
I miss the most, not only these days but from the beginning of this pandemics, being in physical contact with people, regardless the place or occasion (gigs, Bdays, after work drink, hiking...). Could not say that there is compensation for that, just some replacement activities :/
Some time after lockdowns started, people were more into having fun, I even wrote a post about it :) but after a year of "new normal" and with no idea when it is going to end, people are exhausted, coping mechanisms are close to their limits and energy that is left is being saved for most important things... :(

I see the same happening with the fun levels. People getting too serious lately. I use humour to deal with the situation we are in, and I think many more should try at least 🙃

The human needs the touch. Or will we be able to forget all of this when we are kept in lockdown for a much longer time? This summer I cheated here and there. A hug was allowed in my opinion. Don't tell anyone, otherwise, the Hug-Police hear about it and will take me to the Hug-Recovery Clinique 🤣

omg, people were telling me that there is all king of offenders on the I see is true :p lol
Since the need for close proximity and touch is in our nature, I think it would take looong time; one thing is to deprive ourselves, learn how to live without, another is for a need to disappear. In this video there are some interesting clues about nature, just what he called love is something else- attachment.

The Internet is full of offenders indeed... Espacially Twitter (I suppose, because of the short form chat experience, no space for nuance).

I do wonder, when we made VR as real an experience as real life (high resolution, natural movements, natural appearances, touch and smell senses), can this replace what we experience in our physical world? I have the tendance to be biased towards a 'yes'. We all know our attachement to none-humans, like pets. But we also see people connected to robots (eg Japan where lot of research is ongoing) as if they are living pets.

hahaha, nice spin of my joke ;)
We see people connected to many things which is very sad...trying to replace real people, animals and nature with artificial whatever, in attempt to fill inner void...Maybe posthumans are inevitable, changes that are leading in that direction already started but I.m not really fan of it.

AI Singularity is around the corner. Post-Singularity, I predict humans will get as easy attached to virtual representations of humans, or blunt out AI. Maybe we'll be discovering humans are nothing different to computers anyway, who knows. Scary and at the same time Interestings times ahead of us 🙃

Speaker on -> to Max level
TV or Beamer on
Fog (if possible)

AND DANCE in da Livingroom

Speaker at Max + TV with visuals + Dance: The perfect way to deal with the current situation indeed! 💃🎶🕺

 3 years ago  

Wow, man. I miss everything from the shows, meeting the people, having an audience in front of you, being with your band partners, the rehearsals...

Compensantion? There is no really such thing, I would speak of conforming. Of course, I love the family rapprochement we've had and that's a good thing. Maybe otherwise we wouldn't have made it, but I would prefer that one didn't exclude the other.

Good the read you got something positive out of the whole situation!
The audience, people and all will come. We may need to wait for a little bit still, but a year and a half are not very long 🤣 We shall push the VR technology creators to put a little more effort in creating remote feeling devices. VR rooms can then become our new physical space with all our senses in play.... d*rn, we need a remote taste device as well then...hmmm...may take a little longer before we get all of those 🙃

 3 years ago  

Hahaha... I see this future of which you speak as faaaaaaaar off.😂

I hope there is another future, a close one, that allows us get back to the real shows...!!!! 🙏

1.5yr is indeed a little short, what about 3yrs? {LOL}
Real shows: Sure that'll happen. Soon {smiley} And when not soon, then soon-ish, or sometime {LOL}

 3 years ago  

OMG With your last comment I'm not sure if I should laugh or cry... 😱

Just set a maximum in amount of time to Soon-ish and Sometime. That helps {LOL}
I try to keep the fun levels up, so take the Laugh approach, rather than the Cry approach. And even when Sometimes is years from now, we still have the VR option around {LOL}

I was looking for the music ....hmmmm, sounds of silence.

Not compensation .... but new fun. I play strip backgammon with my wife :) :)

Music is there... Otherwise click the link... Not all HIVE UIs show the Archive embedded player ( does well, as ecency). PeakD doesn't show the player.

strip backgammon

Hahahaha, that's something else than strip poker! I suggest, never to stop with that fun :)

Once upon a Sunday my car broke down on a busy highway into Cape Town. My wife (then girlfriend) came to fetch me... and while we were sitting waiting for the tow truck we decided to play strip poker ... and the first one naked had to run to my car (about 50 m's behind the car we were in) and back !! I lost .... man was there a lot of hooting and waving as I put my head down and ran..... my chick had tears streaming down her cheeks... she laughed all the way home.

HAHAHAHA thats a great story!

Oh yeah .... I use Peakd {sob}

When you use Ecency desktop app (maybe also the webapp), the music starts playing automatically :)

Is this available in Africa?

Don't know, try it?
Web version:
Desktop version:
I use the desktop version. Just tested the Web version, also in that one it start autoplay. also let the audio start playing automatically.

Thanks , will give it a try

Question to You:

What moments do you mostly miss these days?

I miss all the concerts, street events, orchestral performances, theater...
My performances (no help for small freelancer musicians which lived from that😔), concerts of my students..

How do you compensate for those?

Hahaha, not a "real" compensation can come, but yes, music is al the day on (just not when we sleep), we play at home and if I record something for Hive publish on #3Speak.

Thinking on my #SadSunday post for today, the concept is already in my head, will come later 😜

As a performer and teacher, I very much understand you missing all this. Did you try to bring some balcony concerts? Not sure if this is a thing today, but when all the initial lockdowns happened, 'we' seem to made a lot of fun from our own windows (opened windows obviously, to entertain those around us).

