Hi team, it's Friday...As if you didn't know! It marks the end of the working week and the beginning of the weekend...But, way more importantly, Friday means it's #weekend-engagement topic time!
Thanks to all who have participated so far; It seems you've had some fun which is the intention and if week four is anything to go by, you're finding your groove, creatively speaking. I think we discovered some of the world's greatest (worst) artists last week!
This week I've got another simple topic so don't worry, you won't have to use much of your noggin-power on it...But some creativity will be required and, as always, your fun side.
The prize pool
This week we've had some generous sponsorship from the following hive users:
@bil.prag 5
@stevenwood 5
@krazzytrukker 10
@mamalikh13 13
@dswigle 20
@meesterboom 20
@tarazkp 20
@galenkp 20
A total prize pool of 113 hive
As always I'm accepting sponsorship from anyone who feels they would like to get involved. Simply transfer the hive to my wallet and comment below that you have done so. I will amend the prize pool and add your name to the sponsors list. There is no expectation of course. Just do it if you feel like doing so.
Week five topic is...
Tell me what is it - Wrong answers only
The answers that will capture my interest will be funny and creative so don't be afraid to take a walk on the wild side here.The item is below...So, tell me, what is it - (Wrong answers only)
Comment below with your answer.
Make sure you enter before Monday morning 02:30 GMT - That's 12pm Monday my time. I will announce the winners soon after and the hive will have been transferred prior to the announcement.
This week the winners announcement will a little later on Monday, my time, as I will be attending my dad's funeral and spending time with my family although I will get it done for you - The G-dog is dependable; Everyone knows that!
Good luck team...I hope you have some fun and get to engage with some hive-users who you may not usually come across. This is an engagement initiative, so don't be afraid to drop comments on this post and the answers you see below.
Design and create your ideal life, don't live it by default - Tomorrow isn't promised.
Be well
Discord: galenkp#9209
As always I am open to sponsorship so if you feel inclined to throw some hive into the prize pool just transfer it to me and leave a note below that you have done so. There is no pressure for you to do this of course.
Join the Engagement League
transferred a small amount G-dog. <3 :)
Thanks mate, much appreciated. I have amended the post. Prize pool now 113 hive!
Nice!! I like that number! ;) <3
I figured 13 is a significant number for you...Thanks so much for being a cool and awesome supporter of the #weekend-engagement post this week. I'll be handing out some hive in about 24 hours...A little late as tomorrow is my father's funeral. I'll get it done though.
No problem at all man. You take your time brother. :)
Well, this is an Americanized Russian doll of the totem category. The special Trump edition.
However it was made in China, so it’s not exactly a Russian doll at all and it also made from plastic which has caused it to change its shape a little bit due to the heat during transport.
Donald has stated that the information that this is in fact made by China is fake news and a hoax.
He also stated that this particular design could only be created because the design was stolen from him.
It also has nothing to do with him and China should be ashamed of letting children make these plastic doll’s.
He then stated that entrepreneurial thinking like in the design of this doll is particularly American and is what will make America great again.
Finally in troubled times like these we should be thankful for a strong leader like himself, to be leading the most important country in the world. Am inspiration to the world. Let’s make America great again. Like with this Russian, Chinese, American doll.
Lol...Maybe President Trump modelled for this too...Put a Trump wig on it and the resemblance is uncanny!
That is totally fake news by those socialist news media!
All news services are fake.
tokens.Well, well, well Friday already???
I am on something like Tuesday in my mind... Wow things be manic round these 'ere parts... Time for a little fun, huh?
I am certain that many around here, feel the same way as I when we contemplate the arrival of the weekend engagement
profanity-festthingumyjig.It is rapidly becoming a guilty pleasure. For somebody like me who isbetter than the rest of you ordinary commoners...quite accustomed to writing quite lengthy, deep posts and comments, this is the mental equivalent of 'going commando' after wearing chainmail on the battlefield all week...If the expression 'go commando' doesn't translate in the part of the world some of you may be from and reading this... Maybe google it, rather than asking me... I'm British, we are rather prudish...
I for one cannot wait to throw my underwear over next doors garden fence and dive in to the 'all but guaranteed', insanity!
Thanks again for this opportunity for unbridled freakish nonsense G-dog, some weeks more than others it is massively appreciated man :D
Just a suggestion for an upcoming prize, rather than Hive, maybe you could arrange a genuine peek in to the depths of the mind of @meesterboom or as I like to call him, 'Oh he of the old wooden snarler!!!'
There's no peeking in this mind, it's a sewer!!! ;0)
Haha, touche it probably wouldn't be a particularly sensible, safe or even healthy place to visit anyway, right?
