Music to my Ears

in Silver Bloggers2 years ago

Do your cows like music? These are waiting for the music to be turned on. They graze to the sound of classical, whereas music that plays a faster tempo unsettles them. Weird. I thought so. A lot of classical music is played at the barn, always the preferred when working with the horses or cows or cats!


Surprise! The cows come when you call them by name. It is true. Just like a dog. These two came because they were called and the rest stayed behind. I never believed it until years ago I watched a neighbor of mine call his cows. One by one, they came. Thank goodness there was only five, otherwise that could have taken all day. I was fascinated. Aren't they sweet? They are so laid back. How could you not want one of these? Or a dozen?


I split my succulents up into four different pots. This one was outside for the summer and I brought it indoors. The summer brought much growth it seems and I gave three pots of them away today. While some succulants make a run for growth and can do it in months, others take the slow route and you don't even notice when or if they are growing. These seemed to have grown a little faster than I thought they would. They either grew on me or got prettier than I thought they would get.


It started out sunshiney, the crispness of the air pushing out the humid summer days. In all honesty, it made for what one could only call a sublime day. Much as I love my summer, the slight relief of the hot days being over made a nice change. Of course, with change comes more change... not quite ready for that. Drove straight into the mountains once again, for there is a number, although not exact on how long the beauty will last. The changing of the season, from summer to autumn. Once that is complete and the trees stand nekkid, there is only winter to look forward to, but, that has a certain charm too. Just for today, I will enjoy my day, surrounded by my family once again. I hope you are enjoying your day also.

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The day belongs to my two guys, @c0ff33a, and his #SublimeSunday. Where you can post your random thoughts and dreams between the lines. I thank him in advance for this opportunity to throw caution to the wind and let it flow. Definitely a #SublimeSunday in the making, by the Meister of my morning, @c0ff33a. I do love my @c0ff33a and he likes eclectic! A match made in heaven. And @Ace108? #BeautifulSunday is hosted by @Ace108. You post what your Sunday is like, what you did, and where you went. It just wouldn't be Sunday without it!

The birds are still singing, the sun overhead is bright, yet, I am shuffling my feet through the leaves because someone mentioned snakes. Really? How dare they? I pick up my feet and lightly tread on the forest floor. I thought it might be hard to follow the trail with the downed leaves, and sometimes it is barely visible, but then it become apparent, peeking out from the undergrowth.


It has been a wonderful week leading up to my #beautifulsunday, taking as many days as I could squeeze in... the company of friends, perusing the autumnal forests in the mountains. The plants and animals share it, in what can only be described as a complex relationship, and yet, it works.

There are signs that say you should not take anything home with you, but, to leave it all behind, but this little leaf would not hear of it. Are you one of those people who cannot resist taking home a rock or shell or a piece of where you have been, just for the memory?

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Then of course, back home again, I am trying to enjoy the warm weather that is left to us for a short period of time. Like clockwork, summer ends uncermoniously on Halloween night, just as all the young kids (and young at heart) get dressed up and go door to door in the neighborhood, trick or treating. Boom! A cold front moves in! Do you thing Mother Nature holds out until then? It does seem a little mysterious that it is like clockwork, knowing that there is no guessing of when. Strange, yes? I have always found it so. Sleeveless clothes to jackets, in the blink of an eye.

I watered these when I first got home. These little succulents were given to me last year and still manage to thrive. They store water in their leaves and roots, allowing more time in between waterings. They make the perfect houseplant that needs little care and will still look pleasing to the eye. They are one of the few houseplants that doesn't mind me leaving home for a day or seven. That is what I call low matainence! #alwaysaflower


All I have are my words, armed in my mind, written in pen, stand by stand. Oh, yes. Still by hand. It has a different feel. Altered not by keys, backspace, and delete, I write, erase, tear it to pieces and start all over again. And again.

