
in THE 2020s11 months ago

Mel Gibson puts a new twist to Kill Bill. If a kid comes to my bar to drink beer, please do not arrest me. I did not come to my bar. The kid did. Blame the kid. The Internet is that bar. The definition of spam is ANYTHING that ANYBODY may not want, totally SUBJECTIVE definition like unwanted plants (weeds) in gardens. Power over space and time would turn me into a god. That's problematic for many reasons. Therefore, I would rather be Superman or Miss Marvel, AKA infinite powers within space and time which may allow manipulation and control over space and time just due to having infinite powers therein. It only takes me 5 years to respond to Facebook messages, that is how many people know me.

I never ever get bored. Normal people get bored. How old are you? I am 0+ years old. I am older than zero for sure, I think, last time I checked. What does non-autistic mean? One of the problems is AUTISM is often CONFLATED and CONFUSED with other things that may or may not be AUTISM. You might say so and so is AUTISTIC but that may or may not be true absolutely to any extent as it's a spectrum with variables and degrees. It's a tough nut to crack. Like some people may be more mentally challenged neurologically whether that includes autism or not. But then we got this conflation between at least 3 terms being nerds, autism, and retardation.

Are you for or against Budlight? Men of old did crazy things centuries ago. Are you for or against getting rid of the parasites, the people who are not contributing enough? I'm against what Disney is doing. I'm against Bill Gates. I'm against the World Economic Forum (WEF).



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The Whatever Podcast on Rumble, single hot women.

Oatmeal Daily - 2023-07-09 - Sunday | Published in July of 2023





In a world of lies, telling the truth is a revolutionary act.



INFOWARS BANNER - dUIaa.caa.1-Infowars-qoc09f.jpeg


Twitter Tweets

10:12 AM

How old are you? I am 0+ years old. I am older than zero for sure, I think, last time I checked. I am an alien, math is racist. But I am owner of my own Discord server? Hive Blog is acting as my website in a sense. It's my blog / website. It even includes links to articles I have not even written yet.


2018-12-26 - Wednesday - AVATAR FAVORITE BOXER KNOCKOUT DAY LMS JA 6 54 PM PST 185100.jpg


Discord Drama

12:00 AM

The story of my life is like the story of a little boy named Billy Breaker stuck inside an Arnold Attic. The origin of my life can be traced back to my birth in 1985 in Oregon. I grew up in a ghetto. I was homeschooled. I lived in Hawaii. I taught English in Vietnam. I do not like the idea of forcing users to tell the site their location. For sure audio avocado girl. I never ever get bored. Normal people get bored. Yeah he looks like Lil Sniff Michael Mullins. For the record, everything in life is advertisement. When Discord servers make up a rule saying no ads, no marketing, that is a joke. How old are you? I am 0+ years old. I am older than zero for sure, I think, last time I checked. Minors pretend to be adults and adults pretend to be minor. But non-anonymous Internet users can be authenticated, verified, vetted. Yes. I am not an anonymous Internet user. Like a YouTube might be not-anonymous. I accuse people publicly all the time. I love everybody, even the hoes. Cuz I don't want to be no player hater. What is n word bypass? I disagree with the rules. I value that word. Protest. But I do try to follow rules. People do do that. Mux was not spamming. As a Discord server owner, I have a lot to say about rules. There was a website called Tagged and Hi5 where people would own other people for fun, they were pets, like a game. Facebook censors that symbol. I was thrown in 30 day timeout prisons many times on Facebook almost every month or every so often since at least 2010. I value history. How can we talk about history if it is censored? I love summer. I love money. Some people will say they dislike communism but they actually are for it. Maybe they don't know they're communists. I might be 1/8th Irish. I wish I was black. i treasure embarrassment. I'm the Atlantis Lost Empire guy? Never heard of it. But this is going on my blog Cos. Mali, that may vary on the Discord server and other websites too. There is thing called proxies, VPNs, etc, that people use to get around IP bans. There is a famous girl from North Korea, she is on Twitter and YouTube. She wrote books. Yeonmi Park. The f word is not a slur. I can write a book about it. ADL sucks. Some people live in cabins in the woods apart from other humans, they are off the grid homesteading. Decentralization over centralization of cartels and monopolies. Some people live in woods in America and other countries too. Individualism over collectivism. Rumble over YouTube. If a person is unfairly banned, that is a big deal. That should not be normalized. There are different definitions to collectivism and I would encourage people not to conflate different issues with each other as we are dancing around several items simultaneously. I believe things can always get better. I can teach you how to make a pencil. Holocaust oclock said SALT. Is that your fetish? I would send you Nitro Bubbles. Angel, ily but how can reacting be spam? I can still walk you through the process of making a pencil which has several parts. I can't give you Nitro. I don't have Nitro. Hi, I'm Oatmeal and I love women of all colors. Snapchat AI sucks. Yeah, Snapchat AI is funny but knew nothing about the famous Oatmeal. I disagree Paigeee. I promote love. I believe in agape. Paris, you love that one band, the P Cats Dolls? Cool. Agape means a type of love. A different kind. Agape love is like the love mothers have for children to sacrifice their lives for their kids, to give them everything no matter what. Love is love regardless of whether it destroys you or not. Depression is emotion. It's critical to process it. It's critical to experience it. It's critical not to run from the feelings. I love the Wednesday Addams look. Yeah, goth with black hair. I love Wednesday Addams. She is not merely goth. She is a variation as her character predates modern-era goth. Journaling and talking to people is critical. A lot of people should do it more because we don't know what is happening inside.