Much like a sewer! Good to see you Boomy have a 'smashing' weekend Sir :D
Commando translates here...I'm not sure what your neighbour is going to think when they find your underwear over their side of the fence...I imagine they'll look skyward and wonder if some poor airline pilot lost them in a freaky cockpit incident with the hostess whilst flying over head...Seems the mostly likely thing I guess.
Hopefully that is the story they go with in their tiny little minds but even if it isn't, that is relatively mild in comparison to some of the things they unwittingly witnessed over the years. It's their own fault, I've always told them when I am about to partake in alcohol... Stay in your house I tell them, do they listen?
Haha, some people will never learn huh?
It's their fault then...If they cant follow simple instructions then what they see over the fence is their own fault. They must spend a lot on therapy. 😁
Lol, what a way to describe yourself.
I already like you...
tokens.Everyone knows this is an ancient "Butt Plug."
(Lube Not Required)
Only later on in history did it become a multi-use tool. Some may disagree, but it now is used for many things, just a few being...
1. Tongue Suppressor...
(please wash between tasks)
2. Back Scratcher...
3. Door Stop...
4. Projectile...
The fourth usage requires practice and skill, much like it's original use.
How to video avail on request.
Put Me in the reward pool for 10.
Ah now I get it! We are definitely on the same page now!!!
It's a bottle opener, right? An ancient Egyptian apple corer?... A hitch hiking implement?
OK maybe not exactly the same page, but we definitely both have a book!
Lol, ancient butt plug...
lube not required.

Multi use tool- tongue suppressor..lol
I want to see a how to video....definitely you are one of the strongest candidate on those grounds.
An ancient butt plug! Lol...
I think I like option four...One can never have enough projectiles.
Thanks mate, I'll amend the post. Thanks for your generosity.
You know you want a copy of that video... You do.
Def gonna be a #NSFW video... Lol
Lol, yep...Goin' viral.
Or causing conditions that are viral!!!
Yep, and there's probably no cure for this viral condition.
tokens.Come gather around fires enlightenment,
warming to new sanctity Hive life.
Desire fresh destiny sharing peace pipe puff, the magic dragon....
Chase evil spirits into netherworld!
:D :D
tokens.It is a thinking machine for men or let's say that cavemen version of artificial intelligence tools.
Thinking machine for men? So, you're indicating that men think? As a man I can assure you that thinking rarely happens...Well, it depends on what is being thought about I guess.
Haha, they think, they think a lot indeed. But they rarely use their brain. Instead, they use this AI tool.
Using one's brain is so 2019.
Yeah, and the comments here are proving that:))
tokens.This is a sort of genie lamp- I mean pipe. Depending on what you smoke in it a special kind of genie will emerge. The tobacco one is the most common, but it can only reward one wish with many limitations. The most magical genie is Kinnikinnick, summond by a special secret blend. The genie's form is a varied combination of animals depending on the summoner and it will appear only to those worthy. The summoner can make 4 wishes and they're limitless.
Four wishes? I wonder what sort of secret blend needs to be smoked for that to happen? I could use four limitless wishes right now, that's fir sure!
Same! Now we just have to figure out what would make us worthy for that genie :D
I'd probably not qualify.
How do you know till you try? 😂
Lol...Because I'm a bad man.
Not really. 😇
What if the genie likes honest people :'D
Not bloody much!!!
tokens.That’s a device you use to stealthily pee when you are in public. Instead of pulling yourself all the way out, you, as a male of course, put the tip of your unit in the larger part and just stick the longer end out your fly. The best part is! You can pee sideways to not mess up your feet. Let’s you shoot around corners without drawing a lot of attention!
Awesome contest this week man lol
This is, of course, what it is! A pee-directioner. You know, someone is going to patent this item and make a billion dollars. All men will have one...and then comes the female version which does the same thing. It's in the research and development phase as we speak.
tokens.I know what this is!!!!
It's an old wooden snarler!
Us Scots wear them on our wedding night. You slide the pointy bit under your fun-bags until the wooden cup (the painted head bit) fits snug against your bits then your proud baton pokes out like the figurehead of a ship above the cup ready to do the do with the missus!!!
The riddle has been solved. Finally, someone with a little common sense...Trust Boomdawg to come up with the solution.
Truth be told, every man has one of these wooden snarler's hidden away in the drawer underneath the socks and underpants.
Maybe that's next week's topic?
Show us your wooden snarler!
I didn't realise they were a worldwide phenomenon!!!
I might have to start collecting them!!
I can see you're a man of discerning tastes, and therefore, a good candidate for snarler-collecting.
My snarler collection will be the envy of the world!!!
I bet you test-drive each one right? I would too.
One simply has to, how do you think they get so polished?
The diagram helps a lot
I thought it added that little bit of clarity!
Now this answer is solid gold, like many of these items were made of.
