Coronavirus Hoax on Trial [eng/срп] Коронапревара на суђењу

in Deep Dives4 years ago (edited)

Today I present to you another doctor. This time it is not a doctor of medicine, but a doctor for truth and falsehood. Dr. Reiner Fuellmich is a doctor of law and a very successful lawyer in Germany and America, and is a member of the four-member German Corona Investigative Committee…

He is not just any lawyer. He won important cases in court against fraudulent corporations of the largest caliber, such as Deutsche Bank (manipulation of precious metal prices) and Volkswagen (false representation of diesel engines as environmentally friendly). This German lawyer is filing a class action lawsuit in the United States against the World Health Organization, the CDC, and CDC-related organizations in various countries, such as Germany. In this 49-minute video, he sets out in clear legal language the reasons for filing a class action lawsuit and the full rationale for holding people responsible for the crimes against humanity by spreading false information.

Данас вам представљам још једног доктора. Овог пута то није доктор медицине, већ доктор за истину и лаж. Др Рајнер Филмих је доктор правних наука и веома успешан адвокат у Немачкој и Америци, и члан је четворочлане немачке Комисије за истрагу о Корони…

Он није било ко. Добијао је на суду важне случајеве против преварантских корпорација најтежег калибра, као што су на пример, Дојче Банка (манипулација ценама племенитих метала) и Фолксваген (лажно представљање дизел мотора као еколошких). Овај немачки правник покреће колективну тужбу у Сједињеним Државама против Светске здравствене организације, ЦДЦ-а, и организацијама сродним ЦДЦ-у у различитим земљама, попут Немачке. У овом видеу који траје 49 минута, он јасним правничким језиком износи разлоге за покретање колективне тужбе и пуно образложење тражења одговорности за особе које су починиле злочин против човечности ширећи лажне информације.

Crimes against Humanity / Злочини против човечности
Duration: / Трајање: 52:20 (енглески, српски титл)

Reiner Fuellmich-77f36a.mp4_snapshot_00.45.197.jpg

Video removed from YuTube / Видео уклоњен са ЈуТјуба
(Duration: / Трајање: 49:00 енглески језик)

The video above has already been posted by our members @maxigan @pele23 and @julianhorack. Spread it as much as you can, and in case it is removed from YouTube, you can find it at BitChute also.

After a full seven months of hysterical propaganda, the coronavirus hoax has become obvious criminal mockery of the people, using tests that are 89% to 94% unreliable. As long as the testing lasts, coronavirus will never get out of our lives, because those who test people determine how much of it there will be. The best example in that sense is US President Donald Trump, who came out of the hospital after only four days because he feels good!

Горњи видео већ су поставили наши чланови @maxigan, @pele23 и @julianhorack. Ширите га колико год можете, а у случају да буде уклоњен са ЈуТјуба, можете га наћи на БитШуту.

После пуних седам месеци хистеричне пропаганде, коронапревара постала је очигледна злочиначка спрдачина с народом, уз коришћење тестова који су од 89% до 94% непоуздани (енг.) Све док траје тестирање, корона никад неће изаћи из наших живота, јер они који тестирају одређују колико ће је бити. Најбољи пример у том смислу је амерички председник Доналд Трамп, који је после само четири дана изашао из болнице јер се – осећа добро!

Trump is back! / Трамп се вратио! (Duration: / Трајање: 1:44 енглески језик)

Exactly as we have recently predicted that he got a common cold and naturally, recovered quickly from it. By doing so, Trump showed by personal example that the tests are either completely unreliable, or that the virus is not deadly at all. Most likely, both claims are true, and that will soon be determined by the courts in the United States and Germany. In the meantime, has everyone in a panic forgotten that a common cold and flu still exists, and that we are entering their usual season?

But let’s go back to the criminal hoax. It is criminal, because huge private pharmaceutical corporations started it for profit at any cost, even at the cost of life. Your life, of course. And they won’t be stopped by the little things like the truth. Another well-known lawyer, Robert F. Kennedy Jr., asked a simple and reasonable question: “Do pandemics disappear when mortalities cease? Or when it’s no longer in the media’s financial interest to frighten and shame the public?”