03:43 PM
960/ There are at least TWO OATMEALS. I've generally been COOL OATMEAL but as I got older, I would switch on HOT OATMEAL. Hey, if you break that down, you could say there are four oat meals. There is BAD COOL OATMEAL, BAD HOT OATMEAL, GOOD COOL OATMEAL, and GOOD HOT OATMEAL. That's an extremely vague statement. It's like saying everybody has 2 eyes. I might talk about improving eyes. But you want to say we all got 2 eyes. Of course we do. You talk about dependency. But in doing so, whether you know or not, you MIGHT be perhaps conflating different issues when making generalities that should already be common sense. I agree making a pencil is VERY HARD to do. There are at least four main parts to a pencil. You would need books explaining the process of making and assembling together the wood, lead, metal, eraser, etc. It is possible for one person to do all of that. It would take a lot of time and/or probably a lot of money. Are you for or against Budlight? I'm against the World Economic Forum (WEF). I'm against Rothschild who might allegedly be Jewish or Zionist or whatever it might be perhaps genetically. I'm against Hitler and Soros who may also have Jewish ancestry. Bad people hijacked this thing we call the Jews. I call it the globalists. 961/ HOT OATMEAL was yelling at the staff at Tan Van Foreign Language School in 2013 in Vietnam. A foreigner man INTERRUPTED me and TRICKED me out of the building. He came in like a SMOOTH CRIMINAL operator sweet talking me. I never saw him ever again even as I thought we would. 962/ I was yelling at Tan Van claiming they violated my contract by not giving me 6 months. Their claim may have been that I somehow broke the contract which allowed for them to end it several months early. The language barrier probably didn't help & they weren't direct enough. 963/ For the record, I may have deserved being fired assuming the contract allowed for it. I'm not exactly sure what the contract would allow. I'm not sure what I might do as the employer myself. It would be debated. But I felt like they did a TERRIBLE job at explaining it all. 964/ I was not losing my temper. Instead, I activated HOT OATMEAL to use intense emotional passion to express the injustice I felt was happening not just on me but other foreigners too. I confess I may have done a bad job at explaining my concerns with them as a hill to die on. 965/ I blew up at Tan Van around July of 2013. I felt like Tan Van betrayed me. Keep in mind the context, the timeline, this was only three months after being betrayed by the famous Kathy Bike and five months after Hanoi Anna and seven months after New Star Bac Ninh. Betrayal #4. @shupashark, The crazy thing is anybody could be a sleeper cell. I was like Jesus flipping tables. 966/ As I publish my AUTOBIOGRAPHY, not only do I want to confess to my bad. I also want to confront those I feel did me wrong including that big tall foreigner man who somehow dragged me away from Tan Van who I felt did me wrong. Perhaps the man saved my life from potential police. 967/ You might say I was blowing up every small conflict in my life, especially in 2014 with the pagoda and Circle K. It's a question of which hills you're willing to die on. If you die on one hill, you may not live to see another day to die on another even bigger hill.