That diagram would easily have won last weeks contest...
@meesterboom is in the right area of anatomy for the original use tho...
Really? I actually thought it was some manner of pipe! :0D
YES! Before I looked a little more closely, I believe it was some kind of native american pipe!
After looking more closely, I realised I would put that thing nowhere near my mouth and if I did, I wouldn't do it a second time!
Haaaa... "Snarler..."
Still LMAO... Funny shit right there!!
But why can I see it so clearly in my mind???
Curse my extremely vivid imagination :(
Never curse a vivid imagination!! It is the saviour of mankind!!
Oh and lol, I forgot to say, i LOL'd at going commando. Reminded me of the first time I heard it!! Joey from friends I think it was, hehe
i thought about that too, i just have no idea how it is called.
think i saw one in our "museum" (guy collection all kind of old shit from our town) made from horns
tokens.Looks like this is wild "ancient puppet face" drawn in the wood, I don't it's male or female...guessing female because I saw deep red lipstick on her lips, Maybe she was preparing for her marriage ceremony and ready to kiss her bridegroom. Maybe there will be some wild music and dance. It would be wonderful If we could see the performance live...(wild thinking)😂😂
An ancient puppet face? Definitely female I'd say, just going by the the lipstick as you mentioned...Not a very attractive female though So think...But maybe her bridegroom sees more deeply than superficial looks?
Hehe! But she has a nice attractive eye...she is pretending to be attractive and precious though. I think his bridegroom took some bribe from her that's why beauty was just a word for him, maybe he was thinking if he had some money definitely he could have some attractive ladies. Deep thought...lol 😜
Yeah, money seems to be an attraction to some right? A great aphrodisiac?
Money brings honey, you may have heard this, I listened to this often. One way money can be the attraction, but another way may not be, they can earn money then enjoy both the honey and money, which would be more convenient!
Yep, I think men are more fascinating than the women in this case. Boys are very much addicted to this, you can say.
Look at the wall painting; there are many symbols with something very interesting. What do you think about this painting?
Interesting painting...A lot of eyes looking at me. Judging me...All those wise owls looking at the old G-dog...Makes me a bit self-conscious.
Hahaha! Owls are watching you, maybe they are talking with each other and saying this guy is very handsome indeed. There are some ladies dancing; this picture was taken at *"Pahela Baisakh" one of Bengali's oldest festivals.
tokens.I'm certain I watched that movie, it had a quite unexpected ending... :D
Ahahaha. I know this answer. It's an inflator for a basketball. Not just any basketball, but the official basketball of 'Rez Ball'.
For those of you not familiar with RezBall it is played on and off native nations. It's a bit rougher than the basketball you might be used to. There has to be blood for a foul to be called, a simple bruise won't get it. Substitutions are allowed only after the prostrate form of an unconscious player has interfered with 3 consecutive plays.
Rezball inflator? Sounds totally legit!
Ah yeah, I remember my Rezball days...Oh hang on, that was the front bar at the pub! Just as rough sometimes. 🙂
tokens."You tell that guy he ain't coming off the pitch unless he is showing bone!"
Now you see after the second reading I understood this sentence fine! The first time however, I read the word prostate then I looked back at the implement in question and was very, very confused ((and ever so slightly traumatised!)) :D
Ahahahahaha. That would be traumatic!
My high school baseball coach after I got spiked on a pickoff play.
Can you imagine that being a response to little Johnny or Jennifer nowadays???
My God! There would be uproar, safeguarding meetings, litigation, protests and calls for all sport to be cancelled forever!
I don't think either answer is the perfect one BUT oh man everything is taken to the absolute safe and secure extreme now.
Yeah. You are right. But I rubbed some dirt on it and got my stitches after the game :)
I got my chimes rung in a football game (a relatively common occurrence in those days) and I came to the side lines not really knowing where I was. After a couple plays the assistant coach came over, held up three fingers and asked me how many I saw. I said "Who wants to know?" He sent me back in...
Looks like someone was a die hard fan of "Curse Of Pharaohs."
That guy got mummy tattoes on his fists.
Well, mexicans and Yakuza gang didn't like it, so they send their regards.
P.S: This is a fictional story...don't post it on tomorrow's newspaper....😜
Lol...Can't wait for the media to pick up on this one...We'll be watching this on CNN.
Ahh, I don't want to be on the Mafia's hit list again!
Don't even ask!
Mmhmm I hear ya... Witness protection is certainly not what it once was... The first 3 times it was cool but nowadays, jeez it's second rate to say the least! :D
First three times.
You'd think a person would learn after the first two...But, nope! 😂
tokens."Breaking news... I'm gonna get paid well for this scoop" :D
lol, split the money?😄
April 19, 2027.
Sotheby's is proud to present this rare artefact.