Ever tried leaving music on while asleep? Could induce some interesting dreams 😉

First days in March I took the electric piano to the balcony and played... but in my building, there are mainly elderly people living (did you know how many of my neighbours are coming from your country?) so not really I had anybody to join...or the piano was not enough loud to be heard. I don't know. Although from the other building I heard someone singing and it was loud (opera arias, for you :) ) and people were clapping 😇

When I go to sleep, it is silence, sometimes I just need that no sound time ;) But I sometimes dream with music, and when I wake up I don't remember how to play it or to recall the melodies 😑

I thought my country people, the elderly, all lived at the south of Spain, guess I was wrong. But I suppose, because you are surrounded by Dutchies, you speak my language!

Laten we dan maar gewoon in het Nederlands chatten! {LOL}

Hopefully not the 'broodje kroket' or 'frietje van pietje' around the corner?

Have the feeling in the second lockdown, less people are trying to make fun, many get too serious about all of this! Just came back from a walk through the city. On my way back, a helicopter approached and started circulating. Usually this means: Searching for some thief, or other type of criminal. Now, it seems to be related to an out of control protest against the government regulations. People getting worse by the day. Not that I'm in favour of the regulations, our governments could handle this differently in my opinion, but why turning a protest into aggression? This will just cause more harse measurements. Anyways.... I just heard the helicopter, didn't encounter any of these aggresive people 🙃

Dreaming and remembering: Always a tricky thing. For some time I had a diary next to my bed, one to write down anything about the dream the moment I woke up. Still then, much of it got lost. Sometimes when waking up, I stay in this lucid state. Its amazing when that happens. One can control the dream, as well as control to wake up or not. I came across people who can control when the go into lucid state. Still need some of them to teach me how to do this. How cool would that be when one can get into lucid dreaming every single day!? Hmmm, dreaming about music.... Never done that, at least not that I remember. Would be funny to dream about making music while I never done that {LOL}

Better we stay in English as I could only say klein beetje, and een twee drie and zo 🤣🤣 . However, my second neighbor even doesn't try to talk in other language... his wife at least spaeks a mixture of spanglish 🤣

I just heard again new restrictions starts from tomorrow 😔 and as well a helicopter circulated around? Just now!

What a good idea, to write down the dreams 👌 Can you wake up yourself if you have a nightmare? I "learned" how to call my husband to wake me up if I have a bad dream. Good for me, not so good for him 😂

Helicopter invasions everywhere... Maybe we are getting fooled! Alien invasion?

You have a very cool way of getting yourself out of a bad dream! I'll make a note of that. Don't tell your husband, but he could start wearing earplugs 🙃

The reason why I can't apply this wakeup system is that I never have a bad dream. What others consider a bad dream, I usually find interesting. Strange me 🤣

Ok, I will not tell him about ear plugs.

I just noticed now your first tag, notsosadsunday 😂😂😂😂

Am I Don Quixote to try to revive SadSunday tag? 😂😜

Helicopter invasion

I had tickets for vrienden van Amstel, online and I had fun. Dat was toen je nog twee mensen mocht. En we hebben ook wel wee zij in festivals. Maar ik weet het niet het is hier nu zo’n zooitje , ik hoop op nieuwe tijden.

What moments do you mostly miss these days?
How do you compensate for those?
Ik heb huidhongwr en ik mis het veelzijdig van ons leven, ik omarm het saaie omdat het veilig is en ik schaam me nu als ik naar het nieuws kijk.
Ik mis de bruisende straten in de stad .

Ah cool, je hebt een feestje gevierd op Amstel Live; Nice :)

Ik ben zelf een paar van die online events afgegaan (meer in de electronische hoek: DGTL, 909 etc) aan begin van het hele gebeuren waar we inzitten. Maar al snel interesse verloren. Het gevoel is er gewoon niet. En wanneer ik met vrienden thuis een feestje vier, dan regelen we daar zelf muziek en visuals bij :)

Triest idd wat er nu allemaal gebeurd, zeker de laatste paar dagen. Resultaat zal zijn dat de tegenstanders het alleen nog maar moeilijker krijgen om gehoord te worden. En ja, ik denk dat de overheid echt een tegengeluid nodig heeft om uit haar tunnel te komen. Maar het tegengeluid zit ook in haar tunnel en tegenwoordig dus ook in aggresie. Moe ech nie gekker worden! pffffff

Ja VVA was tof en we waren bij een oud hiver en gingen FaceTime met peter een hiver van nu , was grappig en fun.

Moe ech nie gekker worden! pffffff
Nou het is gekker geworden ik schaam me gewoon dat ik een Rotterdamse ben! Wat vreselijk wat voor rellen er nu gebeuren. Ik heb me zo verschrikkelijk geërgerd gister voor de televisie.
En het zijn gewoon kids van 15 ook, echt super super triest en die oplossing behalve opsluiten heb ik ook niet, ik zou nietgraag in de schoen van politici willen staan.

We moeten het afwachten , het land staat in brand

NIet alleen dit zooitje in Rotterdam, overal in NL, en straks helemaal.... Dit is nog lang niet een gedane zaak, helaas. Maar echt, plundering en al. Dat er jeugdige bij zitten, verbaast me in het geheel niet. Viel stijl achterover wat jongeren zoal denken en uitspreken op YT. Zoals gezegd, ik denk dat onze regering op een andere manier met covid had kunnen (en moeten ) omgaan, maar dat best wel wat jongeren en studenten zijn die nu in de groots mogelijke onzin geloven (extreme consipracy theories), gaat mijn pet te boven. Van studenten zou je toch verwachten dat ze met een 360 graden blik de wereld in kijken?

Maar goed, ondertussen probeer ik zoveel mogelijk plezier te hebben door vooral niet het nieuws te kijken en al die talkshows eromheen, maar me te richten op positieve onderwerpen :)

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