2013-11-17 - Sunday - HOLA FAV - Got Talent 2 - 1456791_536788599749435_806329642_n.jpg


10:19 AM
If a kid comes to my bar to drink beer, please do not arrest me. I did not come to my bar. The kid did. Blame the kid. The Internet is that bar.

11:35 AM
The definition of spam is ANYTHING that ANYBODY may not want, totally SUBJECTIVE definition like unwanted plants (weeds) in gardens. Nitro can be a waste of money in a way. We can talk about Trump but not Biden? Look at the bias if you can talk Trump but not Biden lol. Politics is downstream from culture.

11:45 AM
"George Bush don't care about black people." Kanye West said this next to Michael Myers of Austin Powers.

12:50 PM
Power over space and time would turn me into a god. That's problematic for many reasons. Therefore, I would rather be Superman or Miss Marvel, AKA infinite powers within space and time which may allow manipulation and control over space and time just due to having infinite powers therein. i am trying not to get banned, so i will not talk about how I love freedom.

05:04 PM
What does non-autistic mean? People throw the word autism around. But it is rarely ever defined. It's like saying you're weird. Like what does that even mean? Like, you're autistic. Like what does that even mean? One of the problems is AUTISM is often CONFLATED and CONFUSED with other things that may or may not be AUTISM. You might say so and so is AUTISTIC but that may or may not be true absolutely to any extent as it's a spectrum with variables and degrees. It's a tough nut to crack. But it becomes a question of to which degree people filter things out and then like which things, when, where, who, how often, to what degree. But the question falls not just to the autistic but also to the non-autistic as to which things are filtered. All humans filter whether you're autistic or not which could make the terminology of autism irrelevant. Autistic people are still filtering. And autism may get conflated with with the concepts of being a nerd, geek, book-worm, librarian, doctor, scientist, teacher, in the tunnel vision focus and workaholic obsessions of finishing projects an everything else. Sometimes a person might be autistic and/or some kind of genius. Like some people may be more mentally challenged neurologically whether that includes autism or not. But then we got this conflation between at least 3 terms being nerds, autism, and retardation. It's like calling everybody racist. Many people are called racist regardless of whether they are or not. On TV. On Twitter. In newspapers, they said if you support Trump, you are racist. If you're anti-abortion, you're racist. People started weaponizing the racism label to try to control people. If you're not a leftist burning now cities during the 2020 summer of peaceful non-Jan6 love, then you're racist they said. Gay used to mean happy and now gay means homosexuality. People throw the word racist around at people to hurt them. Just like they how the white bullies in the movies from the 1980s would call the skinny short white male protagonists with glasses nerds. My point is people call other people autistic as a way to discredit them and discriminate. You may not get a job. You may get fired. You may not be listened to. You might be turned down on a date because you're labeled as autistic meaning defective. But it gets lost in translation. I may have ADHD or maybe not. I might be bipolar. I might be many things. People can discredit me because of those things. I might say many people have many things. So, it's like what the point at pointing at my problems while also ignoring your own problems at the same time which is what people do. People ignore problems while being hyper-focus on other problems which then creates even more problems. They say at least seven types of intelligence. Yeah, Simpcast is a little educational. I don't remember if I took tests to determine which types of intelligence I may have the most of. I've read over the types. The common definition of smart is the retaining of data like a hard drive to take in and spit out whatever that was downloaded into the people. The common idea of intelligence generally overlooks the value of common sense wisdom of practicality as in the contrast between book smart and street smart. In 1983, Howard Gardner published his book, Frames of Mind, he introduced the idea of seven types of intelligence. That expanded into twelve types. 1. Logical-mathematical Intelligence. I have very little math IQ. 2. Linguistic Intelligence. I have some language IQ. 3. Spatial Intelligence. I have lots of spatial IQ. 4. Kinesthetic Intelligence. I got a lot of kinesthetic IQ. 5. Musical Intelligence. I got a lot of music IQ. 6. Interpersonal Intelligence. I got a lot of social IQ. 7. Intrapersonal Intelligence. I got a lot of this autobiography IQ. 8. Emotional Intelligence. I got a lot of emotional intelligence (EQ). 9. Naturalistic Intelligence. I might have some earth IQ. 10. Existential Intelligence. My OPINION is I got a crazy amount of this God IQ. 11. Creative Intelligence. I got a lot of creative IQ. 12. Collaborative Intelligence. I don't know how much collaboration IQ I might have. According to that website, those are the 12 types of intelligence. It might be challenging trying to rank your intelligence types from best to worst. My number one IQ type might be creativity IQ. But then again, I don't know. You can expand the list to be more specific like with your example of car mechanic. Like each individual job takes you down specific paths of skills, experiences, intelligence. In that way, there would be as many intelligence types as there are different types of jobs. Autistic people may rank higher at some of those IQ types than normal people might. One of the definitions for normal might be the ability to be average at many different things, that you are sort of good at all the different IQ types. That you're maybe not a genius with some of the types but also not very low on some of the other types. Just sort of in the middle with all of them. Perhaps some nerds and some autistic people may be very bad at some of the IQ types but very good at some of the other IQ types. Some people don't like that bipolar extreme of uncertainty. I feel like I don't exactly know how normal and not normal I might be in context to all of this. I study my own autobiography that I am publishing online as a gateway into understanding psychology, anthropology, sociology, humanity, in general. This is one of my major life works going back like decades or something. I first study my own history to help me relate and understand world history in general.