A receptacle for burning sage in the year 2020. With some bullshit in retrograde, and a certain point in the cosmos all in incorrect astronomical alignment, this piece is a throwback to simpler times.
Originating in Victoria, Australia, this device was believed to be used by the Karenites shortly before the fall of the broadcast sportsball. This is the first of a limited edition production run, moulded from traditional tooling as opposed to the plentiful samples of the era that were made using looms of PLA plastic.
A rare artefact, a memory of simpler times, when forests still enveloped the Earth, this device will bring an unverified number of good karma units into your house via the now extinct sage plant, a story historians still dispute to this day.
Shall we start the bidiing?
Bloody hell, with a preamble like that I reckon we'd have half a chance of actually selling it under the hammer! Nice job sir, creative.
tokens.I'm gonna kick off the bidding at 2 bitshares... :D
Does it cost extra for the good Karma??? I could do with some of that lol
I'm not sure what's a higher bid, 2 BTS or 500 sats as the other bidder suggested!
Just someone continue to bid so I don't have to make those choices!
I’ll take it for 500 units if Satoshi, to start!
Looks like the wooden leg of a Sioux tribal chief
EDIT: Na, not good. If I do not laugh about my own joke, it´s not good. 😏
Sometimes I'm the only one who laughs at my own jokes!
So...I wonder if that tribal chief is going to take legal action and sioux the doctor for not doing his leg properly. 🤔
Hmm ok, that was a shit joke. 😂
Took a while until i got it 😂
Lol...At least you got it. Some won't.
To be fair, that jokes not apache on some of mine so you are forgiven Galen.
Lol...Well played sir. Well played. 🤙
Oh dear God... Please take it back... Sadly the blockchain never forgets anything!
Lol...No backsies brah. 😂
I crack Me up...
Laughing at meeself for 30 years, 3 million miles, is the only thing that is keeping me from total insanity.
That and contests like this one...
You might be krazzy but one must retain a small semblance of sanity right?
Lol at the edit.
at least the edit was funny
You could say that the first line was a set up for the delivery of the real joke :)
True, that´s what stand up comedians do all the time if no one laughs.
tokens.As I constantly tell my kids, it is essential to laugh at your own jokes... It helps to cover the deafening silence in the room just after I tell one...
Jeez! It's actually Sunday... I do wish you would keep up dude... I blame being at the bottom of the planet, all that being upside down makes the blood pool in the scalp, which at least explains those luscious locks, man that thing is like a mane!!!
I need to be honest and openly state my disappointment, if I on't I won't be able to settle. I have zero idea what these people are thinking about when they post these ridiculous answers to your query, when the answer is so undeniably simple and obvious that I thought everyone would've known instantly!
This artifact has a very famous piece of historical antiquarian lore inexplicably linked to it.
Ramesses II was notoriously minute in the wifely satisfication arena... So much so that his Pharaoh bride Tracy I think her name was), demanded that he seek cutting edge medical remedy to give him a little more volumetric dimension. So one sunny Tuesday morning in August, after eating locust and honey flavoured pop tarts for breakfast, he went to see Scottius and Morrisanis the medicine men about the rather difficult and revolutionary procedure of stretching his assets so they reached a little further.
They sedated him with what was known only as amber nectar and when he came around some time later he felt the strangest sensation from the lower reaches. He called for the Doctors but they were nowhere to be seen. He reached down below and let out a scream, slightly higher than any he had ever let escape before.
His prize pyramid was gone. He could not believe the fate that had be fallen him, he headed in to the forbidden zone alone for 40 days and 40 nights until a spy from his kingdom found him and delivered the news he had feared for some time, the Doctors were Hittite spies and been sent on a mission to destroy the Pharaoh in the cruellest way they could find, unwittingly he had given them a far more unusual method of attack than any they had previously thought up.
The spy Impotekepapahohohoitxxmas handed the his leader a small carved box that contained the artifact that you have sown in the image above. Historians believe it to be the worlds first ever prosthetic peckerdoodle, if you look very carefully at the Egyptian gold adornment on the tapered protrusion, you will notice it is ribbed for her pleasure.
Legend has it Mrs Ramesses was happier than she had ever been and the smiling avatar was added quite some years after.
I thought everybody knew that! Uneducated philistines...
I was handed that story by a descendant of Ramesses II on a trip through the Arabian desert in 76. I have provenance to assist the evidence.
I may not have mentioned it before but I am a triplet and this image has NOT been doctored or altered in any way, shape or form.
Lol...You've clearly researched this at great length so your answer is undeniable. Ribbed peckerdoodle...Makes perfect sense. I can't believe all those other wrong answers occurred when the correct wrong answer is abundantly clear.
tokens.This looks like an Egyptian snail. A special one that has an Egyptian face and looks.