It’s my way. I walk out to the deep end of the page and dive right in.

tree on Sunday.jpg

Oh, summer! Wherefore art thou? I never even had time to say good-bye. As beautiful as the Autumn is, I cannot help but lament the days of summer racing towards the very end, alas, they are all but gone. I must need a vacation or something like that. Never forget the joy in what you’re doing, even the simplest things, making the most of every experience, making all of your moments count for something. As always, keep on singing that song!! And just like that, this post is done. Thank you for stopping by and saying hello, leaving your words behind...I want to thank @ace108 and @c0ff33a for hosting these wonderful challenges! And just so you know, although much sun and shine were used up today, I can guarantee that there is still a little left in my heart. Have a most fabulous day! Hive on! That never gets old! Love to all! ❤️

"And when we find ourselves
In the place just right,
We will be in the valley
Of Love and Delight"

-Shaker Hymn

Denise Antoinette.jpg




The Road Not Taken

Two roads diverged in a yellow wood,
And sorry I could not travel both
And be one traveler, long I stood
And looked down one as far as I could
To where it bent in the undergrowth;

Then took the other, as just as fair,
And having perhaps the better claim,
Because it was grassy and wanted wear;
Though as for that the passing there
Had worn them really about the same,

And both that morning equally lay
In leaves no step had trodden black.
Oh, I kept the first for another day!
Yet knowing how way leads on to way,
I doubted if I should ever come back.

I shall be telling this with a sigh
Somewhere ages and ages hence:
Two roads diverged in a wood, and I -
I took the one less traveled by,
And that has made all the difference.

Robert Frost

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Wow, the smart cows know their names.

 2 years ago (edited) 

They really are quite smart in that way. But, it is true! Like a dog, it will remember its name and many other things. (and people!)

Hi, Ace! @ace108

I hope you had a #BeautifulSunday!

Thank you

Do you drive a Highlander? I drive an Outlander. Neat!

I actually knew that about cows! My father was a farmer - or close to it - all his life. I did not follow in his footsteps, obviously, and there is precious little I learned about bovine behaviour (other than to know that to err is human, but to moo bovine), but I did know that they learn their names.

I often wonder if animals are becoming more intelligent as the years go by, or if they've always had a sense of intelligence that we've never given much thought to. And then I see this to answer all my philosophical questions:


 2 years ago  

Awwwww! I see a smile!

Outlander? Isn't that the one that has the 4x4 capability without being an actual 4x4? Super cool anyway. I actually like the Highlander a lot although I have to say I miss my mom van. It was convenient going back and forth from the shore, swapping out furniture. You could move a whole room in a van, sadly, the newer SUVs and vans are limited in their sizes and inside dimensions.

I think that animals' intelligence is misunderstood. Measuring the intelligence of animals is difficult because there are so many indicators and different measuring sticks. It grosses me out to think of rats as one of the more intelligent creatures, but, I watched Ben (believe me, only once!) and I read Animal Farm.

I am convinced.

Waves to @wwwiebe

 2 years ago  

I always thought it was cool that so many animals know their names!

Wells, cows are much more capable than that. In our culture it's believed that all God and Goddess (which is 330 million :)) reside in the tail of cow and if you have a cow at home, then they will take any hit that is supposed to come at you. I do have even personal experience, we had a cow, which probably was no less than a goddess. She delivered three females, and each of them on a specific holy day and even she died on a very holy day. People said, some thing very dangerous was coming at us and she took it over her. And we honestly felt that too as we had a very bad time going on that time - she saved us. I loved her so much because I was very close to her, taking all her care. For seven days I mourned , and cried - the saddest time of life so far. Whenever I go back to my native, I plan to bring up one. And if you do not know, feed these cute cows and show them your palms - they will put their tongues on it and that is the best medicine for any neurological disorder. Put a bit of jaggery if you need more message from their tongue, but these are some practices since ages, in our place.

 2 years ago  

Actually, that is very interesting. I am familiar with some Hindu teachings, but, to be honest, not enough. This makes me want to read more into it, for my own knowledge.

Thank you.

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Thank you!

 2 years ago  

Done! And thank YOU for all you do! @arcange

Thank you for your support @dswigle, really appreciate it! ❤️

 2 years ago  

My pkeasure! Thank YOU!!

Love that you got to experience the personality of a named and much loved four legged farm creature. Those are really adorable. Although, poor things, with those nasty flies!

People used to smile patronizingly at me (the less subtle actually laughed in my face and contradicted me) when I explained that each of my goats had a name and answered to it. I can see how that sounds outrageous when you are talking about 60 apparently identical and stubborn goats. Buuuuut....they proved the skeptics wrong every time. And I always got a kick out of the jaw dropping stuttering when I would point, call and that goat would come trotting over. Or - these ARE goats we're talking about - get a head toss, indignant bleat NO (in goat lingo) and then Miss Goat sauntering in the opposite direction. However it still showed that they answer to their name!

