Best of Daily and Fresh 📷 3/5

in #photography3 years ago (edited)

This is the third installment in "Best of Daily and Fresh" featuring the best photo for each week in my #dailyandfresh project. I hope you like them! These'll be the best photos from the weeks 22 - 31. I'll be making the next one soon(ishly?).

I'll post the photos side-by-side with the weekly animated gif for that week.

Each photo here will be linked to the corresponding post, so don't hesitate to click on the photos and leave a comment if you like them. Also, each animated gif will lead you to its corrensponding #weeklyandfresh post.

The one photo that made my day

Weekly and Fresh #22

Cool clouds (+panorama), Ninnu and more cool clouds at sunset.

Weekly and Fresh #23

...a hare and a flower

Weekly and Fresh #24


Weekly and Fresh #25

Picking berries

Weekly and Fresh #26

Story in a photo

Weekly and Fresh #27

Hive Meet Jyväskylä 2020

Weekly and Fresh #28


Weekly and Fresh #29


Weekly and Fresh #30

Fruity fresh #3

Weekly and Fresh #31

Tell me what photos you liked the best, and why. And if you had a personal favourite for a particular week that didn't match with mine, be sure to mention that too. It would be interesting to know if we'd picked the same ones or not.

See you later guys!

Like my post? 🍻 Buy me a beer! 🍻


This is very slow connection?!
I couldn’t see your photos!!

Something is happening to the blockchain! I couldn’t post!

That's weird. Seems to work for me on both my computer, tablet and the smartphones too. I wonder if it is an issue with your telephone operator internet service? Was this in your iPhone?

Yup! It may have been my operator! Just now I could not access my local account! The message said some internet connection! It’s quite weird as we rarely have this problem!

Have a nice day!

 3 years ago  Reveal Comment