I heard they are really delicious to eat and they taste sweeter than those normal snails 😇.
World's ugliest snail maybe?
You're right though, normal snails pale in comparison to these Egyptian ones...So sweet one doesn't need dessert after dinner.
Lol.. World ugliest snail
You must have been eating it alot I guess. Why do you need dessert when you got something so sweet as the eggy snail. 😋😅
Snails are so small though...Takes a lot of them to fill up.
I ate snails in Paris once...They were cooked in butter, garlic and parsley. They were actually pretty good. My wife Faith spat it out though; The texture takes some getting used to. I don't think I'd eat them again though. Much better things to say...Unless it's this snail...These are tasty!
Smile. I have actually tasted snail before.
Lol she spat it out 😅😅😂😂. Something I love and very delicious.
I prefer eating it on rice and stew, or best taking it with cassava flakes, which is locally called Garri here in Nigeria, prepared with chilled water and milk 🥛. Chai
I wish you could try it out how I prefer it, you will forever love it.
Every Nigerian can testify to this 😋😋😋.
I didn't know it was a food there to be honest. I'd give it a go for sure. I didn't mind the French ones...Just not my favourite thing.
Hahah, I think this is a better looking snails compared to the pasty slimy ones! I had snails too as a kid, gross, the texture is disturbing, I'm with the wife on that one. When the microwave first came out my mom started making them via microwave instead of the traditional way making them extra rubbery. All that we could hope for is that she would cook them too long and they would explode (and they do) so the batch would be ruined.
Thanks 😊 @tarazkp
tokens.My first thought when I saw the relatively small thumbnail on my phone was that it was an ornately decorated severed thumb so I’m going to stick on that theme and say what we are looking at is a device used by Native American hitchhikers.
Back in the day there weren’t many other road users around so if a young brave was trying to hitch a lift he might have to wait a while at the side of the road with thumb extended. Thumb strain was therefore a major concern for many until this device came along. The discerning traveler would strap it to their hand while waiting by the side of the road ensuring that when a potential ride did pass by they were in prime position to get their journey going again without risking damage to their digits.
Of course, as tends to be the case, a purely functional device will often evolve into a fashion accessory and I think it’s fair to assume that the owner of this item was quite the man about town!
Every discerning Indian brave had one these huh? Imagine all the thumb-strain this device has alleviated! Just strap it on and boom you're hitchhiking without the need to put your thumb to any strain at all.
tokens.The best part about this is that they can get more ornate to display how successful they are as a hitchhiker. Those who have successfully done 15 hitchhikes will get a model similar to this one. When you get to 30, many will give you the lucky rabbits foot from their kids bunny that passed away. It only gets better from there!
Haha, I like that! Kind of like a secret hitchhikers badge of honour
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Hey @cmplxty, here is a little bit of from @talesfrmthecrypt for you. Enjoy it!Learn how to earn FREE BEER each day by staking your
.I (DID NOT) FIGURED IT OUT. My visual response
Of course! It's so clear to see now you explain it. Your technical instructions on how to use it would also make it easy for anyone to use it no matter age of technical ability. Blow here. Quite technical in nature, but achievable for all to operate.
Haha really? Oh you make me feel proud of my silly idea😁💡 Instructions were necessary if it were to achieve a chick hatching from the egg. Tribal chicken incubator, the new trend hihi. Thanks for checking out my visual response😊
tokens.this is clearly the worlds first rectal thermometer as used by the doctors of the Egyptian Pharohs. Rumour has is that Hatshepsut rather enjoyed it and gained the monika Howsyabut
Ah - I see that this is going to be the battle of historical facts.
quite so ;)
Aim to please...
Great minds, eyes glow red... LSFHIAC)
(laughing so fucking hard I am crying)
excellent thats what it's about haha
Either that or who can fall down in the pigpen and stand up clean. It's a coin toss.
Yikes! I am disqualified from answering. Thank Jesus.
Let Freedom Ring, A Market Friday Story@dswigle wrote lately about: Feel free to follow @dswigle if you like it :)
Sending tips with @tipU - how to guide.
🎁 Hi @tarazkp! You have received 0.1 HIVE tip from @dswigle!Lol...Best comment ever...Although it is the first so it's easy to be the best! I like it though...linked an historical aspect, a little humour and rectal insertion...The trifecta!
Aim to please, like a pharohs doctor ;)
Ah yeah, those pharoah's had particular tastes it seems...Nothing like a good probing was found inscribed on Tutankhamun's sarcophagus I've been told.
