🎉 "Opportunity Mindset" 🎉

in #ocd5 years ago

Let’s talk about “Opportunity Mindset!”

Change your whole life from “why is this happening to me?” to “what an opportunity for me!”


Source: The Lazy Artist Gallery

“What’s the difference?” you ask… well, this is happening for you right now!

Mindset (your mind games) can be an extremely potent ally or a deviously wicked enemy when life is dishing out lemons! How you perceive what’s being given to you changes whether you’re at peace or at war (with yourself!)

The question is, “are you going to make lemonade with those lemons you got?” (Or maybe even some lemon-zest, double chocolate cake with coconut-whip cream on top?) I don’t think I have to tell you which one is the better option.

I read somewhere a quote by Jim Carey a long time ago “life doesn’t happen TO YOU, it happens FOR YOU!”

That statement changed my life. (So, remember this if nothing else!)

Oh, I’d be lying if I didn’t show up to my own pity party ready and raring to go from time to time (only to find out I am the only one in attendance which by the way, isn’t ANY fun.)

The thing is though, the whole “it’s my party, I can cry if I want to… cry if I want to… cry if I want to. You would cry too if it happened to you…” song and dance doesn’t do you very much good (and you know it’s true, come on!)

Processing emotions = absolutely amazing and wildly important for the betterment of humankind. (Locking and storing those feelings away means they will come out one way or another one day so definitely, process your emotions in healthy ways!) ✅

Wallowing in self pity = likely only going to cause you more pain. (Yes, there is a difference!) ❎
Mindset can be hard though, and I get it! We have a lot to wade through, the waters can be deep and murky!

How we view things, how we judge them, how we value them has been this huge ordeal since we were born. It’s been calibrated into the depths of our minds, feeding us with evaluations we bring to each and everything that comes our way every single day of our lives.

If something seems ‘bad’, what do we do? Do we get upset? Do we try to avoid it? Do we think “this isn’t fair?” (That’s the pity party: “this is happening TO me” show.)


Do we look at it and see what’s happening FOR us? What can we learn? What can we gain? What lesson is there here?

Just last week, I got myself into a situation. Long story short, I got a little bit antsy in quarantine and volunteered myself to get my hair done for the first time in forever by a women just starting out…

It didn’t go as planned. My silky, healthy hair was broken and somehow (still to my amazement) yellow and part of me felt really upset that it had happened. Part of me wanted to have a little pity party. (Cue self talk “What a horrible mistake I have made. Why did I do this to my beautiful hair? What was I thinking?” blah blah blah. None of it felt good at all.)

The other part of me, said “you’re going to own this party and you’re going to get up on the table and make this YOUR party!”

That trained mindset kicked in and said, “Honey, this is FOR YOU! Don’t you forget it. Nothing can happen TO you!”

So, I decided to make it my party. To own the happening FOR me. Now, instead of freaking out that I had “ruined my hair”, I found myself with the (likely only time in my life) opportunity to have rainbow, mermaid-unicorn hair! (It literally would have never happened otherwise so, that’s a win!)


That’s the whole point of this message, is to you all — find out how to spin it. Spin that framework into what you can do to make the situation FOR you!

It’s magic! 🦄🦄🦄🦄

Love and Light ✨
Cece 😘🧙
This post is original content by Cece Heart

cece beach1edit.jpg

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Crust-Lust: Perfect Pie Crust
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Not Hamburger Helper
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Why Rejection is a Reflection
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The Tale of the Wild Wild Cookie
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To Quiche or Not to Quiche
Gluten Free Crust
Fysh Curry
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Guiltless Brownies
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Cookies and Cream
CocoNutty Dream Cream Curry
Spinach and Quinoa Bathing in Tahini
Deliciously Unsuspecting Cabbage Fry
Pesto Impresso


Hello, wonderful human being, welcome back!

Either I've missed your content, or you're out of the shadows and back into the light. Please continue to share your positive vibes! This got me out of a slight rut I found myself in while editing photos. :)

Hi back! :) Actually, I had fostered some puppies who were very much in demand of most of my time so I hadn't been creating any content and instead was snuggling them all of the time! I am hoping to be back now that they have found a furever home! :) I'm so happy to hear that this post was able to reach you at the right time to activate some inspiration! I hope all is well with you! XO

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