Qualifying it as a “Crime against humanity” is not exaggerated at all. The goal, of course, is mass vaccination, which is planned to bring huge profits to the pharmaceutical mafia, and a disaster of biblical proportions to the people. Take a look at the statement of a mother from Novi Sad, Serbia, whose child died three days after vaccination (Serbian language):

Управо онако како смо недавно написали да је добио обичну прехладу и од ње се брзо опоравио као што је и природно. Тиме је Трамп личним примером показао да је тест или потпуно непоуздан, или да вирус уопште није смртоносан. Највероватније је да су обе тврдње тачне, и то ће ускоро утврдити судови у Сједињеним Државама и Немачкој. Зар су у међувремену сви у паници заборавили да постоје обична кијавица и грип, и да улазимо у њихову уобичајену сезону?

Али вратимо се злочиначкој превари. Она јесте злочиначка, зато што су огромне приватне фармацеутске корпорације започеле ову превару ради профита по сваку цену, чак и по цену живота. Вашег живота, наравно. И неће их зауставити ситница као што је истина. Још један познати адвокат, Роберт Ф. Кенеди Млађи, поставио је једноставно и разумно питање: „Да ли пандемије престају кад смртности више нема? Или кад више није у финансијском интересу медија да плаши и срамоти јавност?“

Квалификација ‘Злочин против човечности’ уопште није претерана. Циљ је наравно, масовна вакцинација која предвиђена да фармацеутској мафији донесе огромне профите, а народу несрећу библијских размера. Погледајте изјаву једне мајке из Новог Сада, чије је дете умрло три дана после вакцинације:

Danka Adamovic Jovic20201007_115153.jpg

You should at the end, read the article of Dr. Michael Yeadon (mentioned in the video made by Dr. Reiner Fuellmich), former scientific advisor at Pfizer pharmaceutical corporation, which is futher demasking a “project fear”. You also can hear an interview with him at talkRADIO.

Quite frankly, despite all the evidence, I am not optimistic about the outcome of the trial, for the simple reason that the Big Pharma mafia will put maximum pressure on the judiciary with the undoubted engagement of the best lawyers. But this will at least be an opportunity to hear somewhere the voice of truth, which cannot break through the blockade imposed by the corporate media. It is up to the alternative media to follow the course of the trial and broadcast the reports to the general public.

Whatever the outcome of the trial, in the end, some kind of explosion will have to happen. Either a lie will explode with the arrest of those responsible (some will say ‘scapegoats’) and the payment of compensation, or the World will be engulfed in an unprecedented ‘pandemic’ of unrest and civil wars that is already brewing before our eyes.

Треба на крају да прочитате и чланак др Мајкла Јидона, (поменут у видеу др Рајнера Фуелмиха), бившег научног саветника у фармацеутској корпорацији Фајзер, у коме он даље демаскира „пројекат застрашивања“ (енглески језик). Уколико пратите енглески језик, можете послушати и интервју с њим на станици talkRADIO

Сасвим искрено, упркос свим доказима нисам оптимиста у погледу исхода суђења, из простог разлога што ће фармацеутска мафија извршити максималан притисак на правосуђе уз несумњиво ангажовање најбољих адвоката. Али то ће бар бити прилика да се негде чује глас истине који не може да се пробије кроз блокаду коју су завели корпоративни медији. На алтернативним медијима је да прате ток суђења и преносе извештаје широкој јавности.

Какав год био исход суђења, на крају ће некаква експлозија морати да се деси. Или ће експлодирати лаж уз хапшења одговорних (неки ће рећи ‘жртвених јараца’) и плаћање обештећења, или ће свет бити захваћен у историји невиђеном ‘пандемијом’ немира и грађанских ратова која се већ на очиглед свих кува.

Given the degree of control that the Big Pharm mafia has over governments of the World, I am afraid that this second outcome is much more probable.

Имајући у виду степен контроле који фармацеутска мафија има над владама света, бојим се да је овај други исход много вероватнији.

Please, never forget Julian Assange /
Не заборавите Џулијана Асанжа!

* * *

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The truth is covid is real.

It has never actually been verified and independently studied!