I was just thinking, does the face frown if there is a high temperature?
eyes glow red
of course, the smile is because he loves his job. It is great to be able to do something you love to do.
thats the secret clearly haha
I always think of Picard and " make it so" when I see this. Thanks man!
tokens.Ouch! I hope nobody decides to use it for it's real use with herbals after. hahaha ... eww
haha :)
I know it looks like a smoking pipe. Mayans where great smokers as many other native Americans but that is not the use of this tool. They were also one of the first shoe-wearing tribes and this is the first shoe fit tool. They offered this tool to get you wasted first and then be able to fit a small size tool to big feet as there was only one size fits all shoe business back then. As you were wasted you were unable to complain when the shoestore owner was squeezing your foot into the shoe :)
It's all quite obvious when you explain it really...I never realised the Mayan show industry was one size fits all however I guess it works from a lean-manufacturing perspective...The getting wasted so you don't careaspect is genius!
Those Mayans had it worked out for sure!
tokens.A spoon for feeding a camel soup
Lol...Of course it is! And, might I ask, what sort of soup a camel eats? Just curious. 😂
I think it is camel soup, a delicacy.
Carnivorous bastards!
I've eaten a camel steak actually...in Alice Springs. Wasn't half bad I gotta say. Soup might be nice.
Exactly 🤣🤣🤣
The US Army imported a herd of camels and a specialist herder who's name was Haj Ali. Nobody around here could pronounce it so they called him Hi Jolly. When Dodge Brothers sold their first trucks to the Army the camels became surplus and the Army just released them. It's said a whole generation of Navajo survived on Camel Soup.
That's even funnier when you realize there is an enormously popular canned soup named Campbell.
Did you know that in the early days of Australia exploration they brought in camels to use as pack animals for overland expeditions, and cameleers from the middle east to work with them of course. Most of them were simply released when the expedition was complete. Now, 180 years later there's over one million camels in the Aussie outback. They are culled as feral pests but it is unlikely they will ever be eradicated due to their high numbers and the remoteness of the areas they have spread to.
We have Campbell's soup here...Luckily there's no camel in it.
The Camels disappeared here just before the start of WWII. They had wandered NE from their release point and wandered into the nation. The Navajo are good hunters and had hungry children.
We do have wild burros all over here. From the Spanish Priests that came after Coronado to save all the heathen's souls. I hope they were better at saving souls than keeping track of their burros...
Not sure about Burros...But I like churros. Yum! Lol.
tokens.They do say American tobacco is the best, but I didn't think those Red Indians would decorate their pipes to be that pretty! All that tobacco is a pretty strong hallucinogenic drug. I can't imagine the shame they must feel when we're here, smoking these weak cigarettes and vapes of ours.
Lol...Wouldn't want to meet that bloke In a dark alley...Might end up missing a scalp!
I don't know about that mate, since you Aussies are brutish enough to put up a good fight! I've seen Crocodile Dundee, I know what it's all about...
Haha...Yeah, we're all exactly like that!
Well, I'm going to have to be careful whenever I travel Down Under someday. Not sure if I should be worried about getting into a fist-fight when I reach for a handshake, lol!
Lol...Nah all good. We're friendly.
Haha, fingers crossed not all Aussies are grouchy >>>:-(
Well, that's a beautiful pen and pencil holder !
Beautiful...Have you see the face on this thing? It has a head like a smashed crab! Still, they say beauty is in the eye of the beholder.
I reckon it would make a pretty good pen and pencil holder though. Good answer!
haha yes, to me that's beautiful ! I had worse and uglier clay-made pencil holders :D Anything with hole is pen/pencil holder for me or well, ashtray! yeah, that is an ashtray according to my dad.
please tag #NSFW in the future
Remind me not to fall asleep at your house... " Anything with hole is pen/pencil holder for me..."
Should I mark mine #NSFW
It does paint a racey mental image... heheh
Haha, I'll second that...No falling asleep at macchiata's place...Certainly not naked with ones ass puckered...Might end up with an HB pencil where the sun don't shine.
Correction : anything with hole is pen/pencil/candle holder for me. :D #NSFW
Yup racey... Trauma inducing... Counselor sourcing...
Lol...Ashtray works too...An anti-smoking one. Take one look at that ugly face and you feel like giving up smoking!
If I am not mistaken, the ancient Mayans had a very good understanding of the human body and this carved wooden tool was made as a representation of sperm. The tool was used to hit women over the head with to get them ready to procreate - much like Tequila.
Representative of Mayan spermatozoa huh? No wonder those bastards vanished off the face of the earth! Still, maybe they were onto something with their, hit on head with weird wooden tool foreplay technique...I wonder if it works for non-Mayans?
I have it on good authority that you are 100% wrong...Which, in this competition, makes you right.
I think it would, but it would be classified "cultural appropriation" and therefore mean social ostracization.
Yeah...People would have to be out looting and destroying property (peacefully protesting) if that happened I guess.