06:41 PM
When is Mel Gibson joining indie films?

06:46 PM
Mel Gibson puts a new twist to Kill Bill. Mel Gibson Awareness. The Sound of Freedom.




Comments, reviews, of shows, movies, etc

Soros Caravan Wings Judy Judge 2018 Nov 4th Sun Road Vans proxy.duckduckgo.com.png

Fubar 101

2023-07-09 - Sunday - 01:00 AM - Fubar 101: Take Your Daughter to Work

A C.I.A. operative on the edge of retirement discovers a family secret and is called back into the field for one last job. Arnold is a good actor in a way. He retires. One problem is they have different languages in this show and in other shows and movies these past few years they try to force you to understand other languages. I say just keep it all in English. I'm not bilingual. Arnold did his last mission. He had a Princess Bride moment where he said he already took the cure to the poison. He goes home. He sees his daughter. He is later sent on a mission to see the son of a guy he killed. He goes to a country. His daughter is there. She is undercover with the CIA too. He didn't know. She didn't know. It gets heated. Parts are silly. Pretty interesting show.

07:02 PM
Michael - Trump never conceded the Presidency so how does he legally return as an "Oath Keeper?"

I disagree with this Qanon theory. It may be based on some facts. I disagree on the idea that it's a show with central casting as that can the potential dissolving responsibility as Covid Vaccines kill people. I encourage people to get involved. Don't trust the plan. Be the plan. Be part of the plan. Don't just wait for others to save the day. That's what Alex Jones, Tim Pool, and others would say. Saying Trump is secretly the President is silly. Unless if there is clear evidence for it. I've not seen it. Yes Trump won 2020. Trump will win in 2024 too. Period. Biden was installed and not elected. Trump didn't concede. There might be like a White House or something in Florida some have said. But do you think Trump is secretly doing things right now behind the scenes as the secret president? That is a bad theory even if true. And what if it fails if true?


Here is a list of what I'm watching

Fubar 101

2023-07-09 - Sunday - 01:00 AM - Fubar 101: Take Your Daughter to Work

08:20 AM
Team Coco - Kelly Clarkson Just Learned The Meaning Of “Netflix and Chill” | Conan O'Brien Needs A Friend

01:31 PM
REACT - Millennials Guess The 90s TV Show Opening In One Second! | React

07:02 PM
Michael - Trump never conceded the Presidency so how does he legally return as an "Oath Keeper?"