Yeah but I've had the virus so seems real enough to me.

Yes, but you are alive, so the virus is not deadly. The topic of this text is that your rights and freedoms are taken away under the false premise. And when they are all removed, THEN your life is in danger. But it was never in danger from some ridiculous virus that is with humankind since forever.

The wheels are coming off this charade but I also share your concern that this trial won't end how we would like it to. Pharmaceutical companies are notoriously sheisty and criminal...they would certainly not stop short of death threats behind closed doors with how much is at stake if they were actually exposed as the fraudulent companies that they are.

Exactly @zydane. Those are dangerous psychopaths. See for example Sackler brothers (see here Richard Sackler), or the mafia slimeballs like Martin Skhrelli

Thanks for your support and feedback.

In principle, people's wishes always come true. That which is not said, which is not pronounced, which remains within because it cannot be grasped nor said, influences what happens. Without knowing exactly what one wishes, because it is too difficult to know exactly how one wants to live, people wish for a change. This change, if it remains unclear, feeds a movement which, if it is determined by destructive basic feelings, something radical up to the extreme.

For example, people internally wish that a situation should escalate because the current state of tension cannot be maintained in the long run. Reason can only be where it does not forcedly exist as "must be reasonable". If I have inner anger and desperation, but believe that I must remain outwardly reasonable, outward reason fades to pseudo-reason. Thus, a reasonable argument between people who are equally inwardly boiling is a useless attempt to argue on a factual level, where this level has long since been abandoned and behind it the destructive power becomes visible.

Your prognosis, that the class action will fail as well, that the destructive power of the "other side" will prevent such a good becoming... Could it also be a wish, is there the possibility, that it might come true, that even more law will be broken? I, for my part, am hearing this voice in my head. But then ...of course, another part, speaking of itself as realistic, says: if the high court speaks justice and reveals that the present situation is a reversal of normality, that an exception has been made the rule, what would happen?

One might think that if it came to the point where the guilty were to be nailed down, that they, and only they, would be held accountable for the magnitude of what happened. So let us go so far as to present a member of the WHO, one of the RKI, one of the CDC, and a virologist as guilty to the people, because the high court would have so decided. And let us further assume that all the media, worldwide, whether alternative or mainstream, would disseminate such things on a massive scale. What would be the consequence?

As far as the politicians assume that the people accept that the guilty will be enough for them, that they will not demand any further guilty people, then it may happen that all those who have abused their responsibility will be able to save face and want to make some kind of silent reparation. The politicians and parties, just like the people, will breathe a sigh of relief because the whole thing has gone over their heads and they want to quietly close Pandora's Box again. History teaches us that the few heads that roll in the public eye stand for the many who get to keep their heads.

It becomes problematic when no one is satisfied that not enough guilty people have been found and the public dispute should remain hot.

But it would be very desirable if the conflict were to shift to the private sphere and everyone who is currently sitting in decisive positions (which, if you think about, is almost everyone) and is questioning his or her own responsibility, perhaps even judging himself or herself, needs help in this and should strive for a process of self-knowledge.

On a deeper level, I think everyone knows that something is wrong and wishes that the exception cannot remain the rule, but that the rule confirms the exception.

Your prognosis, that the class action will fail as well, that the destructive power of the "other side" will prevent such a good becoming... Could it also be a wish, is there the possibility, that it might come true, that even more law will be broken?

It is certaily not my wish, @erh.germany. It is simple reasoning: Would the powerful people behind this hoax allow to be taken peacefully to the court and tried? All while we can see that they have enough power to destroy whole states.

Thank you very much for your support and feedback.

Thank you, you are welcome.

Would the powerful people behind this hoax allow to be taken peacefully to the court and tried?

I don't know. But the possibility is there. I plead for open-ends and not predict the future. Though I violate my own plead often enough. I think it's dangerous to become fatigued or overly pessimistic because all the powerful read also the Internet and what is written. They are people with flesh on their bones and people who are afraid or over concerned about overpopulation and climate change and what not. I guess, the powerful are actually the more frightened ones.

Bang, I did it again... I just rehived your post!
Week 26 of my contest just can now check the winners of the previous week!

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