Mmhmm... Peacefully liberating Nikes' & 4kHD TV's from broken storefront windows...
Wow! It's like the suffragettes all over again.
That Emily Pankhurst could get you anything you wanted at half the RRP...
It's amazing how well a pair of stolen Nike's can erase years of oppression.
My emancipation began with a pair of Jordan Airmax!
Why do we have similar answers?
Perhaps you have similar minds...
Speaking of shuddering, your name is a brilliant pornstar name, just in case you plan on venturing into that industry.
Oh no I would never venture in to that industry... Again...
Once bitten twice shy!!! :D
lol, too many sperm answers...guess it's something related to sperms!
it is Indian made magical tennis paddle for just hive user...
Tennis paddle...And don't we all need one of them! What magic does it do though? Just want to know so it doesn't take me by surprise.
When you use it...after the match even if you win or lose it would turn into a fast beer maker and you can celebrate with your friend winning or losing. But there is only one rule.it works only if opponents drinks the beer each other...:)
Lol...If this thing made beer I reckon I could sell if for a million dollars...Going to test it now! 😁
Actually i have the same tool too,alike one...i tested it already... it works,it works..!! We will be rich :)
Private jets, yachts and caviar coming our way you reckon?
tokens.That is a brain measuring tool for certain people. The long part indicates where to insert it 😁
Can't wait to see which answers will be appreciated 🤔
Brain measuring tool...I know a few people whose brains would only need a very small version of this tool then! Some no tool at all!
Well, let's see how we go at the end of the weekend...There's been some good answers and with 100 hive on offer there'll be a bit to go around. Tha ks for entering.
I never took biology class serious in secondary school because I quite frankly didn't think I'd ever need it for anything important but this moment right here, while looking at this Sperm Cell of a Pharaoh, I've realised how wrong I was.
School seemed like all fun and games until in later life you have to look at the Sperm Cell of a Pharaoh. Who knows what else you have missed out on...
I feel like I cheated myself out of cool shit
Can't wait to find out on the next weeks contest!
Lol...And here we go with the sperm them my brother seemed so eager to introduce to this message thread.
Pharoah sperm huh? Perfectly preserved and found in the sarcophagus of some 3000 year old crusty Pharoah mummy. Imagine the faces of those archaeologists when they dug this up. I wonder though, was the tomb of a Pharoah or some weird Pharoah-bukkake-party gone wrong?
They found the Pharoah with 600year old lotion, tissue and left hand on its dick. This revolutionised jerking off in the field of archaeology and was actually the greatest discovery since dinosaur fossils.
The discovery shook the entire world and was dubbed "MP" or Masturbating Pharoah.
Fun fact: This the motivation behind the MP given to members of parliament in the UK because they're all fundamentally masturbating Pharaohs
Lol! Love the reference to MP's...I think this goes for MP's and politicians world wide!
Sperm cell, lol...
600 year old sperm cell preserved for this moment
lol...600 years...worth it?
Sperms ages like wine...at least that's what I read
Lol, you must be reading some spooky books then. Are you a part of some mysterious underground group?
Hmmm interesting. Looks very tribal. What could it (not) be? As usual, your contest is always fun 😊I will be thinking💭💭
Whatever you say it is, better be whatever it is not, because saying what it is won't be as interesting as saying what it is not.
Simple really.
Hahaha true😊
i know for sure, it is not for drugs.
I say no to drugs. Well, non-prescription ones anyway. 😇
This is obviously an ancient herb grinder that an Egyptian Shaman is using to create her herbal concoction for those who need a love potion or eternal youth.🙂
Love potion and eternal youth? I reckon one would have to go with the other right?
Yes one or the other. It really depends on the person which one he/she wants. I'll go for eternal youth 😎
Most people who see the picture may think it is a beautiful pipe, where whatever you smoke will make you an Indian chief of rank.
But I know it's a nice soup spoon ( for drinking soup ) and it's also good for scratching your head or anywhere you have an itch, with its long stick you can get to where the sun doesn't reach. 🤔😁🤣
If you think I'm right, it's because you've also scratched yourself with something similar and enjoyed it. Hehehe.
Thank you @galenkp, my friend, for this healthy competition that generates creativity and humor.
A soup spoon-scratcher multi-tool huh? You know, that actually makes a lot of sense. I've eaten a lot of soup in my time and on occasions have simultaneously developed an itch somewhere. I can remember thinking, if only I had a soup spoon/scratcher to scratch that itch and eat my soup at the same time!
I do this little post on Fridays to give people a place to dump random thoughts and funny comments over the weekend...People seem to enjoy it and it's been a lot of fun. A big thank you goes to the people donating the hive for the prize pool.
Hehehehe that's right. Last week I read your post but I thought you weren't talented enough to draw me.