Craig phoned me this morning to drop the news that there's been a hard fork. I immediately said I didn't need a fork as I was using a spoon to stir my coffee. He said "no hive...and to ask Denise" 😎 so...this is me, ignorant South African, living in the desert. What does he mean?

 2 years ago  

They are my daughters. She keeps them in with the horses. :) They are really fun and we have had them since the summer. The flies! Yes.

People do laugh, don't they? It is funny to watch them as they watch us calling them. Sassy little goats!

The hardfork (or hard fork) isn't anything to worry about. They had a bigger one two weeks ago and there were all sorts of little issues like comments not showing up and I wasn't able to post.. for a day or so.

Basically it is a major code change that modifies how the server works, such as upgrading from Windows 7 to Windows 10. In a nutshell, that is it. So, no worries. I am not sure I have even seen a glitch.

I think this is the 25th (don't quote me on numbers) that has happened since we forked over to Hive from Steemit. Text Craig and tell him he can chill. He missed the big one! :)

Oh, my friend... you are anything but ignorant. ❤️

Thank you for the explanation. And one in layman terms. The jargon and terminology baffles my brain.

Oh your daughter has good taste in cattle! What is her plan for them? We just brought home a jersey cow. Her name is Gretchen and we got her from our friends who are having a grazing crisis. She's totally disgusted with them - he is with his chickens and cows the way I am with my goats. We offloaded her and she promptly greeted our other cows, then turned and followed me out the gate! My only problem is that Gretchen is just another girl for me to milk.....

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I enjoyed your verbal ramblings. Autumn is my favorite time of year: cooler, but not yet icy; shorter days, but not yet ridiculously so; beautiful colors on the trees and brush; the satisfaction of wrapping up the garden; enjoying apple and pumpkin treats.

 2 years ago  

Thank you! I do ramble a bit! Sorry! 😁

It is such a beautiful season, isn't it? I went up to the mountains because their leaves are turning colors sooner than ours! This is the perfect time of the year! My garden is mostly wrapped up, but I am enjoying the apple and pumpkin things.

I made a stuffed pumpkin! It was pretty delish!

How is life in the North? My family is already whining about the cold, although it was nice for a few days. When do you head off to the South? You love being a snowbird, don't you? :))

Thanks for stopping by and leaving your words!❤️

I would love to be a snowbird! So far I have only managed to visit my sister in Arizona for a few days in the winter, twice. It got cold and wet here last Friday, as forecast, and the air is definitely nippy. When the clouds lifted this afternoon I saw snow on the mountains. It's time.

What is not to like about cows and autumnal colours.👍

 2 years ago  

I know, right? :)

Thanks for stopping by and leaving your words. It is always good to see you. @grindle I hope this has been the start of a good week!


cheers @dswigle just taking it easy!

 2 years ago  

Well deserved. Rest up! The weekends coming! :)

 2 years ago  

Yes, saw it a few times when somebody called cows. They do listen. It’s so cool to watch. Funnily I posted this week some portrait captures of highland / Scottish cows. The fluffy ones 😉🥰 soooo cuddly. Have a look when you missed them 😊

The summer days are gone, indeed… here we had lot of grey days last week. But still the temperature is high. But it will drop soon…

Great the succulents grew so much that you could decide them. Make new ones and share them around. What a nice gesture. 😎

Snakes… nope… be careful. One of the things I do not like.

Beautiful fall colours Denise 🥰😊 have a wonderful evening and a great start of the new week.
I was so busy this weekend. Hardly time to breath… hahaha
Will catch up tomorrow.
Now time to say, night night for later 👋🏻😴😴

 2 years ago  

Isn't that wild?? I think it is! But, they always come. :))

Did you post cows? I am sadly so, so very behind from going away for a few days. I am catching up. Summer is gone, so fast! Here one day, gone the next! Still warm, but, no summer.

Snakes!!! Yes! :) Yikes, right? I hope you get to hear something further this week. I figured that things might change a little bit with the takeover. Hope it is not too drastic.

Catch you tomorrow! I am tired tonight. Calling it early! Good night!

 2 years ago  

It’s pretty cool. I also know pigs are like that… and very intelligent. They can even become more pet like.
It would be cool to have some animals in the garden… think I start of with chickens and see where we end up. 😊 maybe some bunnies too. Good for compost.