07:19 PM
Jonah Hill EXPOSED?! 7 Girls + Mystery Guest! | Dating Talk #82

07:40 PM
Ron Gibson - ALEX JONES [FULL] Sunday 7/9/23 • China Pulls The Plug on U.S. Rare Earth Minerals

Timestamps: All timestamps are generally in Pacific Standard Time (PST) or Pacific Daylight Time (PDT) unless otherwise noted. Daily Oatmeal Post. Welcome to the Oatmeal Daily with your host, Oatmeal Joey Arnold. That's me. I'm Oatmeal Joey. Each day, I publish these entries, posts, articles, web pages, stories, etc, to websites, etc. This is mostly a personal blog, diary, journal, or autobiography. I teach class sometimes at night. However, some of this may be useful, applicable, inspirational, educational, entertaining, etc. However, the template here is mostly that of a boring log. I've included my watch log near the bottom of this post listing some of the videos I've viewed. At the very bottom are some of my favorite links worth sharing. Dear diary journal blog, I got up at 08:10 AM. Forget dreams. Breakfast, 08:20 AM. Lunch, 12:00 PM. Chores, 01:40 PM to 03:17 PM included dishes, bathroom trash, kitchen trash, compost dirt, weeding by cherry tree at red light thing across from green house,, helping mom today with removing everything out of ice chest in front garage to defrost, some went into counterpart in big garage. Also, we were talking about whether or not fat can be recycled into the ground, water, the air via cars. Can it be reused into the body. The problems with too much deep fried food can if the fats and everything bonds with things that may be problematic in the body. Body may throw out some. Body may break some of it down. I had the question of how unwanted waste gets into the bloodstream from the intestines. Sometimes items may poke holes in the walls and break into the bloodstream. But could the gateways sometimes open up too wide like cells do to let too much in and too big of items in and the wrong items in is my question. I say all of those things are factors. Next I wonder if things in the blood can catch these toxic items to get rid of them before they are stored in fat cells. Now it is 03:22 PM. Dinner, 07:40 PM. Some dishes at 08:50 PM for a second. Didn't finish. Food log: Breakfast: milk, orange, coffee, 08:20 AM. Lunch: salad and maybe other things I forget, 12:00 PM. Dinner: big giant biggest bowl of mostly fruit salad which was very good, 07:40 PM. ChinhPham0253: 2023-07-09 - Sunday - 09:30 PM. 1. Dead City. Lone Star. He struggled with saying child wanting to say it like you say children. Happy bright shows, movies. Mona Lisa smile or crying mystery. Diarrhea. Part of your problems might be allergies to some foods. Are there holes in the walls of your intestines? I have felt hungry and full at the same time sometimes. Sometimes people have problems depending on the bacteria in your stomach. There is a combination of good and bad bacteria in your gut, your stomach, they can help break down the foods for digestion. Helicobacter pylori (H. pylori) infection (HP). A common cause of stomach ulcers (peptic ulcers), H. pylori infection may be present in more than half the people in the world. People often get H. pylori infection during childhood. H. pylori can damage the protective lining of the stomach and small intestine. This can allow stomach acid to create an open sore (ulcer). Natural remedies can help with prevention before you get problems. Fasting might kill some of the bad bacteria in your gut. They call it a cleansing. Like try a fruit fast or a water fast for a day or two. Some people have problems that are due to the medicine from doctors and especially if they are taking many medicines at the same time. Medical complications can come from many different medicines. Green Tea is your friend.

Thank you for checking me out. My diary is usually published daily, my journal is not copyrighted, my blog is syndicated or MIRRORED to different websites. Feel free to share my content, it's fair use, transformative. Unlike EVIL GOOGLE YOUTUBE I'm not going to delete your 10K+ videos. Please Google search for my FIND ME and SEARCH ME PAGES in order to find me in the future when I'm once again permanently and forever suspended, banned, terminated, removed, erased, eradicated, kicked off, big tech social media platforms, networks, websites, apps, like Facebook, YouTube, Twitter, TikTok, Instagram, SnapChat, Discord, etc. Try searching for keywords like my main username (since 2014) which is @ JOEYARNOLDVN and daily blog posts URL web links are simply the date. For example, today is Sunday, the last day of April of 2023. So, the main domain name (website) I post my blog to is https://hive.blog/ and you just have to add my username @joeyarnoldvn/ and then the date which today is 2023-04-30 and put those three things together being the DOMAIN, USERNAME, and the DATE. That will help you find me when websites die. Some websites will not include the at symbol (@) in the URL. In other words, URL web links can vary. EXPERIMENT with different KEYWORDS, SEARCH ENGINES, ETC, in order to find my content in the future. Feel free to steal my content. But please don't then sue me for my own content. Feel free to clip me. Download my content while you still can as I may be banned again. I've been kicked off the Internet many times over the years since at least 2010 or longer.