards Lahti. A smaller creek called Myllyoja also joins Koukkupommi, a bit more downstream, where I left my car.

Greater white-fronted goose (Anser albifrons)

As soon as I arrived, I saw two of these magnificient creatures there, but they got away from me quite swiftly, and since I couldn't get over the Myllyoja creek, they swam fast away upstream Koukkupommi, and that's the last I saw of them.

I saw this Common gull...

Common gull (Larus canus)

And I needed to go back to the road so I could get on the other side of Myllyoja to take closer photos of her.

But she got scared and left before I could get much closer.

I wonder who her neighbor is. Might be a Kestrel, that'd be interesting.

On the other side, upstream of Koukkupommi I saw a Wood sandpiper.

Wood sandpiper (Tringa glareola)

And in a tree on the other side of the road, there was a magpie who started to fly, so I shot him too.

Eurasian magpie (Pica pica)

And to top it all off, I was suprised by this Kestrel who was on the hunt. I am glad I got some photos, as he quickly rose very high. I wonder if he minds his subtenant.

Common kestrel (m) (Falco tinnunculus)

Ohh, it was a nice day today. I was kind of wishing I could shoot a bird of prey one day. Today made my wish true!

I hope you liked these photos!

See ya guys later!

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Β 4 years agoΒ (edited)Β 

Photos that you taken is very beautiful and falcon is supperb with its sharp eye keep watching on you from the top of the sky.


I'm thankful it is not a very big bird of prey, and not interested in humans. πŸ˜…

Very beautiful pictures of birds. The hawk is looking directly into the lens :)

Β 4 years agoΒ (edited)Β 

Thank you. Yeah I saw the kestrel had noticed me taking photos of him. I'm glad I'm a bit too big to be prey for him.

I always considered birds flying like the ultimate symbol of freedom and seing you taking this shot is just like capturing the essence of it.

Thank you!

They are magnificient animals that's for sure! πŸ™‚

Love the Kestrel, great shots!

Thank you! It was a bit tricky to get a sharp photo with that lens of mine. I had to stop down to f11 and f13 to get anywhere decent sharpness without colour fringing aberrations due to the bright sky. But I think it went quite well, after few edits. :)

It's tricky to shoot stopped down like that and still keep the shutter speed high enough for flying birds.

Yes, definitely. Btw. I was wrong, I just checked the settings out, and turns out that for the kestrel, I had stopped it even further to F14. The shutter speed was at 1/640s and the ISO was 200+1600. I usually use Dual-ISO for wider dynamic range.

Dual-ISO sounds like a cool feature. My camera doesn't have that.

On Canon cameras, you can find hidden functions by using Magic Lantern, it's a software that runs from the SDcard that adds a lot of functionality that isn't part of the original camera firmware.

I recently noticed Sony for one has a lot of similar stuff built in their cameras though.

beautiful shots.

Thank you!

Falco tinnunculus in its fully glory in those shots really you did great work on that one !

What a great photos. Plenty flies around here but I can never take a shot of it. πŸ‘πŸ»πŸ’•

Very good photos of birds and blue sky! The big bird is staring at you!!
Beware! He might come down to pick on you!
Good shots!


It's not that big bird though. Nothing to fear.

I'm thinking of going there again.

So, this is not like an Eagle! I almost got an attack by a big Golden Eagle while hiking in Scotland many years ago! I was walking near the National Reserve for Golden Eagle nesting.

The light was so clear in your blue sky! Very sharp lighting.

Yep, not an eagle, more like a hawk, it's name in Finnish is "tuulihaukka", which means "wind hawk". :)

I'd be pretty scared if an eagle would attack me.

I always wonder whether it is possible to get a target of a bird prey by shooting it.

Nice shot

Thank you!

Amazed to see the macro photography of Falcon. Hpw did you managed this? What sort of lens you are using?.

Thank you!

It's not really macro photography, as that's something where you photograph from very close proximity with a specialized macro lens that can focus anywhere from 5 cm to 25cm or more. Bird photography is often done from great length (tens to even hundreds of meters) with long teleobjectives that can bring the subject closer.

I used the lens that's titled Canon's worst ever lens, the EF 75-300mm f/4-5.6 III.

Wonderful bird photos! I would love to see you share bird posts into the Feathered Friends Community! Hive-106444

Thank you!

I thought I did.

From Esteem you would need to use hive-106444 as your first tag.
I'm still trying to get posting into communities figured out!

Your post has been boosted with ESTM. Keep up the good work!
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