Aawww I can imagine, I was so busy this weekend with so many things. I had hardly time for Hive. I try to catch up today… and I read today is another HF27. Hope this one goes better. As I see still some glitches. Replies I don’t get a notification from etc.

Yes, summer went by really fast. Now Autumn is in full swing. When we moved to this rental, I loved the front and back garden as there was so much green… guess what. The community gardeners cut every back. No green left, nothing!… just bare ground and branches/ stumps. It is a bit too much. It was not needed. But I get it. This area is empty for 80% of the houses when september arrives. Everybody goes back north and holiday makers are gone. So they don’t want to have to deal with gardening when winter comes… although we don’t get a harsh winter here, as you know. Hehehe 🤭

Yes, the US person we are talking too was on holidays last week… we only found out end of the week.
So he should be back today, and I hope he comes back to us in the next days. As we want updates on where we stand now. It is taking to long.
Let’s hope for the best 🤞🏻🤞🏻 But whatever happens, we are flexible and all fine 😉😎 the life of expats… we are used to changes. Could be interesting. As we are in waiting mode for just over 1 year now.
But company changes… (the original company was bought by a US company… they sold off the EU side and kept the extra US side (better system)… now the new company that took over the EU side. (Second sell) is shutting down most of the old(first) company. Last week they closed an entire department 😳 about 180 people affected in 3 countries.
So really complicated and we are somewhere in the middle of all of that hahaha) than of course paperwork, backlogs… all complicated things in the last year.
Truly exciting times 🤓🤩

Hope you had a good nights sleep Denise 😁
Sometimes we need to catch up sleep too.
Have a wonderful new week and enjoy your Monday @dswigle👋🏻😊
Bigg hugggs 🤗🤗

 2 years ago  

Wow! Your life sounds more complicated than mine and that is saying a lot! Mine is dependent on many factors, so you know how fast that moves, or ever.

Oh, yes. Living in a snowbird situation, where everyone flies the coop the minute it gets cold or summer is over, whichever comes first is challenging, but, nice sometimes too. :)

I wish you luck on all things and hope for the best. One of my moves was to Holland, only to be cut short 8 months later and moved to somewhere in North Carolina. Pfft. Then to Germany 11 months later. Hello. Talk about fun. :)

Hey you! Have a great day!

 2 years ago  

It surely is and always have been 😉🤓 hehehe I know exactly what you mean.
The same here… and at the moment, it’s so complicated. We will figure it out. 🤞🏻😊 I keep you updated.

That’s southern Spain for you… all disappeared now.

Thank you kindly Denise much appreciated, we need all the luck right now… to finally get some good news. As being in this waiting position for over 1 year now isn’t funny anymore.

Aaawww I sooo understand. Looks like we have so much in common. Somehow I feel a move is coming up soon, but not the one we had planned before. To many changes happening in the company. We will see… 🤓

Thank you, have a great evening and enjoy your Tuesday @dswigle!
Bigg huggg and thanks for your encouragement.


As always awesome shots including two cute cattle image at the beginning of this blog. They looks so adorable and innocent. Do you love summer dear? I love winter and badly waiting for it, my weather is cool for raining. I wish you a very blessed day over there. Enjoy warm weather for now. Take care!! ❤️❤️❤️

 2 years ago  

I actually like all the seasons. I like summer for the flowers and plants, the autumn for the beauty of the colors and changes, the winter is glorious, the snow romantic, and the holidays are beautiful like a picture card...spring is the season of renewal, everything grows and blossoms all over again.

I truly do love all the seasons, but, I have lived in the hot desert and loved only winter then! LOL

I hope you have a wonderful week ahead!

Yup I agree dear, every seasons has It's own charm and everything is good when its not in extreme level. I don't like heavy rainfall as all day long I'm experiencing it. Too much hot really sucks in summer and I've skin problems like itch and rashes. In winter too much cold doesn’t allow me to be active and feel sleepy inside warm blanket like a cat heheh.

Anyways, I wish you an awesome week ahead. Stay blessed 💖

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Music is both frequency and vibration. it has been shown both animals (humans too!) and plants greatly benefit from harmonious music for growth, health and general well being. there is so much more we still need to remember. thank you.

 2 years ago  

That is absolutely true! I didn't add that as I didn't want the post to be about that, but, I was tempted AND I think that is pretty cool!