Then I saw the winner, and I'm happy for her, but I'm sure I came in second place.
Thanks to the sponsors, and let's keep the great ideas going, here can be the invention of the century.
These competitions are never about being the best, they're about fun and engagement. I'm glad you joined in, please never feel that you can't.
Thank you 👍💋💪
I am never, I mean EVER coming round to your house for soup!!! :D
It would be a pleasure, there's always soup and spoons to scratch. 🤣😁
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It's a clever sure-win baseball bat, if you hit a foul ball then you can claim that the pitcher threw the ball and hit you in the face and get to walk to first base anyway. The red lips are painted to prove that he drew blood so nobody can question it.
Lol, one of these baseball bats would have come in handy when I was playing...Wasn't the best, although baseball isn't a huge sport here so the coaches are probably not so good. I blame them! 😂
Haha, I'm surprised you even knew what baseball was! I was prepared to explain it as North-American cricket! lol. Don't worry I probably need that bat to play baseball too...Always blame the coach.
We have baseball here...We're a mini-America but with way cooler people. 😂
Easy there, sounds like you are getting carried away! We are pretty darn cool here 😜
Lol...Everyone's cool. Except the ones that aren't. You're the former for sure.
Ok, I can work with that theory. Hehe
What a tiny baseball bat!
I know right! This one is gnome size because gnome lives matter too :)
hahahah I almost choke on my spit ! Indeed gnome lives matter too ;)
"Design and create your ideal life, don't live it by default - Tomorrow isn't promised."Wow I really love that quote @galenkp
Truer words were never writ.
@winstonalden should see that pipe, he is a tobacconist after all.
Hi Donna, thanks for your comment. It's my life-ethos and helps me chase the best value from each day with the intention of avoiding regret later in life.
Looks like a Tobacco pipe but no it's not! 😅😅😅

Lol...Looks like that fella takes his earrings seriously...At least seriously enough to stick a knife in someone's chest!
Yeah exactly 😂😂😂
I think the gentleman on the left is argumentative and quarrelsome. Possibly due to lack of sex.
That'll do it every time!
I believe this is an ancient aboriginal toothbrush for toothless people who are afraid and/or awkwardly embarrassed to laugh publicly since they precisely have already lost all their teeth jointly with their 'wrong' sense of humor for having been yet unable to firmly bite G-dog's weekend-engagement riddles & challenges and win one of his juicy prizes. };)
Lol... toothbrush for toothless people...Such an essential item I'd say.
Lol...Interesting shoe.
I'm very sorry for the loss your father!
Last week there were quite funny comments/pictures thanks for that. I think, could be a spoon, a perfect match for a spicy Hungarian goulash with curry?!
Goulash spoon...It's all so obvious now you mention it! I suppose the face is reactive? Comes out from stirring the goulash with a smile and the goulash is ready. A frown and it still has to cook more. Genius!
Exactly, one of the newest thechnology it is also from the red key also acoustically regulateable.
Acoustically regulated also? A miraculous item for sure!
Ahh I wondered where that disappeared to, this was my first art project at school, carved from a fossilized Neanderthals genitalia. My mum was so proud of me.
Lol...Carved Neanderthal schlongs...The most important part of any school curriculum. How proud parents must be when their kids come home, caveman dick in hand, saying look what I did mum!
So proud and she made good use of it, it's a manual breast pump which came in handy as she sold her milk to a local cheese maker well into her 60's (😱🤢🤮oh too far)
Haha...Breast-milk cheese..Hmm, a step to far? I guess it depends on one's taste in cheese...Or jokes! Lol.
I would prefer a bit of Cornish Yarg or a nice slab of Stinking Bishop, oh yeah we can name a cheese in the UK.
I can get much darker than my mothers breast milk cheese lets see what you bait me with next time:)
Cornish Yarg is awesome cheese!
Week six is yet to be determined...Will start thinking about it Tuesday. Seems like I can rely on your for something suitably inappropriate. Good! 🤙
Cool you know our nettle wrapped cheese, most don't, nutty with a creamy centre (the cheese not me)
Oh yes i'm starting to get the measure of you now, i'll try and step it up next time :)
In the ancient days, people can constipate. Without the need for medication, the Egyptians used it to dig out the shit from their anuses for the healthier choice. 😱
A pretty extreme way of dealing with constipation...I'm pleased to live in the modern world where such draconian methods are not required.
While getting the constipation solve, they may just be drinking !BEER
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Hey @galenkp, here is a little bit of from @fun2learn for you. Enjoy it!Learn how to earn FREE BEER each day by staking your
.Since the Egyptians and Pharohs thought of their cats as GODS... it was a gift to their FUR-GODS
They're demanding...The fur-gods..Mine is anyway. Still, I don't mind. She's worth it.
They are!!