ecoTrain QOTW: Why do you think so many computer games are based on extreme violence? Do you think it is healthy or unhealthy?

in ecoTrain4 years ago

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The evolution of gaming hasn't been totally huge per say that is, it hasn't been totally differentiating Back in the days I'd say one of the reasons why the games weren't so full of gore, violence and blood was because technology back then weren't so sophisticated. Now we have VR that makes the action real and addictive and most of the computer games we see currently are 70% based on movies, their storyline and the killings. It's basically logical and I'll explain it; some violent movies and television series that sold quite well are often converted into games and for a person who has seen the film version it's quite appealing to check out how the game will of course look like and this is often one of the appeal that makes people play violent computer games.

Take a look at the walking dead it's storyline has been reprogrammed into so many games and when you look at commando the same has been done as well for many movies, it's like having to be present in a violent movie, being involved in the action yourself and having to experience first hand the bullets and the monster, this is of course another appeal that makes these games popular and sought after.

Now one of the reasons why computer games are based on extreme violence is because violence is action packed, it's addictive and of course mind-blowing

Violence is an appeal that sells this is because it's very entertaining. Most I go to work, come back really tired and then choose to play izombie not because I love violence as a person but then the euphoria and excitement of killing millions of zombies, moving on to the next difficult challenge and facing a zombie master itself is thrilling and by the time I'm done I would have found enough way to escape, relieve myself or stress as well.

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Now in the past, I use to play a lot of Real Football and Gameboy, mortal Kombat and even Mario but now i can't play them anymore. This is because in the past gaming was use to increase a person quantitative reasoning, tactic foresight and then for entertainment purposes too but then people game to cope with stress, cope with real time issues, have a sense of superiority and a feeling of accomplishment to something they can do even if they're total failures in real life and this is what violent games often offer.

Now a person can become corrupted playing violent games, they might not, it's just a two way thing. However for most people I know, a well pruned mental stable person is hardly affected by any effect whatsoever that arises from playing these violent computer games and the only effect is addictiveness which affects ones physical activities but never messed with their mental state. Addictiveness that arises from playing these games is different from the sort of addictiveness that comes from smoking. As a matter of fact a person can be a core addict of violent games and still maintain a stable relationship with themselves, their work and their society at large this is largely because these games are just for virtual entertainment purposes and hardly reflect in any form. Playing violent games is almost the same as watching the movie version of that game and there's just that sense of participativeness in playing.

Now this might totally be different in other countries but in my country, Nigeria. It's a different ball game entirely. computer games nowadays tend to be more violent, because it provides more action, excitement, adventure and thrill and this is what makes almost every gamer download a game.

So is it healthy or unhealthy?

First of all it depends on the person playing a game and not the game in itself. I believe playing any kind of game can be refreshing, frees the mind of stress and it's basically a means of escape. Can we now majorly say watching graphics and violent movies are unhealthy? No. Why is this? A person has the choice of playing a game or not playing it at all. For a rather messed up person dealing with psychology issues I'll say violent games might mess them up the more,they might not see it as a form of entertainment whatsoever because they're already flawed coping with issues such as abuse and violence in real life situation. So like I said earlier, it depends on the person playing the game because originally these games are just meant to create a notch in excitement and give people the extra euphoria

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My name is @Josediccus, a young Nigerian student who is a Vlogger, A Psychologist, Poet And Sports Writer/Analyst. I'm using my contents as a process to create shared meaning as well as create expressions through which people on/off hive can relate. I believe content is a process to be enjoyed and relished and I'm up for any collaborations in my field stated above. Cheers

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 4 years ago  

thanks for your response Jose! a good level headed response. and i agree. it really does depend on the person playing whether it is healthy or unhealthy.. and in most cases it probably is a great source of venting and amazing entertainment..

 4 years ago  

Thanks a lot @eco-alex I believe that aspect should also be considered when it comes to violent games, it's imperative to know that a healthy mind can withstand mostly anything thrown at it. Thanks for the week's question it was wonderful answering it

 4 years ago  

Thank for you posting to this weeks QOTW! Your post has been featured in our weekly tie up post. Curation posts may not be everyones cup of tea, but i think they are great! You can check out everyone else's opinion on the same topic. There were some other fantastic posts as well as yours.

You can check out the tie up post here:

Thanks and please keep posting to the ecoTrain community, We value your presence!

Owk! Let me make a little confession here. When I was in junior secondary school, do you believe I almost dropped out of school because of playing video games, Sega to be precise. Yea, I am that kind of person that isn't affected mentally by games - at least not negatively but I have gained a lot of skills by just playing games. While I don't get negatively affected mentally, I can get very obsessed with one.

I will always dress up like I was going to school and immediately my mom left, I will sit back and start playing the game😜yea, I'll lock myself inside. Dumb right? Yea. I repeated that class as a result.

So yea, violent games can be harmful but it largely depends on the player. Like I said, I learnt a lot of skills - not violent ones, from just playing games and I don't even regret it a bit. Everyone with their own stories and experiences.

 4 years ago  

Well well well. The Nigerian way of life though I can definitely relate with your experience. I was totally a normal gamer, I didn't allow my game life affect my school life. At the end of the day being affected depends on the person playing the game. Thanks a lot for the comment

Compute games are healthy when it will use in control manner else it will be unhealthy, nice topic

 4 years ago  

Thanks for the comment

i always said that a good game with an interesting story is better than a good movie, because you make the choices.
i recently heard an interesting point about violence in games by a game developer. It is a really gory one, with weird aliens. They made it that over the top, so it is not connected with real violence, it is over the top and not real.

I share your criteria, I really think it is more to enjoy than anything else ... but it depends on each human being if it will be healthy.