Thanks for stopping by!

Every time I come across cows, I want to take them all home with me:)) but I never heard of that you could call a cow by its name, makes them even more awesome as they already are... Though in the north of Europe (I think Sweden) they have or mostly used to have a way of calling cows from the fields which is some sort of really high pitch singing, Kulning its called, (sounds beautiful tough)!!

 2 years ago  

Kulning is a special vocal technique that has evolved over centuries in the Scandinavian herding culture, to enable the shepherdesses to communicate with one another and with their flocks over long distances. The word itself comes from the Swedish “kuh-lock” (calling the cows).

Super cool! Yes!

Thanks for stopping by and leaving your words!


Autumn is a hard season for me. I am very sensitive and it affects me that the days are shorter and colder. Melancholy looms on the horizon and I have to be alert to enjoy it rather than suffer from it.

Your photographs accompanied by these beautiful words have brightened my autumn day. Thank you. 🙏

PS- I love those little cows, they're adorable! 😍

 2 years ago  

Allergies? OH, that is no fun! I hope that they are not that bad this year. Do you get sensitive in the Spring also when the new blooms arrive?

Thank you! Yes! Those cows are sweet!!!

Oh no, I'm allergy free, at least for now. 😅 It's because of the depression, which makes seasonal changes difficult.

When the cold comes, I would do like the bears and spend the winter sleeping and hiding to come out again in the spring, with its light and warmth. 😁

 2 years ago  

Oh, yes! Now I understand! I think you need to movevto a tropical location!!

It could make your life amazing.

I live in Spain, we have good climate much part of the time. But yes, I agree. Tropical location would be perfect for me and my crazy head. 🤣

 2 years ago  

Oh, Spain! Yes! Most people would run to Spain for the beautiful weather. But, I still vote for the tropical location. :) Thailand is such a great choice with a low cost of living!

I love succulents. I water mine once a week!
Happy Sunday. @dswigle !

 2 years ago  

Good to know! I never know when to water them! Thanks for that @silversaver888 I hope you are having a great day!

Happy Sunday!

The cows come when you call them by name. It is true. Just like a dog. These two came because they were called and the rest stayed behind.

Animals are smarter than many people would think. You can do this with birds too. I have a Harris's hawk. It takes one or two months to teach/train a Harris's hawk to fly to your arm after calling. Some birds need more time. But it is possible with time, patience and consistency. It requires a systematic traning every day. At first I called her to my arm by whistling after I put food (meat) on my arm. Later she flied to my arm simply by whistling, without putting the food on it.

 2 years ago  

You hit the nail on the head. Time and patience. (and consistency) It comes more instinctively in some animals than others.

That is so cool that you have trained your Harris Hawk!

Happy Sunday!

Your photos are always great.. Those cows are cute, as well as the succulents..
Halloween is you have some pumpkins too? .. It's always associated with this

 2 years ago  

I do! :) More than one. I do love pumpkins and we love dressing up and handing out candy to the kids.

It is always associated with the event! Here! Take one! I have a few of them and we will begin carving one or two next week!


That's nice.. would be perfect for pumpkin pie hehe

 2 years ago  


@jane1289 This is the one for the pie!

have you ever thought to move to a different country while winter passes?

there are severals country in the world that you can make a living with little income like 200-300$ at month, and it will be only for a couple of months jaja

 2 years ago  

I love winter! We don't get it for long and hardly snow. None for three years now. My family is here, my biggest reason for staying.

not many people love the winter as it is wild weather and many things get complicated in that season . i'm glad to know that you actually enjoy it

Wow! I am amazed on how the owner trained their cows very well. What a lovely succulents too, I love it!

 2 years ago  

Thank you! Isn't that so amazing? That works with goats, pigs, and many other animals! :) Thank you! They are pretty nice !

Very amazing. I am overwhelmed upon knowing this. You're welcome.

This car are well trained from the birth that is why the can hear when u call them, the look so cute I love it

 2 years ago  

Actually, they are just very much like a dog. :)

Bang, I did it again... I just rehived your post!
Week 129 of my contest just can now check the winners of the previous week!

 2 years ago  

Thank you for the repost @pixresteemer! Much appreciated!



 2 years ago  

Hello! Hello! @music-nature

Hello @dswigle 🙂🙃🤗

 2 years ago  

You spesk! Write!


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