DCC tag contest - The winners who supported #confidence tag !

in DCooperation2 years ago


I was a bit busy visiting Moscow a few days ago. That's why I didn't share the list of the winners of the following contest : DCC tag contest.

The previous week, we supported the tag #confidence and the entries were really awesome !

Since we have 10 entries, I'll distribute more DCCs !

Let it be from 20 to 2 for each participant depending on their entries.

So, 20 will be sent to the first, 18 to the second and go on.


I'll send 20 DCC to @funshee, 18 DCC to @merit.ahama, 16 DCC to @samostically, 14 DCC to @readthisplease, 12 DCC to @attentionneeded , 10 DCC to @chincoculbert, 8 DCC to @doziekash, 6 DCC to @vikbuddy, 4 DCC to @ijohnsen, and 2 DCC to @onwugbenuvictor.


As well, I'll send 2 DCC to @iskafan who wrote this post : What have been your worst financial decisions? and promoted : People & Assets: A Probable Investment? the post of @josediccus.

I would like as well to reward two of great two collaborations on hive blockchain with 10 DCCs each !


Some promoted posts by the winners will be rewarded as well !

So, you can always promote someone in #dcc, and I'll check their content and support !

Let's make this initiative improve the curation on the blockchain !

Chech the use case of DCC token here !


I was waiting for this all through the week...how was Moscow??
Now we back!!!!!

Yeah, I finally found time for it. Moscow was great, but I get sick a bit, and now I'm recovering home.

I'm glad you are recovering.
Do rest okay.
It good to have you back

Thanks a lot.


Well, all I would say is...congratulations to the winners.

Thanks a lot.

Glad to have you back, hope you enjoyed your journey.
Congrats to the winners, I hope I don't forget to drop an entry for the ongoing contest 😬

Unexpected !PIZZA hahahahaha

Awww your pizza is everywhere 🤗🤗

Yeah, I used to write entries to my own contest. I like to do that, it's fun.☺

Yeah, I did one : The confidence is like a muscle !. I think you'll like it.

Yay!!! thought this was skipped glad I made the list

You're welcome. I was very busy, and now I finally found time for this.

Thanks a lot, let me go prepare my trust content, still cracking my head.. LOL!

Cool. Good luck with that as well. ☺

Thanks alot for the tokens sir. I appreciate you and everyone who promoted my post. 🥰

You're welcome. Yeah, you seem so famous this time. ☺

Haha, please, sir, don't do this to me, it's making me blush 🙈

But, thanks Alot.

We loved it! Take some unexpected !PIZZA

was a bit busy visiting Moscow a few days ago. That's why I didn't share the list of the winners of the following contest : DCC tag contest.

How was Moscow? Are we going to see pictures soon? It's good to be back, I was worried and waiting to be tagged for the next #dcc support tag. I missed the post.

Thanks for the more dcc tokens... I appreciate you always. Thanks.



PIZZA Holders sent $PIZZA tips in this post's comments:
samostically tipped clixmoney (x1)
samostically tipped merit.ahama (x1)
@samostically(9/9) tipped @iskafan (x1)

Learn more at https://hive.pizza.

@clixmoney How was your trip boss. Vacation goals. One Of These I'll love to say.. I just got back from Moscow😊

Thanks A lot for your generosity. I appreciate!

I'm happy my post made it to the top once again. Thank you very much for your generosity and I hope you are enjoying Moscow?

I'm glad for you as well. Moscow was awesome. Now I'm in my native city and have more time for this.